HTML Technical Cheat Sheet


1 HTTP Response Status Codes

Some common Response Codes

Stat Status Message   Meaning <c>
Code       Category
100 100-199   Informational responses Info
200 OK O All good Success
201 Created C New resource created  
202 Accepted A Accepted  
203 Info (N.auth) 1q I Non authoritative info  
204 No content NC No content  
301 Moved permanently M all future requests should to direct to new URL Redirects
302 is Found here F requested resource temporarily resides here  
304 Not modified M good for reducing overhead, says you have it.  
400 Bad request B Request itself was invalid, i.e. bad  
401 Unauthorized U Authentication missing or invalid Client
403 Forbidden F Authenticated user not authorized for resource Errors
404 Not Found F Resource not found  
405 Not Allowed A Method exists but you are not allowed  
406 Not Accepted A Requested MIME type does not match type I can offer  
407 Proxy Auth req'd P Similar to 401, but auth done by proxy  
408 Request Timeout T Server shutdown the request due to time expiring  
409 Conflict C Request conflicts with current state  
410 Gone G The requested resource is no longer available  
413 Request too large L Large  
415 Unsupported Media M request did not specify a Media type that is  
422 Unprocessable U Request was correct and understood, but  
      server unable to process it.  
423 Locked L temporarily unavailble, locked, see "retry-after"  
428 Precondition req. P Files cannot be scanned for malware, need to  
      be forced downloaded  
429 Too many requests T HTTP rate limiting. An API constraint.  
500 Internal Server I Something wrong with the server Server
  error     Errors
502 Bad Gateway G Server got an invalid response from upstream gw  
503 Unavailable U Server is overloaded with requests. try again  
504 Gateway Timeout T upstream server failed to respond on time  

My mnemonic to remember some common Response Codes. "Oh crap! Andy is not captain. Mother f***in ginger!! Brave under fire for almost always protecting toronot's child gangs. Montreal's uber laws problem required too. I but."

Stat Status Message   mnemonic  
100 100-199   Inform 100
200 OK O ok 200
201 Created C charles 201
202 Accepted A Atlas 202
203 Info (N.auth) I is 203
204 No content C no content 204
301 Moved permanently M My 301
302 Found here F first 302
304 Not modified N monkey 304
400 Bad request B Brave 400
401 Unauthorized U under 401
. .   . 402
403 Forbidden F fire 403
404 Not Found F for 404
405 Not Allowed A almost 405
406 Not Acceptable A always 406
407 Proxy Auth req'd P protecting 407
408 Request Timeout T Toronto's 408
409 Conflict C child 409
410 Gone G gangs. 410
413 Request too large L Large 413
415 Unsupported Media M Montreal's 415
422 Unprocessable U uber 422
423 Locked L law 423
---       ---
428 Precondition req. P problem 428
429 Too many requests T too many requests 429
500 Internal Srvr err I IGUT 500
---       501
502 Bad Gateway G IGUT 502
503 Unavailable U IGUT 503
504 Gateway Timeout T IGUT 504

OK Created Accepted info No Content OK Charles Atlas is No Content 200 201 202 203 204

My first monkey 301 302 303

Brave under fire for almost always protecting toronot's child gangs. 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410

Large Montreal's uber law problem too many requests 413 415 422 423 428 429

I - g u t 500 - 502 503 504

2 HTTP is client:server

HTTP is an application layer protocol based on a client/server model where the browser is the web client, and the web server is the server. THe client sends http requests and the server replies back with http responses. These requests and responses are messages.

3 HTTP is stateless

The server does not retain any client information, and each request can be understood in isolation. To get some stateful behaviours, you can use headers. It is also media independent, i.e. any client that understands http can send requests to a server, and get responses.

3.1 HTTP messages

  • encoded in ASCII
  • in HTTP/1.1 messages were openly sent across a tcp connection.
  • in HTTP/2 the once human readable messages are broken up into HTTP frames

4 HTTP Request Structure:

From :

HTTP requests, and responses, share similar structure and are composed of:

  1. A start-line describing the requests to be implemented, or its status of whether successful or a failure. This start-line is always a single line..
  2. An optional set of HTTP headers specifying the request, or describing the body included in the message.
  3. A blank line indicating all meta-information for the request has been sent.
  4. An optional body containing data associated with the request (like content of an HTML form), or the document associated with a response. The presence of the body and its size is specified by the start-line and HTTP headers.

4.1 Start-line

Composed of three elements:

  • GET HTTP/1.1

4.1.1 a) HTTP method that describes the action to be performed

An HTTP method can be a verb

  • GET
  • PUT
  • POST
  • PATCH or an HTTP method can be a noun
  • HEAD

4.1.2 b) ~Resource

A request target~, usually a URL, or the absolute path of the protocol, port, and domain are usually characterized by the request context

4.1.3 c) HTTP (protocol) Version

Will be presently either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2.0

4.1.4 Examples of Request Start lines

PUT  /customers HTTP/1.1

4.1.5 Examples of Response Start lines.

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

4.2 HTTP Headers

Optional a case-insensitive string followed by a colon (':') and a value whose structure depends upon the header. The whole header, including the value, consist of one single line, which can be quite long.

For example:

  • content-type: application/json
  • Authorization: Basic BDz6bmV0uXqlcjpDaXkjTzEQMyE=
  • Accept: application/json # this is the MIME type you will accept
  • Accept-Language: en-us, en-GB;q-0.9, lv-eu-0.9, fr-eu-0.2
  • User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
  • Connection: Keep-Alive

The q=0.9 is the quality factor rating. between 0 and 1, 1 being most preffered.


Figure 1: HTTP Request Structure

4.2.1 General Headers

  • not specific to request or response headers
  • info on message itself, and how to process it
  • Cache-Control:
  • Connection:
  • Date:

4.2.2 Request Headers

  • carry info about the resource to be fetched
  • carry info about the client
  • Accept-(*): define the preferred response
  • Authorization: often a Base64-encoded authentication string, username and password. Can use: echo -n "admin:Cisco123!" | base64 on MacOSx or Linux to generate the base 64 string.
  • Cookie: a list of key-value pairs with more info about session, user, browsing activity, shopping cart, etc
  • Host: specify the host and port # of the resource being requested. this is required
  • User-Agent: info about user agent originating the request.

4.2.3 Response Headers

  • hold info about the response and the server providing it.
  • Age: amount of time since the response was generated.
  • Location: redirect the client to another location
  • Server: Contains the information about the software on the server handling this request
  • Set-Cookie: Used to send cookies from server to client. It's a list of key-value pairs

4.2.4 Entity Headers

contain information about the resposne body

  • Allow: a list of supported methods idenified by the requested resource
  • Content-Type: the media type of the body, MIME type.
  • Content-Language: describes the language for the enclosed body
  • Content-Length: the size of body
  • Content-Location: the resource location for the entity accessible elsewhere
  • Expires: datetime after which content is considered stale
  • Last-Modified: datetime which origin server thinks the content was last modified.

4.2.5 Headers and Body together

The start-line and HTTP headers of the HTTP message are collectively known as the head of the requests, whereas its payload is known as the body.

4.3 A blank line

Always seperates the headers (one line) and the body (one or many lines)

4.4 Body

Final part is the body. Usually get, post, head, delete requests do NOT have a body, because they are just fetching resources. But if a body is there it will have either Content-type or Content-length matching file. or a multi part resource body such as HTML Forms, where each part contains different information.

5 Review of base64 encoding

Where: String composed of "Basic”, followed by a space, followed by the Base64 encoding of “username:password”, NOT including the quotes. For example Basic YWRtaW46TWFnbGV2MTIz, where YWRtaW46TWFnbGV2MTIz is the Base 64 encoding.

To get the credentials into a Base64 encoding you can send username:password through any Base54 encoding site, such as or in terminal:

  • echo -n "username:password" | base64 -n needed to remove the \n from echo string.

For example, echo -n "devnet:Cisco123" | base64 gets me ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzC

Reverse: echo "ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzC" | base64 -d gets me devnet:Cisco123

Note: If you want the password to contain special characters that are normally interpretted by the shell, you must \ escape the character first as in: echo -n "devnet:Cisco123\!" | base64 which is ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzXCEK=

The = or == are padding characters at the end of the string, if it does not land on proper boundary that base64 is looking for.

6 HTTP Response Structure:

From : A response has three parts:

  1. Status line (similar to the start line)
  2. Headers
  3. Body

6.1 Status line

The status line of an HTTP response, called the status line, contains the following three elements:

6.1.1 1) HTTP (protocol) version,

Usually HTTP/1.1.

6.1.2 2) Response (reason) code

Indicating success or failure of the request. a.k.a. Status code. eg:

  • 200,
  • 404,
  • 302

6.1.3 3) Respone code text

A.k.a. status text. A brief, purely informational, textual description of the status code to help a human understand the HTTP message. Like Not Found

A typical status line looks like:

  • HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
  • HTTP/1.1 200 OK

6.2 Response Headers

  • see section above.

6.3 Blank Line

Always seperates the headers (one line) and the body (one or many lines)

6.4 Body

  • same as in HTTP requests, but typically most of what the user is asking for is returned in the body of an HTTP response.

Typically of three categories

  1. Single-resource bodies consisting of a single file of known length, defined by the two headers: Content-Type and Content-Length
  2. Single-resource bodies consisting of a single file of unknown length, encoded by chunks with Transfer-Encoding set to chunked
  3. Multiple-resource bodies consisting of a multipart body, each containing a different section of information, but these are rare.


URLs identify resources targetted by the request.

They are composed of

  • a scheme https://
  • a host
  • a port :9090
  • a path /contact/index.html
  • a query string ?action=show?key2=value2
  • a anchor #page=4


Figure 2: URL

7.1 URI

identifies the resrouce ./org-graphics/url.png~

7.2 URL

tells you where to locate or find it

7.3 URN

uses a URN scheme: urn:people:names:alice.

7.4 curl

curl | python -m json.tool The uri is the usual scheme://host/path/?query The full uri is:

           userinfo          host     port
       ┌───────┴───────┐ ┌────┴─────┐ ┌┴┐
└─┬─┘ └───────────┬─────────────────────┘└─┬─────────────┘└────────┬──────────────────┘└┬─┘
scheme         authority                      path                  query             fragment

curl uses:

  • -X followed by a request verb, GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, or DELETE or
  • -H followed by a header such as a token to send with the requests.
    Device:~# curl -i -k -X "POST" "" \
    >      -H 'Content-Type: application/yang-data+json' \
    >      -H 'Accept: application/yang-data+json' \
    >      -u 'admin:admin' \
    >      -d $'{
    >   "severity": "alerts"
    > }'
  1. -X

    what follows is a request verb: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE

  2. -K <file>

    –config <file> Specify a text file from which to read curl arguments

  3. -H <header>

    –header Either a file of headers or the actual headers

  4. -i

    –include Include the HTTP resposne headers in the output

  5. -v

    –verbose Let's you see request headers.

  6. -u

    Specify user and password -u 'admin:admin'

  7. -d

    –data Sends the specified data in a POST request to the server If the data starts with a @, then what follows is a filename that has the data.

  8. example

8 HTTP/2

HTTP/1.x messages have a few drawbacks for performance:

  • Headers, unlike bodies, are uncompressed.
  • Headers are often very similar from one message to the next one, yet still repeated across connections.
  • No multiplexing can be done. Several connections need opening on the same server: and warm TCP connections are more efficient than cold ones.

HTTP/2 introduces an extra step: it divides HTTP/1.x messages into frames which are embedded in a stream. Data and header frames are separated, this allows header compression. Several streams can be combined together, a process called multiplexing, allowing more efficient use of underlying TCP connections.

As far as the REST APIs, no changes need to be made when using http1.1 vs http2.


Figure 3: HTTP1.1 vs HTTP2

9 HTTP Methods

An HTTP method can be a verb

  • GET
  • PUT
  • POST or an HTTP method can be a noun
  • HEAD

These are what you want done, i.e. the action to perform. Some methods are read-only, or safe, or idempotent. Idempotent reqests can be run many times and the result is the same, with no extra resource allocation on the server.

Some methods are non-idempotent, such as posting a comment on a blog. If you send the post 3 times, you will see three of the same comments posted.

HTTP Idempotent Function
GET Yes Requests a specific resource
POST No Submits an entity to the specified resource
DELETE Yes Deletes the specified resource. Deleting twice
    should not cause any side-effects
PUT No Replaces all current representations of the target
    resources with this payload
HEAD Yes Same as a GET, but only asks for headers, no body
    in the response.
PATCH No Applies partial mods to a resource, when a PUT
    would be too much at once.

10 HTTP Content Negotiation

Because there are so many different form factors in web clients, web server need to be able to negotiate with the clients how to present the content of their responses.

The content returned is determined by various types of request headers of the Accept: form. These headers are only the preferred resource representations

If the server cannot meet the format request it responds with a 406 Content Not Acceptable, i.e. no content conforms to criteria supplied. In my mnemonic, that is:

Brave under fire for almost always protecting toronot's child gangs.
401   402   403  404 405    406    407        408       409   410

Montreal's uber laws problem  too-many-requests
415        422  423  428      429
                                                                      Timeout Conflict Gone
Bad   unauthorized forbidden not-found not-Allowed not-Accepted Proxy Timeout Conflict bad-Gateway
401   402          403       404       405         406          407   408     409      410

Media Unprocessable Locked Precondition  Too-many-requests
415   422           423    428           429


Figure 4: Basic HTTP Content Negotiation

10.0.1 Quality Factor WeightingAll these headers support quality-factor weighting.

In negotiating between acceptable presentation formats, the clients can give a preference for one format over another. This is done through the q-factor ranging from 0 (unacceptable) to 1 (most preferred). 1 is default.

The q-factor is included (optionally) in the Accept- headers with a

  • semicolon
  • q=0.5

For example Accept-Language: en-US;q=0.8, en-GB;q=1, en-IN;q=0.8, *;q=0.7

10.1 Accept: Mime-Types Headers

From Cisco Devnet: A media type represents a general category and the subtype, which identifies the exact kind of data. A general type can be either discrete (representing a single resource) or multipart, where a resource is broken into pieces, often using several different media types (for example, multipart/form-data).

These are the common Mime-Types you may see in REST APIs:

  • Application -
  • Audio
  • Image
  • Text
  • Video

10.2 Accept-Charset: Headers

  • UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1 Sets the preferred character sets, such as UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1. It is important when displaying resources in languages that include special characters.

10.3 Accept-Datetime:

Requests a previous version of the resource, denoted by the point in time with datetime. The value must always be older than the current datetime.

10.4 Accept-Encoding:

Sets the preferred encoding type for the content.

10.5 Accept-Language:

The preferred natural language. Useful for various localizations.

10.6 Quality-factor weighting. (0 < x <= 1)

All these headers support quality-factor weighting.

It allows the user or user agent to indicate the relative degree of preference for that media range, using the q-value scale from 0 to 1. The default value is q=1.

A request header that prefers U.S. English over British English but still prefers British English over Indian English would look like this, with 1 being the default, so if it is omitted, it is 1: These are identical

  • Accept-Language: en-US, en-GB;q=0.9, en-IN;q=0.8, *;q=0.7
  • Accept-Language: en-US;=1.0, en-GB;q=0.9, en-IN;q=0.8, *;q=0.7

10.7 Content Negotiation Example

From Cisco Devnet: These two requests and their corresponding response are for the same data but use different content types.

Request Header:

  • GET Accept: application/json Accept-Language: en-GB


  • { "menu": { "name": "crisps" } }

Request Header:

  • GET Accept: application/xml Accept-Language: en-US


  • <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <menu> <name>chips</name> </menu>

11 Server vs Agent driven Content Negotiation

HTTP provides you with several different content negotiation mechanisms. Generally, they can be split into two groups:

  1. server-driven negotiation (proactive)
  2. agent-driven negotiation (reactive).

11.1 Server-driven negotiation:

(i.e. the server makes the decision)

  1. client submits a request to a server.
  2. The client informs the server which media types it understands
    • ("Accept" header and quality-factor weighting).
  3. The server then supplies the version of the resource that best fits the request. Often, redirection is used to point the client to the correct resource.


Figure 5: Server Driven Negotiation

11.2 Agent-driven Negotiation (a.k.a. client-driven negotiation)

(scales much better than server-driven negotiation) i.e. the server does NOT decide, but merely dumps a list of multiple choices of supported types. the client decides based on this list.

  1. an user agent (or any other client) submits a request to a server. The agent resides on the client side, i.e. browser
  2. The server responds and provides the agent with available representations on the server and their locations, usually with a "300 Multiple Choices" response that depends on the application implementation.
  3. The user agent then makes another request to the desired URL for the actual resource.


Figure 6: Agent Driven Negotiation

12 RPC Style APIs

There is REST APIs and RPC APIs and others less common. RPC are more insterested in getting the server to do something, rather than just retrieving information from it. i.e. "Execute this command"

Server side handles the errors.

  Stengths Weaknesses

Remote Procedure Calls APIs "call" a remote procedure on a different address space. i.e. different computer or different network. This is a style of building an API. THere are several common / practicl implementations:

These are more complex, and less flexible. For example to find if your request was processed correctly, you would have to parse the response from these calls. Contrast that with REST, that gives you a status code on every response. 200 OK means you are good to go, and you do not even need to parse the whole response. That is because, while SOAP and XML-RPC use http, they do so only as a transport, and the body of the messages is still its own protocol in xml.

While REST natively uses HTTP methods as well as HTTP for trasport.

Client sends a call to the server, with parameters.

Server replies with a message.

Clients can send as many RPC "calls" as needed. They are handled concurrently, so can be run asynchronously.

Because the network is involved with remote calls, you need to manage:

  • error handling and procedure errors should be handled on the remote server, then sent back to client.
  • Global variables and their side effects on remote server are hidden to a client. (client has no access to server address space)
  • performance takes a hit on slow networks, plus there is transport overhead.

12.1 SOAP

Simple Object Access Protocol (on WSDL) SOAP has been around since ?? and is often the underlying layer to some of the more complex web services. (based on WSDL, Web Services Description Lanaguage) WSDL is an interface for describing functionalities offered by web services, which in turn make discover and integration with a remote web service very straightforward.

SOAP is extensible. Features can be added without major updates to the implementation. Security (WS-Security or WSS) and WS-Addressing can be added to SOAP.

SOAP is neutral. SOAP is not protocol specific and is able to operate over several different transport protocols, such as HTTP, TCP, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), and so on.

SOAP is independent It supports any programming model (object-oriented, functional, imperative, and so on), platform, and language.

The SOAP spec defines the messaging framework in four parts

  1. Envelope - Ids the XML document as a SOAP message. Is required
  2. Header - contains the SOAP header information.
  3. Body - contains the remote call, parameters, and response information.
  4. Fault - Provides information about any errors that occurred..

Example of a SOAP request:

 POST /Quotation HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset = utf-8
Content-Length: nnn

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
   xmlns:SOAP-ENV = ""
   SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle = "">

   <SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:m = "">

Example of a SOAP request:

POST /Quotation HTTP/1.0
Content-Type: text/xml; charset = utf-8
Content-Length: nnn

<?xml version = "1.0"?>
   xmlns:SOAP-ENV = ""
   SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle = "">

   <SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:m = "">


Simple, light-weight RPC protocol, encoded in JSON with just these few data types:

  • string
  • integer
  • boolean
  • null

And just these commands:

  • params
  • method
  • id

It supports notifications like sending data to the server that does not require a response. (useful for asynchronous updates and batch requests that have multiple requests inside one request body)

A standard protocol for procedure call support (lightweight) can run over HTTP, but is NOT a REST API. defines the REQUEST and RESONSE format only for sending communication from one device to another. Can send CLI commands.

Watch the transaction ids (to repond to the correct request)


    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "method": "cli",
    "params": {
      "cmd": "show ip int brief vrf management",
      "version": 1
    "id": 1

This example had "method": "cli" which returns nice structured data, jsonrpc data. This format is the easiest way for programs to consume it. The other option is "cli-ascii" which would return a more traditional, human readable cli output, as one raw string. Some older "screen scraping" scripts may want this type of output.


  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "result": {
   "body": {
    "TABLE_intf": {
     "ROW_intf": {
      "intf-name": "mgmt0",
      "prefix": "",
      "ip-disabled": "FALSE",
      "iod": 2,
      "proto-state": "up",
      "link-state": "up",
      "admin-state": "up"
   "id": 1

See also JSON-RPC :

12.3 XML-RPC

Similar to SOAP, however less structured, with fewer constraints. It supports the basic types plus more complex types like Base64, array, datetime, struct. It also support basic http authentication

2019 XML-RPC "reboot" is a re-issue, this time supporting JSON.

12.4 Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)

See the dedicated org file on NETCONF

Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF) is a network device configuration management protocol that provides mechanisms to install, manipulate, and delete configurations on network devices. It also provides a mechanism for notification subscriptions and asynchronous message delivery.

Has four layers:

12.4.1 Content Layer

Contains the actual configuration and notification dataa.

12.4.2 Operations Layer

Defines a set of base protocol operations to retriev and edit the config data. like <get>,<get-config>,<edit-config>, <lock>, <create-subscription>, <kill-session>, and more.

12.4.3 Message Layer

provides a mechanism for encoding remote procedure clls. They ar encoded in

  • RPC invocations, <rpc> message,
  • RPC replies, <rpc-reply>
  • RPC notifications <notification>

12.4.4 Secure transport layer

ensures a secure and reliable transport between client and server. (it uses ssh, and hence TLS transport level security)

12.5 gRPC

ever increasing in popularity, it is open source, built with performance in mind. Performance comes from using HTTP/2, so supports multiplexing requests.

gRPC uses a special format for data serialziation, called Protocol Buffers. (which is a compressed binary format, before sending it)


Figure 7: gRPC Message

13 REST Style APIs

REST is NOT a protocol. Respresentational State Transform, has endpoints representing resources. When a REST API is called, the server tranfers a representation of the state of the resource to the client.

  • Was created with HTTP in mind.
  • Uses HTTP methods as its set operations, so:
    • GET
    • PUT
    • DELETE
  • message serialization can be JSON, plus others.
  • simple
  • excellent performance.
  • REST does not use a fixed response format

14 REST Overview

First, a common misconception is that :

  • REST means a server that exchanges JSON documents with a client over HTTP

This is not always true. The REST specification does NOT require HTTP or JSON, in fact there is no mention of JSON or XML at all. See the REST architectural constraints as follows.

  • Client-Server architecture: the Server manages app data and state, while the client handles the user interactions. A clean separation of concerns so both can evolve independently, as long as their API (interface) is met.
  • Statelessness each request stands on its own. Server keeps no client state.
  • Cacheability can work, but need to indicate to all involved, and be careful you don't get stale data in responses. So, all responses must define themselves as cacheable or not
  • Uniform Interface clients only need the URI, they do not need to know the details of the server internals on how the responses were composed. So, the server messages must contain enough info to be self-descriptive, i.e the messages need to be HATEOAS,
    • H.ypermedia A.s T.he E.ngine O.f A.pplication S.tate
  • Layered so that clients cannot tell whether it is connected to the end server or some intermediate load-balancer, proxy, or cache. A client may send a credit card payment that is actually processed by a financial provider, and not by the target web server. Client can't tell.
  • Code on Demand, servers need to be able to send code to client sometimes. i.e. Javascript.
  • Data can be streamed, so processing of large files can be done on the fly and not require large memory to store the whole thing. GOod for IOT and small IOT raspberry pies etc.

14.1 REST implementations

REST natively uses HTTP Methods.

HTTP client REST  
GET getResource() retrieves info
POST createResource() creates data
DELETE deleteResource() deletes data
PUT update (replace) replaces a field with data from body
PATCH update updates a field with request data
    or creates the field if not exists


Figure 8: REST communication

But REST also gets benefits from standard HTTP cacheing, compreshion, encryption as well.

CRUD –> Create Read Update Delete

Create –> Post
Read –> Get
Update (replace) –> Put
Update –> Patch
Delete –> Delete

Compare that with NETCONF actions:

<get> GET
<get-config> GET
<edit-config> POST
<copy-config> ?
<delete- ?
<commit> ?
<lock> / ?
<close- ?
session> ?

The ? because there RESTCONF does not have these functions???

14.2 Simple REST API in Python code example:

Bare bones:

import requests
import json

url = 'https://{{amp4e_client_id}}:{{amp4e_api_key}}@{{amp4e_host}}/v1/computers'

response = requests.get(url=url, params=None)
status_code = response.status_code
content = json.loads(response.content)

print(f' Status code: {status_code} ')
print(f' Response content: {content} ')

Now with headers:

import requests
url = 'https://{{amp4e_client_id}}:{{amp4e_api_key}}@{{amp4e_host}}/v1/computers'
url = "https://85f5553ffa9425b99189:"

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Basic ODVmNTUlas4mYTk0Mj23ggadfhr5uzdfgDQxZGUshdfhje34uyh34rtgfdbJdfgsfhhshhkerzQ1'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=400)


Notice there are more than one way to use requests. I should investigate if some are deprecated or they do different things.

15 Benefits of REST

Know this table.

Advantages Better scalability, Higher security and
  performance and flexiblity standardization
Disadvtgs Less secure and not suitable Increased complexity and
  for distributed environments poorer performance
Message Any XML only
Transfer HTTP Many; depends on the
Protocol   protocol
Approach Data-driven (data as a Function-driven (data as
  resource a function call)


Is a REST client tool that let's you build requests and examine responses and save collections of requests in a collection. You can develop your app, or analyze how a web server works so that you can then build a script that automates a REST API to this web server.

See this very good document on Postman authorization, which is applicable to any REST API authentication: sending-request/authorization

16.1 Know the initial value vs current value

Initial values get shared when you share your collection, so DON'T put your keys here.

16.2 Know environments

The same collection can be played against a production or a test environ, so postman environements lets you set different variables when in one or another.

16.3 Code generation

Know how to get code.

16.4 Scopes in Postman

  1. global
  2. collection (initial) (broadest)
  3. environment (initial) (narrowest)
  4. ? I think there is also an override a specific request, i.e. adding a header manually. I think that that overrides my environment settings, and collection, adn global. >>>> I need to test this. <<<<<

17 API Constraints

Often the REST API response is too large to come back as a single response. REST API benefits from the native HTTP functionality to break up large requests into many smaller ones.

17.1 Pagination

Use URL parameters to set the page size limit, and page number as the offset. Called offset pagination. Easy and safe. Mostly involves safely passing those parameters to SQL as shown. Because all the data needed is contained in the request, offset-pagination is stateless.


Figure 9: Offset pagination into SQL

17.2 Native API pagination

Sometimes the API takes care of pagination by itself. You get links to relevant pages in a response. These links contain the reference itself, and links to the previous page, and the next page. If next page link is empty or missing, you can assume the current page is the last page.

Native API pagination saves time, and makes code easier on the client, and increases efficiency, especially with large datasets.


Figure 10: Native API pagination

17.3 Cisco Web API standards pagination

RFC 5988 specifies how pagination is to work with this Cisco standard.

17.4 Filtering (and sorting) with URL parameters

This also utilizes the HTTP standards, this time using URL parameters.

For example:


Figure 11: Filtering via URL Parameters

17.5 Handling large server load

Even the best designed API can get bogged down in high load conditions. Fortunately there is rate limiting built into either the server side, or the client side.

17.6 client side limiting

Client-side rate limiting is usually implemented in the client application and limits the client from performing a large number of tasks that are costly for the API itself (with a timer, loading bar, or something similar). Here you are limiting the rate of API requests sent to the web server.

17.7 server side limiting

  • more effective
  • can be per user, say 1000 requests API calls per day, or if you pay a premium account 500 API calls per hour.
  • limiting requests/second would mitigate DOS attacks
  • web servers can limit rates based on region too, i.e. Canada can limit requests/second from Russia or China.

17.8 payload limiting

Is server-side limiting, that puts a limit on the size of the accepted payload, in bytes. Think video upload to a cloud storage site.

By reducing the size of the body within a HTTP request sent by the client, you reduce the chance of that request being corrupted while transporting, increase the speed it can be processed, and limit damage someone malicious could inflict by sending a 1GB size picture for example.

If payload is exceeded in size, the server will return 413 Request Entity Too Large


Figure 12: Payload Size Limiting

API calls can be throttled using:

17.8.1 HTTP headers

Headers like X-RateLimit-Limit And X-RateLimit-Remaining are used to keep track of the number of used and remaining API calls for a period of time.

17.8.2 Message queues:

Incoming API calls can be put into a queue, which makes sure the API endpoint itself is not overloaded.

17.8.3 Software libraries and algorithms:

Many libraries and algorithms have been created for the purpose of rate limiting, such as leaky bucket, fixed window, and Sliding Log.

17.8.4 Reverse proxies and load balancers:

Load balances and reverse proxies (like NGINX) feature rate limiting as a built-in feature.

17.9 429 Too Many Requests HTTP response code.

The response code 429 often includes a Retry-After header that tells the client how long to wait before trying again.

It makes sense to expect a certain amount of problems when using remote APIs. Therefore, your code should handle those errors, and even, where available, check on the health of the service, before sending a big request. Therefore, writing good code means checking for status of APIs and waiting to retry rather than just crashing with a Traceback. For example a client might use this to check API health:

Example of a simple API Health Check

def checkStatus(url):
    # Check API Status
    status = requests.get(url + "/api/status")
    if status.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception("Unexpected status code: " + status.status_code)
   except Exception as e:
       print(f" API endpoint encountered an error: {e} ")

More detailed client might implement something that retries reading users 10 times with 30 second intervals in-between. Each time, the client checks for HTTP code 200 OK because that means the request did not time out.

Also, you requested "users" but the response might contain different data, so it is best practice to trust but verify, i.e. make sure you are getting what you expected to get.

import requests

def getUsers(url):
    max_retries = 10
    timeout = 30

    for retry_count in range(max_retries):
        api_users = requests.get(url + "/api/users")
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error encountered while reading users.. Retrying")

    if api_users.status_code == 200:
        return api_users

    raise Exception("Retry limit reached!")   

You can use these time-out schemes:

  • linear for example (5, 10, 15, 20)
  • exponential for example (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32)

Timeouts produce 408 Request Timeout (unless server is acting as a proxy in which case it would be 504 Gateway Timeout ) Unless the server is a simplistic one, in which case youtmight only see 404 Not Found

18 Authentication

  • Authentication proves who you are.
  • Authorization controls what you can do.
  • API keys identify the calling project - the application or site - making the call to an API
  • Authentication tokens identify a user - the person - that is using the app or site.

19 REST API Authentication

Most REST APIs use HTTP headers to store various authentiation credentials.

To make a REST API request often need to authenticate. Reading the REST API documentation will indicate what if any authentication is needed. Some common authentication methods include

  • sending a username and password that then gets an expirable token. This is a combination of Basic HTTP authentication and Custom token authentication
  • Others use an OAuth2 protocol and integrate with an identity provider that clients authenticate against. For example, Webex teams APIs implement BOTH OAuth2 and self-issued tokens for Bot accounts and for developer testing purposes.
  • API key (need the key first) For Cisco Meraki, once you enable API access using your logged in user in, clients can generate an API key for programmatic use, and copy that to their script.

But Typically you will use Basic Authentication with RESTCONF, passing username and passwords from the client to the server via an "Authentication" header.

There are three general apporaches that REST APIs use for authentication, and 1) Basic authentication, 2) API key authentication 3) Custom Token authentication .

19.1 1) Basic HTTP authentication (for users)

uses the native/built-in http authentication

  • Con: every API request must have authentication details (same for API key). (compare with custom token where no authentication details are sent. Instead, a token is sent)

19.2 2) API key authentication (for programs/apps)

uses pre-generated API keys that client adds to a header (usually X-API-Key)

  • Con: every API request must have authentication details (same for basic auth). (compare with custom token where no authentication details are sent. Instead, a token is sent)
  • client manually adds the pre-generated key to the request
  • server generates the key in an earlier basic authenticated web session
  • the key is Base64 encoded, so it can be transported via HTTP
  • key can use HTTP headers, either Authentication: or Authorization:
  • key can use URL parameter
  • key can use cookies, (i.e. as a header)

    The server receives the request, parses it, decodes the key, compares to a table containing valid keys, then either allows or sends 401 Unauthorized error in the response.

In python, using the requests built-in module it would look like:

headers = {'X-Api-Key': 'gahwo135n2nf'}
payload = {'user': {'name': name, 'age': age}}
response = | '/users', headers=headers, data=payload)

Invalid keys lead to 401 Unauthorized response error codes.

If key is good, but you are not authorized to do the job, you will gets 403 Forbidden.

  • Weak, as the same key is sent in every single request, can be compromised
  • Custom tokens solves this problem, but they are for users, not apps/scripts

Under Meraki's dashboard, under account profile, I can generate a new meraki key, or revoke a compromised meraki key:


Figure 13: Meraki Keys

Using these keys as a URL parameter

  • GET /users? api_key=28fnhu781gab44

Using these keys as an HTTP cookies

  • GET /users Cookie: api_key=28fnhu781gab44

19.3 3) Custom Token authentication (for users)

A dynamcially generated token is used. Also known as access token.

Here's the process:

  1. a client tries to access the web server
  2. client is not authenticated, so client is redirected to an authentication server. where client provides username:password (i.e. basic auth). This is done with a POST request for example to: htps://
    • username:password in base64 encoding (lets say that is stored in {{myusepass64}} in the headers of the request.
    • Authorization: {{myusepass_64}} would be the header used by Postman.
  3. Authentication server validates the credentials given, and generates a custom, time-limited, signed authentication token and returns it in the response
  4. client requests now contain this proper, valid token in headers, or URL parameters or cookies?, and that is passed to the API
  5. The API services validates the token and servers up the response.


Figure 14: Postman using dna/system/api/v1/auth/token

In theory this is what is happening:


Figure 15: REST API Custom Token Authentication

The authentication server is often an external service (for example, OpenID) that is used in combination with an authorization mechanism (for example, OAuth 2.0). The tokens themselves often contain some authorization data as well. Authentication servers are commonly used to issue tokens that can be used with many different services from different vendors (for example, using Google authentication to log in to an unrelated site that has implemented Google sign-in).

The term that is commonly used for this type of authentication (and authorization) is single sign-on (SSO). SSO is gaining in popularity, because it is very useful for services that require third-party authorization (for example, sharing an article from a news site on a social media account) or for businesses that offer several different services but want users to use the same identity for all of them (for example, Google Apps, your company enterprise environment, and so on).

The pros of custom token authentication include: Pros:

19.3.1 Faster response times:

Only the token (and maybe its session) has to be validated instead of the credentials. Sessions are often kept in very fast in-memory databases (for example, Redis), while credentials are kept in nonvolatile memory relational databases.

19.3.2 Simplicity of cross-service use:

This reduces the number of the authentication systems needed in an organization and unifies authentication and authorization policies across the services.

19.3.3 Increased security:

The credentials are not passed with every request, but rather only once in the beginning and periodically after that when the token expires. This way, it reduces the chance of success and viable time frame for any man-in-the-middle or cross-site attacks.

Cons: While offering a step forward in most areas of authentication, custom token authentication is:

19.3.4 a bit more complex than the other types.

19.3.5 less control

There is also less granular control over individual tokens, because in case the private key of the authentication server gets compromised, all the tokens must be invalidated.

19.4 3) Custom Tokens continued, Oauth 2.0

A modern standard for authorizing network connections between disparate services.

  • allows an app to post to your twitter feed.
  • allows a login to github using Google account
  • allows IOT device, like a temperature sensor and its cloud based back end, post daily temperature readings in a google sheets, or google docs
  • allows an API or CLI on your laptop access remote public cloud service without storing your username/password in that API, or CLI.
  • Allows SSO, a single corporate user login access to a bunch of websites, services, and applications.

As you can see OAuth2.0 is really just an implementation of Customer Token


Figure 16: OAuth2.0 Authorization

19.4.1 OAuth2.0


  • protect client secrets
  • simple clients and resource servers (no need to store sensitive info)
  • easy to renew and revoke access to resource servers
  • exposing an expiring (short lived) tokens is not as problematic as exposing username and password
  • tokens are anonymouse, so they do not leak sensitive info, i.e. which user, which server, which app?
  • authentiation can be done on a per-message basis instead of per session, which can be highjacked.

19.4.2 Cisco and OAUTH

  • uses resource owner name and password as the authorization grant mechanism i.e. "Basic Auth" for authorization grant mechanism.

Because the client and the resource owner are the same entity, the workflow can be simplified to this:

  1. first request: include username and password to request a token for subsequent requests.
    • headers have username and password
    • that is formed by concatenating the string "Basic" with base64 encoding of the username:password,
  2. OAuth uses the received token in the X-Auth-Token field in headers that are sent to authenticate the action. Usually in json format:
  3. all subsequent requests use this e X-Auth-Token header

19.5 Comparing these 3

  • API keys need to be store, and they are static, so they are not as secure.
  • Basic auth encodes username:password in Base64, but that is not encryption just an encoding, that is easy to decode, so less secure.
  • hashed credentials are more secure, because credentials are never sent in the clear.
  • Basic http auth parameters

19.6 Authentication when a proxy is used

To handle HTTP authentication through a proxy, one can use special proxy headers.

20 HTTP built-in authentication

HTTP authentication uses several different authentication schemes:

  • Anonymous (no authentication)
  • Basic (Base64-encoded credentials as username:password)

HTTP has its own authentication process that your API can use. The process goes like this:

  1. a client makes a request to an HTTP server. If the request is unauthenticated (and hence unauthorized), the server's response is a 401 unauthorized with a WWW-Authenticate HTTP header in the response.
  2. The client examines the returned header, and picks which authentication method should be used to gain access to the resource. The header could have several methods offered.
  3. the client sends another request, this time including the Authorization header, that contains the a) authentication type and b) credentials The realm is what resources the client is asking for, and normally should have access to on the server
  4. The server responds with a 200 OK or a 403 Forbidden! depending on the results of the credential check.

A UML sequence diagram of the HTTP messages exchanged bewteen the client and server:


Figure 17: HTTP Authentication Sequence

20.1 HTTP authentication schemes:

There are several:

  • Anonymous (no auth)
  • Basic (Base64-encoded credentials as username:password)
  • Bearer (HTTP implementation of custom token authentication)
  • Digest (MD5-hashed credentials)
  • Mutual (2-way auhentication)
  • Others (uncommon) such as HMAC, HOBA, AWS, OAuth, Negotiate…

These ALL should be used with TLS, i.e. https as a minimum.


import requests
import base64

def authenticate(url, username, password):

    auth_type = 'Basic'
    creds = '{}:{}'.format(username, password)
    creds_b64 = base64.b64encode(creds)
    headers = {'Authorization': '{}{ {}'.format(auth_type,creds_b64)}

    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('Authentication error: {}'.format(response))
    except Exception as e:
    print('Authentication unsuccessful!  Error returned was: {}'.format(response))

    print('Authentication successful!')

20.2 Create a new user using API key authentication using Python

This example, taken from Cisco Devnet shows how one can create a new user, using API key authentication.

def createUser(url, name, age):
    headers = {'X-API-Key': '28fnhu781gab44'}
    payload = {'user': {'name': name, 'age': age}}

    response = + '/users', headers=headers, data=payload)

    if response.status_code == 401:
        raise Exception('API key invalid')
    elif response.status_code == 403:
        raise Exception('API key not authorized!')
    elif response.status_code != 200:
        raise Exception('API error: {}'.format(response))

    except Exception as e:
    print(f'User creation failed!  Error:{e}')
    print('User creation failed!  Error:{}'.format(e))

    print(f' User {name} created successfully!')

20.3 Where to find the REST API documentation

Usually REST API documentaiton is written to open standards, such as OpenAPI(Swagger) or RAML. Cisco DevNet site publishes them under these menus. Start at

  1. Technologies menu
  2. Developer tools
  3. Developer documentation

20.4 Webex Authentication

Right out of help(api) where api = WebexTeamsAPI() in python.

#+BEGINEXAMPLE An access token must be used when interacting with the Webex Teams API.

This package supports three methods for you to provide that access
1. You may manually specify the access token via the `accesstoken`
argument, when creating a new WebexTeamsAPI object.
2. If an accesstoken argument is not supplied, the package checks
for a WEBEXTEAMSACCESSTOKEN environment variable.
3. Provide the parameters (clientid, clientsecret, oauthcode and
oauthredirecturi) from your oauth flow.


Secure version of http, using TLS, transport layer security. It uses digital certificates. TLS replaces the older SSL. Port 443 is the default port.

  • the TLS session needs to be established first
  • Still, HTTPS is considereda a stateless protocol.
  • uses public key cryptography. Uses key pairs, and public and private keys.
  • public keys are known as "certificates".
  • public-private key cryptography a.k.a. asymetric cryptography.

21.1 Digital certificates

  • provide identity, called "public certificates"
  • signed by a trusted third party, called "certificate authorities".
  • public keys are then retrieved from this third party, to make it harder for both pairs of keys between two parties being intercepted, and replaced, in a "man in the middle" attack.

21.2 Global, trusted CAs

Only a few global certificate authorities exist. They are, IdenTrust, Comodo, Let's Encrypt.

  • use a trust chain, of signed certificates that are themselves signed by other trusted certificates.
  • Info in a certificate is defined in the X.509 standard.


Figure 18: Trust Chain of Certificate Authorities

21.2.1 X.509 standard

Certificates that are X.509 standard, contain these fields

  • public key owner
  • DN of owner (Distinguised Name)
  • DN of CA
  • valid from and expiry dates
  • unique serial number of certificate
  • protocol information

Some digital certificates are:

  • single domain - applies to only one hostname.
  • wildcard - applies to an entire domain and its subdomains
  • multidomain - applies to and

21.3 TLS handshake

Initiated by the client.


Figure 19: TLS Handshake

This depicts using RSA encryption algorithm. Other algorithms may or may not exchange secrets the same way, i.e. keyless SSL, Diffe-Hellman

Risks are at the TLS handshake phase, and HTTPS itself, though low, or a compromised CA. All the attacks attempt to be a MIM, man in the middle.

Risks are:

  • HTTPS spoofing fake certificates are sent to the client, thus making the client trust your connecion as a real one
  • SSL hijacking fake authentiation keys are copied to the client and server, thus getting full access (unencrypted in the middle) to the connection.
  • SSL stripping converts the https connection to a http connection by interrupting the TLS handshake and exploiting HTTP redirects
  • Downgrade attacks abuses systems that try to support backward compatibility by insisting the connection use an older, less secure or less protected version of s/w in order to exploit known vulnerabilities in the old s/w.
  • Software bugs for unpatched systems, known bugs are disastrous, for example, heartbleed was such an exploit.
  • Phishing attacks trick the user to accept a fraudulent certificate. 'nuff said.

21.4 Handling Secrets in APIs

Keep your certs, your API keys, your tokens secure!! They are the weakest link in your security chain. The solution is proper Credential Management.

Principles to live by:

  1. Avoid hard-coding credentials in scripts/programs
    • lead to loss of portability
    • loss of flexibility
    • poor management. think about upgrading credentials in all your various scripts and files. this would take lots of time and be error prone
    • is insecure if for instance you store your code in a revision mgt system such as git. There for the taking/stealing!!
  2. Use softcoding of your credentials. That means retrieving your credentials from an external source for instance:
    • environmental variables meraki_user = os.environ["MERAKI_USER"]
    • external env modules
    • configuration files # you could import configparser
    • use cookies
      cookies = {'cookies': f'api_key={}'}
  3. mind your logging First of all, take care when you write messages to a log file, that those messages never contain credentils. Secondly, a good idea to periodically search your logs for credentials, and fix them before someone else finds them and hacks you.
    • Use a true-fals switch for logging sensitive info. i.e. log lots in dev, but very little in prod environments.
    • Regularly "mask" credentials in logs, if they ever do appear. Similar to the concept of egress filtering on firewalls that strip credit card info, or credentials on traffic exiting a firewall.
    • implement credential partitioning for users, with different credentials needed for different tasks.
  4. Mind your http headers if you send credenti~als as headers, make sure it is https and not http.
  5. Encrypt data at rest In transit it should be encrypted by TLS, but at rest use symetric key encryption to encrypt/decrypt credentials when you need them. Will need effective key management to keep track of the different keys for the different functions of your project. Encrypting data at rest can be:
    • full disk encryption
    • file system encryption
    • database encryption

22 XSS has to be monitored.

Hackers can run their own code inside your web server if you don't protect yourself.

23 php

A web page that contains the tags <?php …. ?> tells the server to interpret the code within these tags and execute it. The code is called a php script and the execution is done on the server, so this is also called server-side scripting. If you want to run code on the client, the web page can contain java script code. This is called client-side scripting.

23.1 Home