Lab 1 static IP addressing


1 Change From dhcp leased address to static address

Changing a Centos vm from dhcp leased address to static using nmcli

The following instructions are for a subnet Replace the ip address as needed

cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts

sudo cp ifcfg-ens3 ifcfg-ens34.original
cat ifcfg-ens3
ip -4 addr
nmcli connection
nmcli device

Rename the connection to something easier, like ens3 to match the device:

nmcli connection modify Wired\ connection\ 1 ens3

Change the connection's ip address

nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.addr ""

Confirm the connection

cat ifcfg-Wired-connection_1=  or =cat ifcfg-ens3

Add a gateway to ens3

nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.gateway

Check the existing ip address

ip -4 addr

Add the netmask (can do it in one step on the ip address)

nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.addresses

This next one is not needed.

  nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.netmask   * so not needed
# nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.dns ""

Add the dns server (leave it as the same as the default gw)

nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.dns

Finally, change the ipv4.method to manual (and not dhcp)

nmcli connection modify ens3 ipv4.method manual

Check how the file has changed

cat ifcfg-Wired_connection_1

Already done

nmcli c  mod ens3 ipv4.dns   # let host resolve for guest VMs

View connections (all)

  • nmcli connection

Delete any old connections no longer needed

  • nmcli connection delete eth0

Confirm what devices you have, and which ones are active

  • nmcli device

See what ifcfg-* files you have

  • ls -lt

Check the ip addresses (they should still be the old addresses from dhcp)

  • ip -4 addr

restart the network to have the static addresses take effect

  • nmcli network off

and back on

  • nmcli network on

Check the ip addresses again. Now they should be the static ones.

  • ip -4 addr

Confirm you have internet acccess

  • ping -c 3 -n

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