Ansible for Networks


1 Ansible Overview

Ansible is an excellent tool for system adimintartors looking to automate various infrastructure servers, be they web servers, database servers, network elements.

Advantages of Ansible is that no agent need be run on the remote node.

  • Ansible is simpler.
  • Ansible uses YAML.
  • Ansible is easy to learn.
  • Ansible is lightweight.
  • Ansible only needs SSH access to nodes.
  • Ansible is free. Paid version (from RedHat) adds support & advanced tools
  • a realtime monitoring dashboard,
  • multi-playbook workflows
  • scheduling jobs

Ansible lets you do: * IT automation Instructions are written to automate an IT admin's work

1.0.1 Consistent Configuration

Consistency of all systems in the infrastructure is maintained.

1.0.2 Automate deployement

Applications are deployed automatically on a variety of environments.

2 Ansible Details

Are available in my file.

3 Ansible Network Modules

3.1 Efficient architecture through "modules"

Ansible works by connecting to your nodes and pushing out small programs, called "Ansible modules" to them. These programs are written to be resource models of the desired state of the system. Ansible then executes these modules (over SSH by default), and removes them when finished.

Your library of modules can reside on any machine, and there are no servers, daemons, or databases required. Typically you'll work with your favorite terminal program, a text editor, and probably a version control system to keep track of changes to your content.

3.2 Network Modules vs System Modules

Fundamentally ansible controller uses ssh to connet to the target nodes, and then run python scripts on the target host that accomplish the tasks offered by the module being run. That implies that the target hosts need to have python interpreter available, and located in a directory that ansible will be able to find it.

3.3 Network modules do NOT typically have a python interpreter

This then is a problem if ansible will be running python commands on the network switch or router. That is why Netork Modules use a different approach.

3.4 Network modules run on the controller, not the node

So, ansible ad-hoc and ansible playbooks that call network modules, such as the iosinterface module.

4 Cisco Ansible Network Modules

Modules are written in python (99% of the time) and used in playbooks which are written in YAML. YAML written playbooks call python written modules. Cisco develops various ansible modules, that they publish out on site. Modules:

  • do one thing well
  • Python or PowerShell
  • Uses APIs and/or CLI tools
  • abstract complexity from user
  • Called by an Ansible task. has lists of modules provided by various networking companies, including Cisco. Here is the list of network modules available.

  1. ios vs iosxr ( an asside )
    • ios was the original, monolithic ios.
    • Then came ios-xe which was a set up; still monolithic, based on ios but also had some advanced features.
    • iosxr is a complete re-write, based on QNX ( a unix flavour) Processes can be independently stopped and restarted. (no longer monolithic)
    • iosxr runs on large SP routers, like ASR and CRS series of routers
    • ios-xe runs on ASR1K, and newer Catalyst 9K (that are not running as SDA nodes)
    • ios runs on old Cisco routers

    If a module does not do exactly what you want it to do, and you can program in python, then you can edit the module to your liking, and even publish the changes to github or gitlabs, or just use it internally.

    See section on specific modules

4.1 Working ios-xe sandbox play-book

Here is a yaml playbook file, devnet.yml that uses two cisco networking modules, ios_banner and ios_interface


Figure 1: Running Ansible Playbook Against IOS-XE
  • Cisco provided ansible modules: Cisco's ansible modules are grouped under:
    • aci
    • asa
    • dcnm
    • intersight
    • ios
    • iosxr
    • meraki
    • mso
    • nae
    • nso
    • nxos Note: nxos-nxapi has been deprecated by ansible.netcommon.httpapi
    • ucs

    These are all downloadable from

    That means anyone can automate cisco devices using ansible without learning python. That's because while the ansible modules themselves are written in python, to use ansible you don't need to modify those modules, just use them.

4.2 hostkeychecking = False

Before starting make this change to /etc/ansible.cfg: Uncomment host_key_checking = False so that you do NOT need to copy ssh keys to the cisco devices in devnet ahead of time. In fact, Cisco Devnet won't allow it anyway, so you MUST set host_key_checking = False

As described on, there are multiple communication protocols available to manage network node, because network modules execute on the control node instead of on the managed nodes.

Options are:

  • XML over SSH
  • CLI over SSH
  • API over HTTPS

Depending on the vendor and model, you may forced to use one protocol, or have a choice of protocols. The most common protocol is CLI over SSH. You set the communication protocol with the ansible_connection variable:

  • ansible.netcommon.networkcli
  • ansible.netcommon.netconf
  • ansible.netcommon.httpapi
  • local

The ansibleconnection is mandatory for network modules

ansible_connection Protocol Requires? Persistent
ansible.netcommon.networkcli CLI over SSH networkos yes
ansible.netcommon.netconf XML over SSH networkos yes
ansible.netcommon.httpapi API over networkos yes
  HTTP/HTTPS setting  
local depends on provider no
(deprecated) provider setting  
  • note: ansible.netcommon.httpapi deprecates eos_eapi and nxos_nxapi

For ansible network modules, you MUST also have the networkos set to the correct vendor.


4.3 Cisco ioscommand module (interactive)

- name: show ip int brief
      - show ip int brief
      - show ip route
      - show ip neigh
      post: 22
      authorize: yes
      auth_pass: Cisco
      username: admin
      password: cisco123
    register: if_data

- name: ip int brief output
    var: if_data['stdout_lines'][0]

4.4 Cisco iosbanner module:

- name: Add a banner
    banner: login   # as opposed to other banners available on cisco routers
    text: |
      This router is part of DevNet.  Please play nice
    state: present

4.5 Cisco iosinterface module:

- name: Add a loopback interface 27
    name: loopback27
    state: present

4.6 Cisco config module:

- name: Merge provided configuration with device configuration
      - name: GigabitEthernet0/
        description: 'Configured and Merged by Ansible Network'
        enabled: True
      - name: GigabitEthernet0/3
        description: 'Configured and Merged by Ansible Network'
        mtu: 2800
        enabled: False
        speed: 100
        duplex: full
    state: merged

4.7 iosfacts module

- name: Gather ios facts with ios_facts module
      post: 22
      authorize: yes
      auth_pass: Cisco
      username: admin
      password: cisco123

- name: find IOS version
    var: ansible_net_version

- name: display me your hostnmae
    var: ansible_net_hostname


4.9 Cisco nxosinterface and nxosl3interfaces modules:

- name: Add loopbacks on all my nxos switches
  hosts: nxosswitches
  connection: local
  gather_facts: no
    - name: Create loopback
      with_items: "{{local_loopback}}"
      interface: "{{}}"
        mode: layer3
        description: "{{item.desc}}"
        admin_state: down
    - name: Configure new loopback interfaces
      with_items: "{{local_loopback}}"
        - name: "{{}}"
          - address: "{{item.ip_address}}"
            state: merged

With this example, we must also have the variables to pass into items So, the vars directory has this:

  - name: Loopback1
    desc: Ansible created loopback 1 interface
  - name: Loopback2
    desc: Ansible created loopback 2 interface

  - name: Loopback3
    desc: Ansible created loopback 3 interface
  - name: Loopback4
    desc: Ansible created loopback 4 interface

5 ansible.cfg for networking

Ansible searches the following locations, in order, for the ansible.cfg file:

  • ANSIBLECFG: environment variable
  • ./ansible.cfg (i.e. in the current directory)
  • ~/.ansible.cfg (i.e. in the user's home directory)
  • /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

The configuration specifies only how the local machine/controller runs. There is no configuration file on the remote nodes.

5.1 My recommended ansible.cfg file

Placed in the top level directory of each project I am working on:

[defaults] inventory = ./inventory retryfilesenabled = False

[sshconnection] pipelining = True

6 Roles and the Local Machine Directory Structure

6.1 Roles

The roles are the collections of commands that can be run on hosts. The roles are stored in specific directories, each of which have specific sub-directories. Ansible will execute the commands stored in specific directories on a target machine. The direcotries are all stored on the controller / local machine.

  • Roles are written in YAML.
  • Self-contained and portable
  • Used for common configurations
  • Enforcement of standards
  • called from a playbooks

6.2 Roles Directory

The top level directory is the roles directory. Each role is stored in a subdirectory of the roles directory. Each role directory must at least contain a folder called tasks which contains a file called main.yml

7 Confusion No.1 about roles vs playbooks

I seem to see playbooks that look like they include roles. Then other playbooks that refer to roles only. What is the difference? What is the preferred way?

e.g. I have successfully run the role file in roles/basic/tasks/main.yml, which on first glance is NOT a valid YAML file as it does NOT begin with the "—" line.

- name: "Installing figlet"
  dnf: pkg=figlet, state=installed

- name: "Installing git"
  dnf: pkg=git, state=installed

- name: "Installing wget"
  dnf: pkg=wget, state=installed

The above examples shows three tasks, 1) intalling figlet, 2) installing git, and

  1. installing wget.

Notice however that the above three "tasks" do NOT have a "tasks:" line, just the "- name:" headings.

Then below, we write a playbook that IS a YAML file called playbook.yml in the directory above roles. This playbook calls the above tasks, through the reference to "basic-utils" which is the directory name hold the tasks directory, holding main.yml file.

- hosts: opsvms
  become: true
  - basic-utils

But I have also successfully run playbooks that seem in include the roles. I think of them as "all-in-one" playbooks. For example:

(venv-ansible) ansible@c8host ~/Ansible-CentOS/playbooks[359] $
cat dnf-update.yml 
  - name: update figlet, vim, iftop on all hosts
    hosts: opsvms
      - name: install epel repo first
          name: epel-release
          state: present
        become: true
        when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'

      - name: dnf update figlet vim and iftop
            - figlet
            - vim
            - iftop
          state: latest
        become: true
(venv-ansible) ansible@c8host ~/Ansible-CentOS/playbooks[360] $

You can see the "tasks:" section in this file and the "—" start to the YAML file.

I will hazard a guess here. The "all-in-one" playbook that includes the tasks is useful if the playbook and tasks is small. Contrast to the method where the playbook does NOT include tasks, but rather calls those via the "roles:" command, will scale better. i.e. the roles can be quite extensive, and they can be re-used on many different host groups more easily if you use method 1 above. But that, as of May 2020, is just my guess. I need to confirm that. Either way, both work.

This youtube video by Jeff Geerling confirms exactly that.

8 Ansible directory structure (best practices)

Ansible looks for files in certain directories. If they are not where they should be ansible will complain. For example, I tried running ansible-playbook from an incorrect directory and got the following error, which as it happens, shows where ansible is expecting to find certain files.

ansible-playbook  playbooks-with-roles/site.yml 
ERROR! the role 'whats-my-status' was not found in 
- /home/ansible/Centos-ansible/playbooks-with-roles/roles:
- /home/ansible/.ansible/roles:
- /usr/share/ansible/roles:
- /etc/ansible/roles:
- /home/ansible/Centos-ansible/playbooks-with-roles

The error appears to be in '/home/ansible/Centos-ansible/playbooks-with-roles/site.yml': line 5, column 5, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

So, I cannot run ansible-playbook playbooks-with-roles/site.yml but rather have to run ansible-playbook site.yml from the directory above roles. In other words, all roles playbooks MUST be in the directory above roles. I think it good practice to cp the role up to the SAME file, playbook.yml and depending on what I choose to copy will dictate what actual playbook runs. That way I am ALWAYS running ansible-playbook playbook.yml and it is the contens of playbook.yml that changes.

Until I get a better idea, I will stick to this. (Sept 14, 2020)

8.1 My directory structure:

(venv-ansible) ansible@c8host ~/Ansible-CentOS[653] $
tree .
├── ansible.cfg
├── base-utils.yml
├── hosts
├── playbooks
│   ├── dnf-delete.yml
│   ├── dnf-install-list.yml
│   ├── dnf-install-list.yml~
│   ├── dnf-list.yml
│   ├── dnf-updateall.yml
│   ├── dnf-update-specifics.yml
│   └── dnf-update.yml
└── roles
    ├── apache-LAMP
    │   ├── defaults
    │   ├── files
    │   ├── tasks
    │   │   └── main.yml
    │   ├── tests
    │   └── vars
    ├── basic-utils
    │   ├── defaults
    │   ├── files
    │   │   └── bash.bashrc
    │   ├── tasks
    │   │   ├── install-utils.yml
    │   │   ├── main.yml
    │   │   └── zintis-note.txt
    │   ├── tests
    │   └── vars
    ├── each-dir-is-a-role.txt
    ├── install-pb.yml
    └── mailservers
	├── defaults
	├── files
	├── tasks
	│   └── main.yml
	├── tests
	└── vars

20 directories, 22 files

If I want to run a basics-playbook.yml you must be at the level above the roles directory. Even if the basics-playbook.yml file is in playbooks sub-directory. Best to run it as: ansible-playbooks playbooks/basic-playbook.yml

8.2 Best Practices directory structure

In stead of having /etc/ansible.cfg as the only file, create a new directory structure for each project, and put the ansible.cfg file in the top level of that new directory. Following that, instead of using the default /etc/ansible/hosts file, you can create a hosts file in the ./inventory subdirectory as well.


  1. a new folder per project
  2. ansible.cfg in the top directory
  3. ./inventory/hosts as hosts file
  4. ./groupvars

8.3 Best Practices ansible.cfg

Placed in the top level directory of the project:

[defaults] inventory = ./inventory retryfilesenabled = False

[sshconnection] pipelining = True

8.4 Best Practices ./inventory/hosts file

Placed in ./inventory/hosts.

localhost  ansible_connection=local






# do not store your personal API key here, but this is where would go.
# do not store you personal password here, but this is where it goes.


8.5 Same file in YAML format (your pick which you want to use)

For the above .yml file, everything defined after a host: is considered a host variable.

finish this

8.6 Using DNAC as inventory source for Ansible

DevNet Code Exchange has this codeexchange link

The DNA Center Inventory plugin will gather all groups (sites) and inventory devices from DNA Center. The hosts are associated with appropriate sites in the hierarchy.

The following hostvars are associated with the network devices:

  • ansibleconnection : networkcli for ios and nxos devices
  • ansiblebecomemethod : for ios and nxos types. (enable)
  • ansiblebecome : yes for ios and nxos types.
  • ansiblehost : using the managementIpAddress from DNA Center
    • conditionally mapped based on control file dnacenter.yml.
  • ansiblenetworkos : derived from os below and required for Ansible networkcli connection plugin
  • os : network operating system as stored in DNA Center's softwareType
  • version : network operating system version as stored in DNA Center's softwareVersion

9 Useful built-in modules for networking

9.1 ping module

For example:

  • ansible all -m ping
  • ansible all -m ping -u zintis
  • ansible all -m ping -u zintis –ask-pass
  • ansible -m ping all

9.2 command module

First as an ad-hoc command:

  • ansible -m command -a "hostname" mailservers
  • ansible -m command -a "uptime" opsvms
  • ansible -m command -a "cat /etc/resolv.conf" opsvms

Then as a playbook: -name: Run a command to show ip routes fill this in…

9.3 setup

The ansible setup module is a good way to see what variables ansible has made available to you for the nodes you are asking for. These are called ansible "facts".

ansible -i inventory vm1 -m setup if inventory is giving errors run this: ansible ops -m setup # where ops is a section in the ansible hosts file. And you will see all the variables at your disposal for the vm1 host. Or can say all, if you like.

Now, any variable that comes back from setup, can be used in your playbooks. almost everything… ansibledns, ansibleipv4, etc.

IF your playbook has gatherfacts: false Then a playbook that ask for stuff like ansibleosfamily or any other of these many facts, the playbook will fail. So set gatherfacts: true if you want to use the ansible facts

9.4 - debug: var=ansiblefacts

Can be run this in any playbook to see all available facts. the ansible setup module gives you the "raw" information.

You can reference the ansible facts in a template or playbook as:

  • {{ ansible_facts['devices']['xvda']['model'] }}

To reference the node name us:

  • {{ ansible_facts['nodename'] }}

10 Vendors providing ansible modules:

  • Arista: arista.eos
  • Cisco: cisco.ios, cisco.iosxr, cisco.nxos
  • Juniper: junipernetworks.junos
  • VyOS: vyos.vyos

11 Ansible for Networks

Automation is about performing simple, repetitive, high-volume tasks in order to reduce errors, gain consistency, be fast (agile).

Let's say you wanted add a security setting to all your routers, or maybe add a new VLAN to all your switches.

11.1 Example

The following yml file is a playbook that is confirmed to work on my CML lab:

- name: set some banners using ios_banner
  hosts: iosv
  connection: network_cli
  become: true

    - name: add an exec banner
        banner: exec   # as opposed to other banners available on cisco routers
        text: |
          Welcome!  Your credentials have been approved.
          This router is part of Zintis model labs.  Do your worst!!!
          I will just rebuild it if it is pooched.
          .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo. .oO0Oo.
        state: present

    - name: add a login banner
        banner: login   # as opposed to other banners available on cisco routers
        text: |
          Hang on Chuckie!   You had better be sure that you are allowed to access
          this anonymous internet cesspool of filth.  If you know what's good for
          you, close this session now and go watch the hockey game.
          You have been warned!
           <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>  <<</>>>
        state: present

    - name: Add a motd banner
        banner: motd   # as opposed to other banners available on cisco routers
        text: |
          By the way, this banner is maintained using ansbile, specifically
          the cisco.ios.ios_banner module.
          /\/\          /\/\          /\/\          /\/\          /\/\     
           /\            /\            /\            /\            /\      
        state: present

    - name: Remove the slip-ppp banner
        banner: slip-ppp   # as opposed to other banners available on cisco routers
        state: absent

11.2 Credentials for ios routers for ansible

You notice that there is no mention of usernames and passwords. That is because I have them defined in my inventory/hosts file. This is the first of several approaches to passing router credentials to ansible:

  1. host:vars Here is the relevant section from my inventory/hosts file:
    ansible_become: yes
    ansible_become_method: enable
    ansible_network_os: cisco.ios.ios
    ansible_connection: network_cli
    ansible_user: ansible
    ansible_password: sedemo
    ansible_python_interpreter: /Users/zintis/bin/python/venv-ansible/bin/python
  1. prompt for password interactively. Obivously not good for batch processes, but convenient when you are developing your ansible playbooks:
    ansible-playbook my-cisco-playbook.yml -u ansible -k   

    -u specifies the user. I usually set my cisco router user to be "ansible" -k will prompt for the ssh password

  2. use a credentials.yml file create a credentials.yml file and store the username and password needed for the SSH connections file: creds.yml
    username: admin
    password: C1sco123!
  1. setup an Ansible command station on VLAN 4094, with ip addr
  2. create an inventory file that contains descriptions of your devices. This inventory file can also arbitrarily group items as you see fit. An example could be branchrouters, corerouters, accessswitches etc…
    file: inventory
  3. create a playbook, writtin in YAML format.

    • name:

12 Installation

12.1 MacOSX

13 Shutdown interfaces that are not connected

This is taken from the link.

You should use iosfacts to retrieve a dictionary containing all the interfaces. Then you can iterate over that dictionary to shutdown the interfaces that are not connected.

If you run your playbook using the -vvv switch, you will see the all the variables collected by iosfacts.

I believe in Ansible 2.9 and later, Ansible gathers the actual network device facts if you specify "gatherfacts: yes". With Ansible 2.8 or older, you need to use the "iosfacts" module.

- hosts: SWITCHES
  gather_facts: no

  - name: gather IOS facts

  - name: Shutdown notconnect interfaces
      lines: shutdown
      parents: "interface {{ item.key }}"
    with_dict: "{{ ansible_net_interfaces }}"
    when: item.value.operstatus == "down"

This requires you to have a dictionary called anisble_net_interfaces that has all your interface defitions:


  "ansible_net_interfaces": {
      "GigabitEthernet0/0": {
          "bandwidth": 1000000,
          "description": null,
          "duplex": "Full",
          "ipv4": [],
          "lineprotocol": "down",
          "macaddress": "10b3.d507.5880",
          "mediatype": "RJ45",
          "mtu": 1500,
          "operstatus": "administratively down",
          "type": "RP management port"
      "GigabitEthernet1/0/1": {
          "bandwidth": 1000000,
          "description": null,
          "duplex": null,
          "ipv4": [],
          "lineprotocol": null,
          "macaddress": "10b3.d507.5881",
          "mediatype": "10/100/1000BaseTX",
          "mtu": 1500,
          "operstatus": "down",
          "type": "Gigabit Ethernet"
      "GigabitEthernet1/0/10": {
          "bandwidth": 1000000,
          "description": "Telefon/PC",
          "duplex": null,
          "ipv4": [],
          "lineprotocol": null,
          "macaddress": "null,
          "mediatype": "10/100/1000BaseTX",
          "mtu": 1500,
          "operstatus": "down",
          "type": "Gigabit Ethernet"
      "GigabitEthernet1/0/11": {
          "bandwidth": 1000000,
          "description": null,
          "duplex": null,
          "ipv4": [],
          "lineprotocol": null,
          "macaddress": "10b3.d507.588b",
          "mediatype": "10/100/1000BaseTX",
          "mtu": 1500,
          "operstatus": "down",
          "type": "Gigabit Ethernet"

The value of the "ansible_net_interfaces" variable is a dictionary. Each key in that dictionary is the interface name, and the value is a new dictionary containing new key/value pairs. The "operstatus" key will have a value "down" when the interface is not connected.

Using "withdict" in the "iosconfig" task loops through all top-level key/value pairs in the dictionary, and you can use the variables in each key/value pair by referring to "{{ item.key }}" or "{{ item.value }}".

Using "when" in the "iosconfig" task, you set a condition for when the task is to be executed. In this case we only want it to run when "operstatus" has a value of "down".

The "parents" parameter in the "iosconfig" task specifies a new section where the configuration is to be entered, in this case the section is the interface configuration mode. The interface name is returned for each interface in the "ansiblenetinterfaces" using the "{{ item.key }}" variable.

Refer to Ansibles documentation for these modules to get a better understanding of them:

14 Ansible configs using Jinja2 templates

Check out this youtube video on using jinja2 templates with ansible to configure a bunch of routers and different values for different interfaces…

14.1 Home