My Personal Notes on the Yang Data Model


See also: for details on using YANG, & NETCONF


Yet Another Next Generation, YANG YANG is the data modelling language. It is a modern replacement of mibs used in snmp. Could think of it as SNMPv4.

Do not confuse with YANG Data Models. (see YANG Data Models below)

Here is some YANG

  module ietf-interfaces {
  import ietf-yang-types {
    prefix yang;
  container interfaces {
    list interface {
      key "name";
      leaf name {
        type string;
      leaf enabled {
        type boolean;
        default "true";

You will notice that the YANG model has these statements:

  • model
  • augment
  • container
  • list
  • leaf

That follows this YANG data model

- Model
  - container
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf
      - leaf
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf
    - leaf
  - container
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf

From Wikipedia, "YANG (Yet Another Next Generation)[3] is a data modeling language for the definition of data sent over network management protocols such as the NETCONF and RESTCONF. The YANG data modeling language is maintained by the NETMOD [6] working group in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and was published as RFC 6020 in October 2010. The data modeling language can be used to model both configuration data as well as state data of network elements. Furthermore, YANG can be used to define the format of event notifications emitted by network elements and it allows data modelers to define the signature of remote procedure calls that can be invoked on network elements via the NETCONF protocol. The language, being protocol independent, can then be converted into any encoding format, e.g. XML or JSON, that the network configuration protocol supports.

YANG is a modular language representing data structures in an XML tree format. The data modeling language comes with a number of built-in data types. Additional application specific data types can be derived from the built-in data types. More complex reusable data structures can be represented as groupings. YANG data models can use XPATH expressions to define constraints on the elements of a YANG data model.

YANG models were defined in 2010. RFC 6020 NETCONF defined in 2006, RFC 4741 RESTCONF defined in 2017, RFC 8040 gRPC defined in 2015, by Google.


Figure 1: YANG Data Model Structure

2 Transport (Protocols) vs Data (Model)

Transport Protocol could be NETCONF, RESTCONF, or gRPC, but all of these carry the same data, represented in this case. YANG Data Model. i.e. Payload is in the YANG format.

YANG is expressed in XML, so an instance of something modelled in YANG, is an XML document. As such, there is a mapping from a YANG model into a XML document.


Figure 2: Data Nodes Generically Mapped to XML

YANG attributes are defined in leafs, which maps to an XML document element with the same name. Note: in the XML document, the lists remain un-named, and un-ordered, and do nost contain any <list></list> elements. If you need such elements, you would use a container in the YANG model. i.e. Lists are used for multiple instances in an XML doc, but not attributes or leaf objects.

3 YANG Data, YANG Data Models, or "written in YANG".

They all basically mean the same thing, depending on the Context.

3.1 1. YANG as a Data Modelling Language

First and foremost it is a data modelling language.

  • Self-contained top-level hierarchy of nodes
  • Uses "containers" to group related nodes
  • Lists to identify nodes that are stored in a sequence
  • Each individual attribute of a node is represented by a Leaf
  • Every leaf must have a associated type

So we have

- Model
  - container
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf
      - leaf
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf
    - container
      - leaf
      - leaf
    - leaf
    - leaf
    - leaf
  - container
    - leaf
    - list
      - leaf
      - leaf


Figure 3: YANG Structure

Note: "container" in the YANG context are simply hierarchical grouping of YANG data. NOT docker "containers".

Note: "leaf" in the YANG context is simply a lowest level object, with no sub-objects in the YANG data model. It has NOTHING to do with leaf switches in a spine-leaf architecture.

Here is an example of the ietf-interfaces standard YANG model, written in the YANG language":

module ietf-interfaces {

  namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces";
  prefix if;

  import ietf-yang-types {
    prefix yang;

  container interfaces {
    list interface {
      key "name";g
      leaf name {
	 type string;
      leaf enabled {
	type boolean;
	default "true";

Notice that the start is called a "module". That is why 'yang model' and 'yang module' are loosely the same thing.

3.1.1 Namespace

Inside of Netconf, the namespace is used to distinguish between different yang models that a device may support. Inside a device, it may support hundreds of yang data models. When specifying a node(leaf) from one model vs another model you first specify the namespace that the node is in. that is done with the

  • xmlns=

field, that identifies the urn of that namespace

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interfaces xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces">
          <name>GigabitEthernet 1/0</name>

And another example of using namespaces where leafs called "address" can refer to different things depending on the namaspace you are in. In this case address in ipv4 and address in ipv6:

<rpc xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:netconf:base:1.0" message-id="101">
      <interfaces xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interfaces">
          <ipv4 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ip">
          <ipv6 xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-ip">
      <routing xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-routing">

3.2 YANG device models and service models:

3.2.1 device data models

provide a descriptive, standardized description of networking entities.

  • inteface
  • vlan
  • device acl
  • tunnel
  • osfp
  • etc

3.2.2 service data models

this brings it up a layer and can describe larger, network-wide things.

  • l3 mpls vpn
  • mp-bgp
  • vrf
  • network acl
  • system management
  • network faults
  • etc.

3.3 YANG structure: containers to leafs

3.4 yang description

module that is a self-contained top-level hierarchy of nodes uses containers to group related nodes, lists to identify nodes that are stored in squence

4 yang data models (a.k.a. yang data modules)

yang itself is a language. there are about 5 "standard" data models that use yang:

  1. ietf,
  2. itu,
  3. google's openconfig, &
  4. vendor specific.

4.1 YANG Data Models

A data model is simply a well understood and agreed upon method to describe "something". It is a representation of what we are after. As an example consider this simple "data model" for a person:

  • Person
    • Gender
      • male, female, other
    • Height
      • feet/inches or meters
    • Weight
      • Pounds or Kilograms
    • Hair Colour
      • Brown, Black, Red, Blonde, other
    • Eye Colour
      • Brown, Blue, Green, Hazel, Black, other

    In the network industry we lacked a common model. YANG made to fix that and provide a uniform, standardized model. Think of YANG as SNMP v5 where in place of MIB and MIB trees with have a YANG datamodel that can model not just configuration, but state of an object as well. Also note, that the configuration and state of an object in YANG is modelled separately, with typically the configuaration having r/w attributes where state fields are all r/o fields. This makes sense to me, as you should not be resetting or altering the packet counts on an interface

    Configuration YANG model read-write
    State YANG model read-only


Figure 4: YANG Data Models

4.1.1 industry standard

ietf, itu, google's openconfig

  1. ietf-diffserv-policy.yang
  2. ietf-diffserv-classifier.yang
  3. ietf-diffserv-target.yang

4.1.2 ietf models (only three listed here, but they are common ones)

  • ietf-interfaces RFC 8343
  • ietf-inet-types
  • ietf-yang-types


developed by google because they thought there were too many yang data models out there. ironically they created another standard.

From their website:

"OpenConfig is an informal working group of network operators sharing the
goal of moving our networks toward a more dynamic, programmable
infrastructure by adopting software-defined networking principles such as
~declarative configuration~ and model-driven management and operations."

4.1.4 Example Openconfig Model

module openconfig-interfaces {
  yang-version "1";
  grouping interfaces-top {
    container interfaces {
      list interface {
	key "name";
	leaf name {
	  type leafref {
	    path "../config/name";
	container config {
	  uses interface-phys-config;

4.1.5 Vendor Specific

For example Cisco cisco-memory-stats.yang cisco-flow-monitoring cisco=qos-action-qlimit-cfg cisco-memory=stats.yang cisco-qos-action-qlimit-cfg

4.1.6 Downloadable from :

Download these models to examine them from github < C-c C-o to open > I used: git clone

OpenConfig models are avaiable from

4.2 Cisco XR Yang data models

XR devices ship with the YANG files that define the data models they support. Using a management protocol (e.g. NETCONF, gRPC, RESTCONF), you can programmatically query a device for the list of models it supports and retrieve the model files. In addition, the XR models are made publicly available for download on GitHub. You can use that repository to explore the XR native models.


Figure 5: YANG on IOS-XR and NXOS


Figure 6: YANG on IOS-XE

4.3 Displaying YANG Data Models

Depending on your needs and context, you can display YANG data modes,

  • YANG Language # good if you are writing YANG models, but otherwise too detailed.
  • Clear Text
  • XML
  • JSON * often a good choice, easier to understand etc.
  • HTML/JavaScript * often a good choice, easier to understand etc.

4.4 Source of Truth for my specific platform?

Need to go to the device itself and download the schema. You can use YANG Suite from Cisco (free).

4.5 YANG ordered-by

The "ordered-by" statement defines whether the order of entries within a list are determined by the user or the system. The argument is one of the strings "system" or "user". If not present, order defaults to "system".

This statement is ignored if the list represents state data, RPC output parameters, or notification content.

5 YANG Device models vs YANG Service models

A YANG model could describe a service such as an MPLS VPN service.

6 YANG terminology

6.1 Containers (top level objects)

  • not to be confused with Docker containers

6.2 Leafs (Attributes of a container)

  • not to be confused with a leaf switch in a spine-leaf fabric

6.3 RW are read-write attributes

6.4 RO are read-only attributes

6.5 Type Definitions

Every leaf has a type. The Yang model, or the language states that every leaf has a very specific type associated with it.

6.6 Identities

6.7 Features

6.8 Container interfaces *

These are typically what a developer/operator are interested in.

7 Notifications

From Cisco training:* The next listing shows a notification, with the YANG definition followed by an example in XML encoding.

YANG Definition:

notification link-failure {
  description "A link failure has been detected";
  leaf if-name {
    type leafref { path "/interface/name"; }
  leaf if-admin-status { type admin-status; }
  leaf if-oper-status { type oper-status; }

The same definition, now in the XML encoding:

<notification xmlns="…">
  <link-failure xmlns="…">

NETCONF notifications are defined in RFC 5277. This optional capability is an addition to the base NETCONF definition. The notification mechanism is conceptually one of subscribing to a stream of notifications with a filter, and with start and stop times for notification replay.

The notification statement takes one argument, which is an identifier, followed by a block of substatements that holds detailed notification information.

The example has the YANG definition for a link failure notification, including the interface name and the administration and operational statuses. It is possible for an interface to be in the administration status of "up", meaning it is configured to be available. However, in the example, it is operationally down—perhaps because someone disconnected the cable from the port.

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