Linux root folders


1 Modern Linux:

1.1 /bin

basic binaries such as cat, ls, cd

1.2 /sbin

system binaries that a sysadmin would use, typically used only by root.

1.3 /boot


1.4 /cdrom

not in all distros

1.5 /dev

where your hardware devices live

  • sda is your disk
    • sda1 is partition 1
    • sda2 is partition 2 …
  • keyboard ?

1.6 /etc

Dennis Ritchie says it really just meant "etcetera"

All configurations are store here (well system wide settings)

1.7 /home

each user has a directory here. each user will also have lib directories here for personal settings and others.



home.theme (and icons etc…) Make sure you backup these hidden folders



1.8 /lib, /lib32 /lib64

Libraries that hold needed software for applications.

1.9 /mnt

external mount points found here. Modern linuxes also mount stuff like usb keys, … in /media. Most distros automatically mount external drives in /media But if you are manually mounting somethin, use /mnt

/media/zintis/device-name i.e. /medai/zintis/usb65GB

1.10 /opt

optionally installed s/w would be found here. Also a good place to install apps that you developed yourself

1.11 /proc

All processes. These are pseudo files that have information related to currently running processes. For example if I run top and see that my emacs is using PID 5627, then I can peak in /proc/5627 to see all the files that my emacs has open.

/proc/cpuinfo has interesting info on your cpu. /proc/uptime holds your system uptime.

1.12 /root

Just a home folder for root

1.13 /run

Rather new, and is a tmpfs (it runs in ram only) Some distros do not have /run

1.14 /snap

self contained small applications

1.15 /srv

The root of server's externally facing directory.

1.16 /sys

system folder A way to interact with the kernel. A tmpfs, only exists in RAM

1.17 /tmp

temporary files used by applications. Empty after a reboot, but NOT a RAM disk. These are stored on the disk itself, it just that it gets wiped on a reboot.

1.18 /usr

Non-critical application folders. Your user apps will be "Unix System Resource", but could also think of it as user apps directory

1.18.1 /usr/bin

installed apps

1.18.2 /usr/sbin

installed apps

1.18.3 /usr/lib

libraries for apps in /usr/bin or /usr/sbin

——— many apps installed from source code, go in /usr/local –————

1.18.4 /usr/local/bin

installed apps

1.18.5 /usr/local/sbin

installed apps

1.18.6 /usr/local/lib

libraries for apps in /usr/local/bin or /usr/local/sbin

1.18.7 /usr/share

for large apps. Large apps install themselves here

1.18.8 /usr/share/src

source code for these larger apps in /usr/share/bin and /usr/share/sbin

1.19 /var

variable sized files

1.19.1 /var/log

for logging by system apps and others

1.19.2 /var/crash

crash reports go here

1.19.3 /var/spool

temporary storage for printer queues

1.20 Home