My notes on emacs' org mode Zintis notes on org-mode in emacs


1 Everything you need in orgmode (basics)

From this blog at

* This Is A Heading
** This Is A Sub-Heading
*** And A Sub-Sub-Heading

Paragraphs are separated by at least one empty line.

*bold* /italic/ _underlined_ +strikethrough+ =monospaced=
[[][Link description]] → link without description

- list item
- another item
  - sub-item
    1. also enumerated
    2. if you like
- [ ] yet to be done
- [X] item which is done

: Simple pre-formatted text such as for source code.
: This also respects the line breaks. *bold* is not bold here.	  

2 Changing fonts for highlights.

In org mode, you can include some elisp code in a src block that modifies the fonts in headings. Just copy this src block and modify the height as you like.

  '(org-level-1 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.4))))
  '(org-level-2 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.0))))
  '(org-level-3 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.0))))
  '(org-level-4 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.0))))
  '(org-level-5 ((t (:inherit outline-1 :height 1.0))))

3 Basics and Text Entering   basics

3.1 sections

one , two *, three * etc. are for sections and subsections when in one subsection, can hit m-return or "alt hammer" in slang that will add another element at the same level.

so if you were in a list, and want another list entry alt hammer if you were in a * level, and you want another * entry alt hammer etc.

3.2 tabs

when in one section and entering a new line, hit tab to align to the correct column if you have inserted text from some other source that is not aligned, you can simply hit tab anywhere on the line, and that line will align itself to the level above it. note: if you are inserting python code as an example, it will mess up the code indents

  • i still don't know how to change this behaviour when inputting python code.

3.3 expanding/collapsing all tabs

use shift-tab repeatedly. it is a toggle.

3.4 using m-arrows

m-hammer can also be used at any level to create a new line with the same heading

3.4.1 then m-right arrow i.e. -> will make that a sub-level (i.e. one more asterix)

of course you can also just type the '*' that works as always. but using m-arrows does not require you to be at the beginning of the line where the asterixes are. cool cool.

3.4.2 m-up arrow or m-down arro

will of course move the whole section up or done (within the same level)

3.5 m-hammer broken

since updating emacs, when i use m-hammer i would get a new top level heading and not a new heading at the current level to fix it i researched the following:

m-hammer is (org-meta-return)

actually it wasn't broken: my meta key had changed from apple 'command' to apple option.

4 tips within org mode

4.1 moving sections   moving

m-down arrow will move the section down m-up arrow will move the section up

  • have the cursor somewhere/anywhere in the section, on any section even in a simple paragraph.

note: this works for me in terminal mode, for instance emacs -nw, but in windows mode it works when i am using the \-option key from my mbp keyboard as the meta key

4.2 check boxes [ ]   checkbox

simply square brackets with a space, specifically: minus space bracket space bracket

4.2.1 my checklist [ ]   checklist

  • [ ] eggs
  • [ ] bacon
  • [ ] sausage
  • [ ] spam
  • [ ] lobster thermidor au crevette with a mornay sauce served in a provencale manner with shallots and aubergines garnished with truffle pate, brandy and with a fried egg on top of spam

4.2.2 progress indicators on checklists [/]

marking the checkbox with an x changes its colour. to make a progress indicator for the checkboxes, type space bracket slash bracket i.e. [/] level with the checkbox list.

then covert it to a progress indicator by C-c C-c

while cursor in the [0/5] box. c-c c-c also toggles it complete

could of course just hit "x" to mark it, rather C-c C-c while cursor in the box.

important C-c C-c is a toggle (done and not done)

4.2.3 example of progress indicator [1/4]   progress

  • [ ] eggs
  • bacon
  • [ ] sausage
  • [ ] spam

4.2.4 checklist percentages [36%]   progress%

  • [ ] aquaduct
  • [ ] sanitation
  • [ ] roads
  • irrigation
  • medicine
  • education
  • [ ] wine
  • [ ] public baths
  • peace
  • [ ] public order
  • [ ] sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health

if one adds or subtracts a checklist line, one must c-c c-c to force the progress line to re-calculate.

4.3 tags

C-c C-c can be used to assign keywords/(tag) to a heading. any level. you will see a prompt: to enter a tag. this will display a tag on the right side.

4.4 adding links is a good web page. specifically handling links as text it is: [ with [link] then [description] ending with ]

c-c c-l to both add a link, and to edit one already there (cursor must be on link)

  • i learned this first from here
  • pressing c-c c-o to open
  • to edit, simply delete the last "]". there are a pair of [][] with a pair [] surround the whole.
  • like this: [[link][description] ]
  • as soon as you delete the (hidden) last ] is will no longer be a link.
    • edit it, then add the last ] when done and it is back to being a link.

c-u c-c c-l to add link to a file, not just http links.

  • so for example, a link to the org-mode reference card using c-u c-c c-l
  • if the external link is a local file link, c-c c-o will open the file in a split buffer. how cool is that! c-x b will switch buffers c-x c-b will list buffers.

can link to not just websites.

my emacs eg it can also be specific lines in files, like my python elpy in

4.5 adding links from specific headings in other org files

when in the target org file, (or in the current file) at the chosen link, type c-c l for "org-store-link", which was previously set in init.el as follows: (global-set-key (kbd "c-c l") 'org-store-link)

you will see a message "stored: title of the section heading" for whatever the title is on the section heading you pressed c-c l on. that will "store" i.e. copy to clipboard, the target file link.

move to the buffer where you want to insert the link, and c-c c-l as usual except rather than pasting an html link, with description, you can now just hammer the copied file link instead of pasting an html link. then proceed with the description for the file link.

If you C-c l a bunch of links, those links are stored in a buffer of links from which you can choose a link when you enter C-c C-l again. C-p and C-n to move between stored links.

Finally, these links do NOT have to be within the same org mode file, or even another org mode file. They could be in any file type. So for example, editing my ~/.emacs.d/init.el file, I can type C-c l and store the link from that file. Then in my .org file I can C-c C-l and past that link.

Here is a link to my init.el web-mode section Clicking on this link in this org mode file, will open that file in a split window buffer. How cool is that?

These next five links are all links to heading within this same file.

Also (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-l") 'org-insert-link) but this one is default so probably already set.

4.6 Summarizing file link workflow

  • C-c l while on a heading, ( link stored in buffer)
  • C-c C-l hammer at the link insertion point ( link pasted)
  • Just add a description and hammer


Result is [ [ *heading ] [ description ] ]

4.6.1 The "target org file" could be a different heading in the current file

If that is the case, the link is just to jump to a different point in the same file.

4.7 expanding links

just use delete key when cursor at the end of the link, but not sure if this permanently deletes it or not. C-c C-o to open the link in my default browser. - bloody right good this is.

4.8 these too can be expanded or contracted using the tab key on the * or **

  • org mode has plenty of features.
    • these are just the simplest features with which I have scratch the surface

4.9 Other good youtube links about org mode follow:

5 Calendars

I moved this section to its own calendar agenda file.

6 Markup a.k.a. emphasis

Bold, italic, verbatim other strikethrough underline

See Org-mode customization section as well.

You can markup text through special characters, beginning and ending a word or phrase. You can use:

  • * for bold
  • / for italic
  • = for verbatim
  • ~ for other
  • + for strikethrough
  • _ for underline

*Bold *, /italic /, =verbatim = ~other ~ +strikethrough + _underline _

This is my example where only I can try to add exactly what I want to add. For stuff that is obsoleted in my notes, I can strikethrough the whole sections

For more information on the markups availble see this documentation online at

You can make words bold, italic, underlined, verbatim and code. That means: *bold *, /italic /, _underlined _, underlined , =verbatim = and ~code ~. That means:

if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. Text in the code and verbatim string is not processed for Org-mode specific syntax, it is exported verbatim.

To insert a horizontal rules, use a line consisting of only dashes, and at least 5 of them.

6.1 customizing the emphasis colours: (colors:)

The colours shown for a particular emphasis are specified in the init.el file as follows:

(add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("*" (:foreground "red")))
(add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("~" (:foreground "yellow")))
(add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("=" (:foreground "magenta")))
(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t)

6.2 Literal Markups for Chunks of Code

if type(stringZ)is complex:
    print(" stingz is already complex ")
    stringZ = stringZ[0:-1]        # truncate the last field -1 which is the letter i                                                                           
    liststrings = stringZ.split()  # split into a list of three parts  - to remove the spaces                                                
    liststrings.append("j")        # adds the "j"                                                                                            
    complex_string = ''.join(liststrings) # joins them up again without the spaces                                                      

    return(complex(complex_string))    # converts this string to a complex number                                           

7 Unstructured lists

You can add an unstructured list like this:

  • bulleted
  • list
  • items
  • To add more list entries, use "alt-hammer"
  • That's slang for M-RETURN. If you just hit return, you will get ever more indented lists.

There are some key powerful features with these list. They are:

7.1 change, or indeed cycle through all the list types

C-c-- or M-x org-ctrl-c-minus

7.2 change a region into an unstructured list

  • C-c-- actually does more depending on the context. It also:
  • org-table-insert-hline when in a table
  • org-toggle-item when somewhere else??
  • org-cycle-list-bullet when in a list

The list cycle is as follows: - + * 1. 1)

  • another powerful features. I should tag these powerful feartures somehow.

8 Org-mode can insert images (visible when exported)


Figure 1: Devnet is a great resource

This is simply the image full name surrounded by two square brackets, as far as I can tell. A couple of notes:

  • if the referenc is relative, org-mode will only display the image if it exists in the relative directory location
  • if one uses [ [path-to-file][description of file] ] you will NOT see the image inline. Only the link to the image
  • if one uses [ [ path to file ] ] then you WILL see the image inline (after exporting)
  • exporting will NOT be able to open HTML files unless ALL links are valid.

I got this example straight out of org Great stuff out of this youtube video.

8.1 Toggle inline display of images


  • org-redisplay-inline-images
  • org-display-inline-images
  • org-toggle-inline-images
  • org-remove-inline-images

9 differences between terminal mode and windows mode

9.1 Terminal mode needs "emacs -nw"

In terminal mode moving whole sections works using M-up or M-down where up and down are the up arrow and down arrow respectively.

In terminal mode C-h k then M-down showed me that, ESC <down> (translated from ESC M-O B) runs the command org-metadown (found in org-mode-map), which is an interactive compiled Lisp function in ‘org.el’.

It is bound to <M-down>, ESC <down>, <menu-bar> <Org> <Edit Structure> <Move Subtree Down>, <menu-bar> <Tbl> <Row> <Move Row Down>.

9.2 Windows mode

In windows mode, C-h k M-down gives me an error, "ESC-down is undefined" I had to change preferences in my Terminal app, under Profiles and Keyboard The toggle to change is called "Use Option as Meta key". With that set, (and emacs called from within a terminal) M-down worked for me.

9.3 stuff I have yet to cover:

9.3.1 (org-metadown &optional ARG)

Move subtree down or move table row down. Calls ‘org-move-subtree-down’ or ‘org-table-move-row’ or ‘org-move-item-down’, depending on context. See the individual commands for more information.

10 Organizing org (adding, moving sections)

10.1 New sections of the same type,

just hit M-RET a.k.a. ESC-RETURN a.k.a. "met-hammer"

10.2 another level 2

with text


11 Tasks

11.1 tasks[ 0/3]

  1. this needs to be done ( just really fourth level * from left most column )
  2. second task

    this needs to be done

  3. third task

    shoulld be able to hit "t" to cycle a task from todo, done, which then automatically updates two things, one is the 0/3 changes to 1/3 the other is that it adds a date when the task was done (automatically)

12 Two CURL examples Using the International Chuck Norris Database

13 Tables

13.1 first what you type:

use vertical bars | between your headings for more space in current table row use TAB

For next row, plain hammer or TAB, then when on next line, at the beginning: | - TAB

start typing, | N a m e | P h o n e | A g e RET | - TAB.

Table 1: Common Data Formats
some Data
XML spaces don't matter
  use tags like
  <ip> </ip>
JSON spaces don't matter
  use curly braces {}
  and [] for arrays
  and commas
YAML indentation matters
  no commas

Add "wrap" text within a cell by using M-RETURN

Once the table has as few columns or rows, you can rearrange them very easily by M-up, M-down, M-left, and M-right.

You can add more columns by simply adding more headings separated by "|". There are more capabilites of tables listed here at

Some common ones:

  • C-c SPC (org-table-blank-field) Blank the field at point.
  • Hammer (org-table-next-row) Re-align the table and move down to next row. Creates a new row if necessary. At the beginning or end of a line, RET still inserts a new line, so it can be used to split a table.
  • M-a (org-table-beginning-of-field) Move to beginning of the current table field, or on to the previous field.
  • M-e (org-table-end-of-field) Move to end of the current table field, or on to the next field.
  • M-LEFT (org-table-move-column-left) Move the current column left.
  • M-RIGHT (org-table-move-column-right) Move the current column right.
  • M-S-LEFT (org-table-delete-column) remember M-S means "alt-shift" Kill the current column.
  • M-S-RIGHT (org-table-insert-column) Insert a new column to the left of point position.
  • M-UP (org-table-move-row-up) Move the current row up.
  • M-DOWN (org-table-move-row-down) Move the current row down.

13.2 Using C-c |

You can also =create a table from scratch with C-c |. You will be asked for the structure of the table, the default being 5x2 (see org-table-default-size), five columns and two rows:


Org mode also lets you convert an existing region into a table. For this, select a region and press C-c | The region could be comma seperated strings.

For example:

heading one, heading two, heading three, heading 4

Selecting that and pressing C-c | then becomes

heading one heading two heading three heading 4

13.3 Fixing column widths:

you want to restrict the width visible width of a cell, you need to add a new row to your table.

A very wide cell Another very very wide cell

Pressing C-c C-c on this table will update the display so that the first and second columns are respectively narrowed to 10 and 15 characters:

A very=> Another very =>

When columns are narrowed, it might be useful to temporarily see the content of a cell with C-u <TAB> (or C-u C-c `) or to edit the content in a separate window with C-c `.

13.4 Aligning table cells (left-centre-right)

If you would like to overrule the automatic alignment of number-rich columns to the right and of string-rich columns to the left, you can use <r>, <c> or <l> in a similar fashion. You may also combine alignment and field width like this: <r10>.

Lines which only contain these formatting cookies are removed automatically upon exporting the document.

14 Export to other formats

14.1 C-c C-e for export menu

C-c C-e will open a minibuffer with all the options to where you can export hit h then o to open html for example

Here is some metadata: with Hashtag colon opptions as follows;

This option specifies that a table of contents, toc, is set to true, t

However, if you don't want a table of contents, specifiy toc:nil Then when exporting to HTML this won't have the table of contents.

you can also export to pdf (latex (l) pdf () )

Other export formats can be added. That can be downloaded by searching packages that start with "ox". ox for "Org eXport." Specifically the next section describes my favourite: ox-twbs

14.2 Some ox-twbs export, a.k.a."Org eXport- TWitter Boot Strap"

out the org export to twitter boot strap. Now known as bootstrap.

ox-twbs twitter boot strap package, install it, then C-c C-e w o for twitter and open.

ox-gfm package for github flavoured markdown (if you want) org-drill gives you question / answer layouts, and have emacs present them.

Check out org2blog that published to a wordpress site. Check out org-publish that published org docs to a website, a whole tree of org files, and creates an entire website.

14.3 Changing colour of highlighted text in html exports

When exporting org files into html, verbatim, or highlighted text defaults to white background, red text. Here's how you change it:

First a couple of links: has a blog on this.

This post looks promising while in org mode:

14.3.1 exporting colours

I added this line to all of my ,org files. Now when I export, I get the colours I want:

#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA:<style>footer { background-color: #353535; } body {background-color: #222; color: lightgreen; } h3, h4 {color: teal} h1, h2 {color: #08f}  pre { background-color: #111; color: #dcc; } code { background-color: #444; color: #ff0; } </style>

15 Batch exporting to hmtl files

The command C-c C-e followed by the options w and h really just run the command M-x org-twbs-export-to-html So, I should be able to run this in a batch command as follows:

emacs --batch -f org-html-export-to-html --kill
emacs --batch -f org-twbs-export-as-html --kill
emacs --batch -f org-twbs-export-as-html -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el  --kill

  • f executes a single LISP function
  • l load emcs LISP code from a file and execute it

Emacs –batch will not load your init.el file unless you explicitly tell it to do so. Use the -l ~/.emacs.d/init.el option to do so.

Some other options to explore:

16 Syncing to Dropbox and MobileOrg

In order to sync up mobileOrg with this folder, you have to setup MobileOrg with the same username and password as this mac.

16.1 MobileOrg

MobileOrg the automatically created the folder Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg where it synced any files I created with the MobileOrg app.

16.2 MacBook with MobileOrg

Set up your org mode configuration files with this:

;; Set to the location of your Org files on your local system
(setq org-directory "~/eg")
;; Set to the name of the file where new notes will be stored.
;; (setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull "~/eg/")
(setq org-mobile-inbox-for-pull (concat org-directory "/"))
;; Set to <your Dropbox root directory>/MobileOrg.
(setq org-mobile-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg")
(setq org-mobile-directory (concat org-directory "~/Dropbox/MobileOrg"))

After restarting emacs/reparsing your configuration, run org-mobile-push. This will copy your Org files to ~/Dropbox/Apps/MobileOrg, which is where MobileOrg will read from.

You can run org-mobile-push by pressing C-c C-x RET p whilst you are in an Org buffer. If you use spacemacs just type: SPC q r

Go back to MobileOrg and click on the Outlines tab at the bottom, then click the Sync button in the upper right.

After capturing notes or making changes on the device to your Org files, be sure to sync in MobileOrg. Then run org-mobile-pull from Emacs to integrate your changes. After integrating, you can run org-mobile-push to make sure MobileOrg has access to the latest version of your files.

16.2.1 NOTE:

If you already had a MobileOrg directory in your ~/Dropbox/Apps, a new folder will be created like MobileOrg (1). You should rename the newly created MobileOrg (1) folder to something that makes more sense, perhaps MobileOrg-staging before proceeding. Be sure your org-mobile-directory Emacs variable reflects this change.

set the following in your .emacs.d/init.el file: (setq org-agenda-files (quote ("~/Pending/org/gtd")))

This will automatically expand directory contents using org-agenda-file-regexp which by default is set to


So it matches all non-hidden org files. Nice.

16.3 MobileOrg push and pull

Sync items by running org-mobile-push and org-mobile-pull This can be done with the following key sequence:

C-c C-x RET p for push C-c C-x RET g for pull

17 Agenda mode in orgmode.

Any org mode file can become an agenda file. Doing so will make any regular heading, at any level, become an agenda item, if so converted. So I see this as 3 steps.

  1. add the .org file as an agenda files , and
  2. make the headings in that file into Using TODO items (or other types of agenda items) I explain both stpes below.
  3. you can change views by switching to Agenda view and others. These views each have their own commands.

17.1 agenda files

For an org file to become an agenda file it must be added to the list of files that agenda will keep track of. Not any org file in the current directory or sub-directories will be checked for. I will keep the following files:


17.1.1 Add a file to the agenda list

To add a file to the top of the agenda file list use C-c [

17.1.2 List all the agenda files

To see all the files in the list try M-x org-agenda-list

17.1.3 Remove a file from the agenda list

To remove a file, edit that file and type C-c ]

17.1.4 To cycle through all agenda files

If you only have one agenda file, then this will do nothing, otherwise: C-' will do it.

Agenda file commands:

Key Function
C-c [ add/move current file to front of agenda
C-c ] remove current file from your agenda
C-' cycle through agenda file list
C-c C-x </> set/remove restriction lock
C-c a L show timeline of current org file

17.2 Agenda view

Org agenda view can be reached with M-x org-agenda The most common key-binding to M-x org-agenda is C-c a

Once enabled, M-x org-agenda will show a list of single letter "commands" as follows:

  • a Agenda for this week
  • t list of all TODO items
  • T list of all TODO items specifically with TODO: keyword
  • m match a tags/prop/todo query
  • M match a tags/prop/todo query restricting to TODO: keyword
  • e export agenda view
  • s search for keywords
  • n Agenda and all TODOs, (new view)

17.2.1 Do not get confused with spacemacs

Spacemacs uses SPC for lots or commands, including SPC-a to enter agenda view. Lots of agenda videos on youtube talk about this. Do not get confused by that. I have set M-g a as my key binding for M-x org-agenda

17.3 Changing key binding

To find another key binding for org-agenda. How about M-g a for "goto agenda" ? It is not taken as of <2020-12-28 Mon>

See details in Customize Key Bindings So, set the key binding like this:

interactively: M-x global-set-key RET M-g a org-agenda RET or just

- (define-key org-mode-map "\C-a" 'move-beginning-of-line) - (define-key org-mode-map "\C-a" 'move-beginning-of-line) - (define-key org-mode-active-map "\C-a" 'some-emacs-function-or-something)

  • (define-key org-mode-map "C-c s" 'org-deadline-in-one-week)

In my init.el file I have saved these keyboard macros:

;; setting Zintis org-mode keyboard macros
(fset 'make-bold
   (kmacro-lambda-form [?\C-w ?* ?\C-y ?*] 0 "%d"))
(fset 'make-hlight
   (kmacro-lambda-form [?\C-w ?~ ?\C-y ?~] 0 "%d"))
(fset 'make-underline
   (kmacro-lambda-form [?\C-w ?_ ?\C-y ?_] 0 "%d"))
(fset 'make-verbatim
   (kmacro-lambda-form [?\C-w ?= ?\C-y ?=] 0 "%d"))

So I also added a key binding for these four functions: - (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c b" 'make-bold) - (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c h" 'make-hlight) - (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c u" 'make-underline) - (define-key org-mode-map "\C-c v" 'make-verbatim)

For just in the current major mode, type M-x local-set-key RET M-g a org-agenda RET

18 Editing agenda files

These files are simply org files with usual headings. These headings can be interactively changed to TODO items, or SCHEDULED items or AGENDA items with the various commands. I call these the agenda files commands below. Resulting headings will have special words in the agenda file. You will see the following keywords after running the above agenda mode commands:

  • NEXT
  • TODO
  • PROJ

18.1 Using TODO

You can mark an item as a TODO item by using a 3-way toggle:

  • shift-right arrow cycles through TODO, DONE, OFF
  • shift-left arrow cycles through OFF, DONE, TODO

Just remember to have the cursor somewhere on the heading itself to cycle

Try it on these task below:

18.1.1 TODO first task

18.1.2 TODO second task

18.1.3 TODO third task

  1. Spacemacs distraction1

    SPC-m-t-t marks an item as a TODO in spacemacs. I think the standard emacs use of shift-right-arrow is much easier. Likewise, SPC-m-d-s opens the org schedule in spacemacs which in standard emacs is wth M-x org-schedule

18.1.4 todo lists

use a + or the usual - for a regular list inside the todo. (try it)

18.2 Shortcuts for TODO

M-S-hammer adds a new TODO or Checkbox item C-S-hammer adds a new TODO or Checkbox item after subtree C-c C-t adds a new TODO (in place of typing TODO: which also works)

18.3 Scheduling Todo Items C-c C-s

With dates, you can schedule todo items C-c C-s inserts a scheduled timestamp, for the heading that your cursor is on

Can create repeating scheduled events by simply adding +1w to the scheduled timestamp. +1w will add that schedule on this day every week. ++1w will ensure your scheduled events will only be in the future

18.4 Deadlines

C-c C-d inserts a deadline (that has an automatic date added) This is done on a heading level, apparently no matter at what level the heading is.

Select the date, then hammer Could also try C-c . which is a time stamp for today's date.

key sequence Command
C-c C-s schedule this heading
C-c C-d define a deadline
C-a a Switch to agenda view
Shift-f follow mode
F move forward
B Move backward

18.5 Follow me mode

When you are editing an org file that has been added to your agenda files, (see Add a file to agenda list ) and you subsequently hit M-g a then the screen will split into 2. You can use Shift-f to have your cursor "follow" where you are in the agenda view, and so quickly edit each item as needed, and add more info or whatever.

18.6 Timestamps

C-c . prompt for timestamp (default is today, no time stamp) C-u C-c . today with timestamp C-c C-d deadline C-c C-s scheduled C-c C-y calculate time between 2 dates in the time range

Can then adjust timestamps (both scheduled and deadline) S-RIGHT/LEFT on a timestamp adds/subtracts 1 day S-UP/DOWN on a timestamp adds/subtracts 1 month/year

18.7 Clocking time

Useful for working on contract:

Key Function
C-c C-x C-i start clock on current item
C-c C-x C-o/x stop/cancel clock on current item
C-c C-x C-d display total subtree times
C-c C-c remove displayed times
C-c C-x C-r insert/update table with clock report

18.8 Other agenda commands

Key Function
C-c a a compile agenda for the current week
C-c a t compile global TODO list
C-c a T compile TODO list for specific keyword
C-c a m match tags, TODO kwds, properties
C-c a M match only in TODO entries
C-c a # find stuck projects
C-c C-o agenda for date at cursor

18.9 agenda commands review

all of which will act on the heading where your cursor is on:

  • Shift-right-arrow 3-way toggle for TODO
  • Shift-left-arrow 3-way toggle for TODO (reverse direction)
  • C-c C-s to schedule
  • C-c C-d to pick a deadline
  • C-a A to enter agenda view (or is it just C-a ? where ? is one of many commands, the most common being a,t, and ?)
  • Shift-f to switch to follow-me mode screen will split into 2 and where you place your cursor on the agenda or todo screen will cause the cursor to jump to that spot on the actual org mode in the "other" screen. Convenient to see the detailed notes for each TODO items and jump between them.
  • F or B to jump forward or backward
  • q to quit agenda mode.

After you run one of these commands on the heading, you won't see the results unless you expand the heading (use <TAB> )

After you create a time stamp, you can manually edit it, add a specific time, etc. These times can be simple timestamps, or a range of time. For example: DEADLINE: <2020-12-28 Mon 21:00>–<2020-12-28 Mon 21:45>

You can enter a calendar anywhere by C-c .

18.10 Review all org-agenda commands:

Key Function
C-c [ add/move current file to front of agenda
C-c ] remove current file from your agenda
C-' cycle through agenda file list
C-c C-x </> set/remove restriction lock
C-c a a compile agenda for the current week
C-c a t compile global TODO list
C-c a T compile TODO list for specific keyword
C-c a m match tags, TODO kwds, properties
C-c a M match only in TODO entries
C-c a # find stuck projects
C-c a L show timeline of current org file
C-c a C configure custom commands
C-c C-o agenda for date at cursor

19 org-agenda templates

You can add this to your .emacs.d/init.el file and then be able call up an org mode template with C-c t t to quickly, and without switching to the file, add a todo item. Not only that, the todo item will have a link into the heading or section of the file where you thought of the todo item. If you are anywhere in an emacs buffer, the M-x org-capture command followed by the template command (letter) you set up as shown below

19.1 org-template setup in init.el

, and you can

(setq org-capture-templates
  `(("t" "Tasks / Projects")
    ("tt" "Task" entry (file+olp "~/Projects/Code/orgFiles/" "Inbox")
         "* TODO %?\n  %U\n  %a\n  %i" :empty-lines 1)))
  • %? is where the cursor is placed in the capture template
  • %U gives a timestamp
  • %a gives you the link to wherever you are in emacs (including heading)
  • %i is the item. (or is %a and %i switched around? read the docs and update here)

The whole org-mode section follows:

(setq org-capture-templates
  `(("t" "Tasks / Projects")
    ("tt" "Task" entry (file+olp "~/Projects/Code/emacs-from-scratch/OrgFiles/" "Inbox")
         "* TODO %?\n  %U\n  %a\n  %i" :empty-lines 1)

    ("j" "Journal Entries")
    ("jj" "Journal" entry
         (file+olp+datetree "~/Projects/Code/emacs-from-scratch/OrgFiles/")
         "\n* %<%I:%M %p> - Journal :journal:\n\n%?\n\n"
         ;; ,(dw/read-file-as-string "~/Notes/Templates/")
         :clock-in :clock-resume
         :empty-lines 1)
    ("jm" "Meeting" entry
         (file+olp+datetree "~/Projects/Code/emacs-from-scratch/OrgFiles/")
         "* %<%I:%M %p> - %a :meetings:\n\n%?\n\n"
         :clock-in :clock-resume
         :empty-lines 1)

    ("w" "Workflows")
    ("we" "Checking Email" entry (file+olp+datetree "~/Projects/Code/emacs-from-scratch/OrgFiles/")
         "* Checking Email :email:\n\n%?" :clock-in :clock-resume :empty-lines 1)

    ("m" "Metrics Capture")
    ("mw" "Weight" table-line (file+headline "~/Projects/Code/emacs-from-scratch/OrgFiles/" "Weight")
     "| %U | %^{Weight} | %^{Notes} |" :kill-buffer t)))

19.2 org-mode habit tracking

There is a built-in sub-mode that comes with org-mode called org-habit but it is not activated by default. So you need to add it to init.el setup, and also add it the the org-modules list. That way org-mode will

(require 'org-habit)
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
(setq org-habit-graph-column 60)

For details, see

Full org mode setup:

 (use-package org
:pin org
:hook (org-mode . efs/org-mode-setup)
(setq org-ellipsis " ▾")

(setq org-agenda-start-with-log-mode t)
(setq org-log-done 'time)
(setq org-log-into-drawer t)

(setq org-agenda-files

(require 'org-habit)
(add-to-list 'org-modules 'org-habit)
(setq org-habit-graph-column 60)

(setq org-todo-keywords
  '((sequence "TODO(t)" "NEXT(n)" "|" "DONE(d!)")
    (sequence "BACKLOG(b)" "PLAN(p)" "READY(r)" "ACTIVE(a)" "REVIEW(v)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "HOLD(h)" "|" "COMPLETED(c)" "CANC(k@)")))

(setq org-refile-targets
  '(("" :maxlevel . 1)
    ("" :maxlevel . 1)))

;; Save Org buffers after refiling!
(advice-add 'org-refile :after 'org-save-all-org-buffers)

(setq org-tag-alist
     ; Put mutually exclusive tags here
     ("@errand" . ?E)
     ("@home" . ?H)
     ("@work" . ?W)
     ("agenda" . ?a)
     ("planning" . ?p)
     ("publish" . ?P)
     ("batch" . ?b)
     ("note" . ?n)
     ("idea" . ?i)))

20 Calendars

<2019-07-11 Thu>

The above is a timestamp. Type C-c . and select a date using your mouse. <2019-07-03 Wed> C-c . hammer defaults to today's date. I can manually type in < followed by the date in the at form and org mode will automatically recognize it as a date. (all org mode is just text.)

<2019-08-19 Mon> is my wedding anniversary

key sequence Command
C-c C-s schedule this heading
C-c C-d define a deadline
C-a a Switch to agenda view
Shift-f follow mode
F move forward
B Move backward

21 LaTeX integration.

e^x=\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{x^n}{n!} which is not quite there. Will have to figure this out later.


There that's better. I needed the " \ begin curly{ equation" delimiters.


\rightarrow \kappa


22 Org-mode File of Org-mode Reference Card

Well, duh!! I looked online for a reference card and found several pdf versions. One looked suspiciously like it was made using org-mode of course. So I looked for org-mode file version of it and found it on

So here is the complete Org-Mode Reference Card stored locally

23 Org-mode with vscode

It turns out that there is a org-mode plugin available for vscode. That is what I am using now.

24 Org-mode customization

You can customize the colour of highlights by adding this line to your /.emacs.d/init.el file =(add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("*" (:foreground "red")))= =(add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("" (:foreground "yellow")))=

You can tell emacs to hide the emphasis characters so you get highlight vs highlight

These can be added to the init.el file, OR, can be set interactively with the command M-: (add-to-list 'org-emphasis-alist '("*" (:foreground "red")))

M-: org-hide-emphasis-markers (setq org-hide-emphasis-markers t) or set it via customize:

M-x customize-variable RET org-hide-emphasis-markers RET

To make the emphasis character visible again, put your cursor on the last character, hit <space> and the emphasis will be broken and you will see the characters. You can then edit them. Then remove the space and the emphasis will be back again.

See the Markup a.k.a. emphasis section.

24.1 Org-mode auto indentation

You can turn on auto indent with the command: M-x org-indent-mode To test if you have it on, run M-x describe-variable org-indent-mode Could also be org-startup-indented so (defcustom org-startup-indented t) (or nil)

Or, on a per-file basis using #+STARTUP: indent

org-indent-mode is an autoloaded interactive LISP function in org-indent.el

25 init.el customizations

Working on a prettify customization with this in my init.el:

;; prettify-sympols-alist
;; to remove it just (setq prettify-symbols-alist nil)

(defun org-icons ()
;;   (interactive)
  (setq prettify-symbols-alist
        '(("#+begin_src" . ?)
          ("#+BEGIN_SRC" . ?)
          ("#+end_src" . ?)
          ("#+END_SRC" . ?)
          ("#+begin_example" . ?)
          ("#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE" . ?)
          ("#+end_example" . ?)
          ("#+END_EXAMPLE" . ?)
          (":PROPERTIES:" . ?)
          (":properties:" . ?)))
  (prettify-symbols-mode 1))

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook ( org-icons ))

25.1 Home