My Cheatsheet on magit


1 magit, the git porcelain

1.1 Review of the git model

Git models history as a collection of files and folders within a top-level directory.

For example, given this tree structure on a Linux host:

tree .
     ├── ansible-logo.png
     └── foo
	 └── bar.txt

Git labels them as follows:

  • "tree" is a folder so in this case, foo is a "tree" as is . the root tree is a "tree"
  • "blob" is a file, so in this case, bar.txt is a "blob"

So trees can contain blobs and other trees. But blobs cannot contain trees.

The top level tree is the directory that is being tracked by git.

The history gives a the complete folder structure at any given point in time. Now, you might think that the version history is just a linear sequence of snapshots. But git is more sophisticated than that. It models the history as a directed acyclic graph to model the history.

1.2 Directed acyclic graphs

Each snapshot has some number of parents. Each parent may have more than one child.


Figure 1: git Directed Acyclic Graph

1.3 review of the git datastructure

here is git's model of history using pseudo code. It has three types, blobs, trees, and commits. All git objects are one of these 3 types.

type blob = array<bytes>  # an array of bytes.  i.e. it is a file.
type tree = map<string, tree | blob >  # a folder, which is a mapping from
                                       # the filename or dictory name to the
				       # contents, which is either another
				       # tree (i.e. a subtree) or the file

type commit = struct {        # a snapshot, that is what git calls a commit.
     parents: array<commit>   # an array of commits
                              # not the actual commit, but pointers to the
			      # commits.
     author: string           # more metadata for this commit
     message: string
     snapshot: tree           # is the actual contents of the commit which
     }                        # is the snapshot itself, ie the top level tree
                              # corresponding to a particular commit.

This psuedo code comes from this youtube link.

1.4 How git stores this history in its own disk datastore?

see file in this directory for more on this topic.

2 git staging

3 immutablitiy of git

4 master (a reference)

Master is a reference. It is a pointer that is updated to point to later commits as they are committed. ha ha But true.

5 git commits and status

You can commit the staged changes, one at a time, or multiple at a time. You can also commit only certain changes within the file, ignoring other changes. A good reason why is when debugging some code, you scatter many extra print statements to see variables at various stages of your program. Finding the problem and implementing the fix might only take 1 line change. It is convenient to be able to commit just that 1 line change, and ignore all the extra print statments that were only there temporarily to help you find the bug.

5.1 Tracking changes

If you create a new program in the main repository, git will not itself start tracking changes to this program. Easy to confirm by touching a new file, and running git status You will see the "untracked" new file.

5.1.1 git status

This will show that you have the new program and it is "untracked".

5.1.2 git branch

by itself shows you available branches, and the one you are currently on. There is a very good explanation of branches, divergent branches and merging them at

5.1.3 git show HEAD~3

5.1.4 git add

Adds all untracked files into git.

5.1.5 git commit

This command opens up your default editor window with the changes about to be committed. To see what is your default editor, echo $EDITOR You can then add your commit message with detail explanations on multiple lines after the import summary line. (See commit message conventions to see what you should include).

5.1.6 git commit -m "Initial commit" readme.txt

This bypasses the editor window and adds the "string in quotes" to the top line all in one command.

5.1.7 git log

Shows who changed what, when, i.e. all the git history. git log --all --graph --decorate git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline git log --pretty=oneline

5.1.8 .gitignore

Keep a list of files or file types that you do NOT want included in git version control.

5.1.9 git rm

To remove files that you do not need under git version

5.1.10 git rebase

git rebase -i 4256efac git rebase -i 1ad5794b

5.1.11 git clone

See for more info

5.1.12 git merge

Modifies the directory and the HEAD and master references

6 git log –all –graph –decorate

Read up what each argument does. but useful command!

7 git commands are all just manipulations of this graph data structure.

All there is to a git repository are objects and references. They are the two pieces of data that it stores. At a high level all git command-line commands are manipulations of either the references data or the objects data.


Figure 2: git commands1


Figure 3: git commands2


Figure 4: git commands3


Figure 5: git commands4


Figure 6: git commands5


Figure 7: git fetch vs pull


Figure 8: git in french

8 github Hello World

Github itself has an introductory Hello World page that shows you the basics of repositories. It does NOT use the command line, but rather a web interface to git.

9 From DevNet Express

Step Action Git command
1 Clone the Remote Repository git clone <url>
2 Create and Checkout a Local Branch git checkout -b <new branch name>
    (short cut for git branch,
    git checkout)
3 Incrementally Commit Changes git add <new or modified file>
4 Commit all changes to the repo git commit -m "Commit Message"

10 Local installation:

which git /usr/bin/git

In your init.el file:

(use-package magit
    :ensure t)

11 typical sequence of git commands

11.1 git status

should show the file as "modified", under "Changes not staged for commit:"

11.2 git add filename

Also git add -A to add all the files in the local directory

11.3 git status

should now show the file under "Changes to be committed"

11.4 git commit

Asks for you to edit a note explaining the changes, then commits them

11.4.1 git commit -m "you can add the note directly on the command line with the -m option"

This is a commit message, so you don't have to enter the editor at all.

11.4.2 git commit -a

This will commit all the files that were already in the git repository and that had changes. New additions will NOT be committed.

11.5 git clone

Will create a local copy of the files in the repository into the local dir.

11.6 git diff

git diff filename will show you what has changed in the file specified, compared to the file as saved in the last commit (i.e. snapshot). Or, more accurately, git diff filename compares current filename to the filename pointed to by HEAD.

12 other useful git commands

12.1 git show <id>

for example git show 2097655d8d0d1737a0da7f27ff07d78e797c89e8

13 git cat-file -p <hash>

will give you information of the object that has the key specified (i.e. the hash) For instance you can use git cat-file -p to drill down into the git data structure using this command.

You can use git cat-file -p hash repeatedly to drill down into the tree as deep as you want. Every deeper object return you can cat-file its hash, and keep going. Start with git log to see the most recent changes, and get that hash and off you go.

13.1 references

refernces = map<string, string> Where you create a map of the 40 character hex sting to a human readable string.

The strings are what you write in a commit. A reference is also called a "pointer" They are the same thing.

13.2 git checkout ( i.e. move the HEAD pointer)

git checkout moves the head pointer AND modifies the current directory so that it matches exactly the "snapshot" or commit that was checked out.

13.3 git checkout -b covid-19

This is actually a shortform for two commands:

  1. git branch covid-19
  2. git checkout covid-19
  1. DANGER: git checkout changes the contents of your directory

    When you realize that a checkout of a previous branch it

    1. moves the HEAD pointer back to that earlier commit, and
    2. it must also then change the contents of the current directory, because that is what was 'current' in the older commit.

    As long as you realize that, you will be ok. You can always move the pointer forward (and back to the MASTER) commit using: git checkout master Always check where you are with git log –all –graph –decorate whenever you checkout a commit.

13.4 Customer references

You can create custom references, which as all other references are, are simply labels attached to a git hash.

14 Under the git repository folder, you can:

14.1 git pull

pulls down the files from the git repository beware that working dir files are overwritten. (See git fetch)

14.2 git push

will send the locally modifed file to the git repository

15 git branch

git branch will display all the available branches as well as the branch currently active. git branch -vv will be extra verbose about it.

git branch covid-19 creates a new branch called covid-19, which points to the same place where HEAD is pointing. At this point HEAD will point to master as well as covid-19. (HEAD -> master, covid-19)

16 git merge (opposite of branch)

After you have 1 or more branches and you want to re-combine them into the master train, you use the git merge.

16.1 git merge workflow

The workflow is:

17 git remote repositories

ls .git is your own git repository. git remote lists all of the remote repositories associated with this local repository. You can simulate a remote repository just by creating a different directory and setting that up as if it was remote.

The following section is straight out of

18 magit

diredmode, type M-x magit

Here is a screen shot of my magit page in ~/bin/python/bin


Figure 9: magit help screen

You can cycle through all the sections of the magit display using

  • M-n for magit-section-forward-sibling
  • M-p for magit-section-backward-sibling
  • n for magit-forward

18.1 magit-status screen layout

You will see the files, the magit status, and the current command windows that will show you your 1) options for the command, and the 2) actions to perform if the command has multiple actions that are possible. For instance hitting c will get you a commit command window at which point you will see multiple options, including another c for confirm commit. So you can get used to hitting cc as a usual, vanilla commit.

18.2 magit-mode commands:

  • q quit this command (magit-log-bury-buffer) (closes the buffer)
    • <tab> to expand sections OR to expand a file magit-section-toggle
  • hammer magit-visit-thing ?
  • s on an untagged file, (or untracked??) to stage it. magit-stage
  • u on a stagged file to unstage it. magit-unstage
  • i ignore this file is added to the .gitignore file.
  • ? show available commands. magit-dispatch also h
  • q to quit this command display
  • k discard this file (deletes it) magit-discard
  • c commit magit-commit
  • c commit magit-commit-create (c is entered twice )
  • b branch magit-branch
  • b b again which is magit-checkout ( b is entered twice ) similar to a git checkout -b
  • C-n and C-p next and previous line (or use arrow keys)
  • M-n and M-p next and previous sibling section. Siblings are at the same level, i.e. from top down they are:
    • section
    • file
    • changed block
    • line
  • g to refresh the window
  • rm there is no magit command that matches git rm but you can simply stage the unstagged deletes, then commit and you will be done with the list of deleted files.
  • s spin off a branch magit-branch-spinoff
  • l log magit-log
  • l log magit-log-current (l is entered twice)
  • w magit-am
  • w magit-am-apply-patches (w is entered twice)
  • C-c C-c to close the edited commit.
  • SPC show a magit diff magit-diff-show-or-scroll-up
  • 0 show magit diff default magit-diff-default-context
  • 1 show section level 1
  • 2 show section level 2
  • 3 show section level 3
  • 4 show section level 4
  • : magit-git-command
  • < beginning of buffer
  • > end of buffer

So a typical, basic magit workflow is: M-x magit

  • TAB on any file you want to look at the diff. ( yas-expand )
  • s -
  • s |- or all changes with S
  • s -
  • k
  • k - discard three files
  • k
  • i - ignore
  • c c - commit

Make your editing changes, then C-c C-c actually I think it's C-c c Find out which one. It is C-c C-c for "editing-complete" or so. ?

  • $ bring up the details of the error message that just appeared. This is very useful if the command you just ran got an error. Get used to $
  • P push your commit o repository i.e. github (or local repository if you have that set up in another directory, possibly and external drive?

    i.e. once you have done your latest commit, you can simply hit P to push that commit to your remote repository.

There is a pedantic, but good youtube video on a magit workflow.

  1. same function on individual files

    If you type s or u against an expanded file, you can stage (or unstage) individual editing changes made within the file. How cool is that?!

18.3 magit status

M-x magit-status (you can set C-x g to map to M-x magit-status by using: (global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status) in your .emacs-d/init file

Refres (g/G) global-magit-file-mode (C-c M-g) magit-dispatch (C-x M-g)

First a good idea to confirm that C-x g is not being used by anything useful C-h k C-x g See help magit status section above.

? will display the magit commands availale. (must be in the magit-status buffer)

M-n/p, j to move around the git status window (next/previous) M-1 or -2 or -3 or -4 , TAB, S-<tab> for visibility (or just use up and down)

18.4 magit diff options

D C-c C-t (or M-x magit-diff-trace-definition) ?

Once in the diff buffer (D) see toggles such as -U for context lines and -t for hunk refinements which can show you the actual changes made to files between git commits.

git diff –word-diff (is the equivalent git cli command.

In a diff buffer, you can get the function history list as well… That is a list of historic changes to the function you are currently looking at say in python, or in .php or whatever program is being edited in magit mode.

18.5 Logging options in magit

L can toggle dates from absolute dates or days or hours ago.

18.6 magit blame

shows who and when people committed people.

18.7 close the magit buffers with letter 'q' for quit

18.8 magit stage and unstage with a single letter

$ will show you what is happening with your git commands, at any time you want.

  • to show dates when lines or sections were added or changed or deleted from a git file.

18.9 magit commit


  • e allow empty commit
  • a stage all modified and deleted files –all
  • v show diff of changes to be committed
  • M-n or M-p can browse through past commit messages. (once in the commit buffer) i.e. have hit c Of course arrow keys up and down work as well as M-n and M-p

You can also C-c C-a to commit ammend (see docs for all the options of C-c C-a to commit ammend.)

18.9.1 Note the use of options

In the above magit commit, when you first hit c a pop window shows up where you can select options for the command you are about to run. (in this case a commit command). You can simply hit a and the –all option will be set for this command, howerver:…. if you hit C-t on the options selected, they will be set for you as the default option the next time you run this command

Basically C-t is "save this option to my default options list"

18.10 magit insert git headers C-c C-r, C-c, C-s

18.11 magit branching

b brings up the branch popup. Can create a new branch, or open a branch, can check it out or not in the same command.

18.11.1 spin-off

Let's say you are working on a branch for a couple of hours, making lots of edits, and make a few commits, when you realize, "oops, I should not be making these commits to master!". What to do? If you have made a couple of commits but have not 'pushed' it yet you can:

hit b and s which will spin off a new branch.

It will reset the master head back to where you were when you started, take the several commits you have done today, and spin off new branch, applying those editting changes on this new branch. All automagically. Thus saving your bacon.

Makes your workflow

You can spin off of any branch.

18.12 magit merge workflow

18.13 Reverting (V)

V VV (magin-revert-and-commit) Vv (magit-revert-no-commit)

18.14 resetting (X)

Read the docs on this. What follows is just to make you aware that this feature exists, and is fairly useful:

Get your mouse onto a recent commit (pick one) and hit: x (and type Head) to revert to that version. ? x (and bring up the log to see what version you want to revert to.)

18.15 Stashing (z)

z z (magit-stash-both) Stashes index and working tree, untracked files included.

Once a change is stashed, you can hit a on the stash (under git status buffer) at a latter time, to then incorporate the change into the branch at that time.

18.16 Rebasing (r)

r i (magit-rebase-interactive) Rebase allows you to resolve conflicts and rewrite history. * very useful

magit does this very well.

Look at the log, choose a commit where you want to start the rebase. hit r i For instance c76309r then you will see a list of commands. Read them and use C-c C-c to execute what you want with the rebase. - any errors will pop up for you to resolve, or skip and continue forward.

C-c C-k to kill buffer out of this if you do not want to make any changes.

18.17 Bisectting

B B (magit-bisect-start) B s (magit-bisect-run) B b (magit-bisect-bad) B g (magit-bisect-good) B r (magit-bisect-reset)

This is good if you have a bug and want to know when the bug came into being.

Works good if you have been following proper git ettiquette, hygene and standards, with proper messages left on commits, etc.

18.18 Rebasing

Read up on this.

18.19 others: magit-tag, magit-notes, submodules, worktree

18.20 Home