Cheat sheet on Linux administration


1 SELinux Contexts

Best source of content, is go right to the source: specifically for contexts: SELinux Contexts

1.1 SELinux user

In the docs above you will see the following command to view a list of mappings between SELinux and Linux user accounts. As per the docs, you need to have the policycoreutils-python package installed first.

  • semanage login -l

1.2 SELinux ls -Z output

ls -Z file1 will show you:

-rw-rw-r--  user1 group1 unconfined_u:object_r:user_home_t:s0 file1

In this example, SELinux provides:

  • a user (unconfinedu),
  • a role (objectr),
  • a type (userhomet), and
  • a level (s0).

This information is used to make access control decisions. On DAC systems, access is controlled based on Linux user and group IDs. SELinux policy rules are checked after DAC rules. SELinux policy rules are not used if DAC rules deny access first.

1.3 chcon "Change context" is temporary

Temporary Changes: chcon The chcon command changes the SELinux context for files.

However, changes made with the chcon command do not survive a file system relabel, or the execution of the restorecon command. SELinux policy controls whether users are able to modify the SELinux context for any given file. When using chcon, users provide all or part of the SELinux context to change. An incorrect file type is a common cause of SELinux denying access.

chcon -t type file-name changes the file type, where type is an SELinux type, such as httpd_sys_content_t, file-name is a file or directory name:

- chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t file-name - chcon -t httpd_sys_content_t file-name

Run the chcon -R -t type directory-name command to change the type of the directory and its contents, where type is an SELinux type, such as httpd_sys_content_t, and directory-name is a directory name:

chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t directory-name

If you have files in a directory that you know are setup correctly, you can use one of their contexts as a reference when changing the context of a new file: The syntax is:

  • chcon --reference known-file.html newfile-to-match-it.html

But this is temporary, so to do it correctly, run the command:

  • sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t test.html

When I ran that command though, the fcontext of the file in the directory actually did NOT change. So what did change??? Maybe nothing, because,… the file context for all .html files was already set. I checked in /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files and test.html was not there, but the wildcard *.html was.

  • /usr/share/nginx/html(/.*)? system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0

I find that since the fcontext for the /usr/share/nginx/html directory has already been set, when I touch a file in that directory, it is created with the correct fcontext. If I move a file from another user directory, it won't have the correct fcontext, so I then have to change it.

2 semanage


The semanage command writes the new context to the SELinux policy, which is
used to apply the file context at the relabeling of the file labels or while
setting the default file context using restorecon. It uses an extended
regular expression to specify the path and filenames for applying those rules
(new file context). The most commonly used extended regular expression with
semanage fcontext is (/.*)?. This expression matches the directory listed
before the expression and everything in that directory recursively.

man semanage

  • semanage --help
  • semanage fcontext --help # fcontext is for file context.
  • semanage fcontext --list
  • semanage fcontext --list | grep roundcube # for example

See also man 8 semanage-fcontext.

2.1 Semanage fcontext


The semanage fcontext command is used to change the SELinux context of
files. When using targeted policy, changes are written to files located in the
/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/ directory: The file_contexts file
specifies default contexts for many files, as well as contexts updated via
semanage fcontext.  The file_contexts.local file stores contexts to newly
created files and directories not found in file_contexts.  Two utilities read
these files. The setfiles utility is used when a file system is relabeled and
the restorecon utility restores the default SELinux contexts. This means that
changes made by semanage fcontext are persistent, even if the file system is
relabeled. SELinux policy controls whether users are able to modify the SELinux
context for any given file.

2.2 semanage fcontext examples

These examples were used when installing roundcube:

semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_log_t '/var/www/html/webmail/temp(/.*)?'
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_log_t '/var/www/html/webmail/logs(/.*)?'
restorecon -v -R /var/www/html/webmail

This lets the roundcube service have write access to these temp and log directories that otherwise SELinux would prevent.

When testing roundcube while installing, you can turn off SELinux temporarily, to confirm that SELinux isn't messing you up. Once everything works, turn it back on, and add the fcontext exceptions.

2.3 what are my current file contexts?

For example, what are my fcontexts for /usr/share/nginx/html/*.html ? They are listed in this directory, so you can check:

  • /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts

In that file you can see this line:

  • /usr/share/nginx/html(/.*)? system_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0

And comparing that to the output of ls -Z in directory /usr/share/nginx/html

  • unconfined_u:object_r:httpd_sys_content_t:s0 top.html (for all html files)

2.4 permanently change a file context

2.5 semanage for apache

A good tool to see what you have going with semanage is to list things first. Try semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_content_t for starters. I had first I semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?" when I was intalling Then I wanted to list all related settings so I did the semanage fcontext -l command and grepped for what I was looking for.

2.6 Opening http ports for Apache

semanage can also lists ports that are protected, and add/delete ports as needed. semanage port -l

I tried to create a virtual apache host, that listened to port 7927, for a flask app, that was being moved into a production apache modwsgi app.

Everything was correct in my virtual host config, but ss -tulpn would NOT ever say it was listening on port 7927.

I then issued three semanage commands:

  • semanage port -l | grep http
  • semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 7927
  • semanage port -l | grep http

After that every was copasetic! semanage fcontext -a -t httpdsysrwcontentt "var/www/wordpress(.*)?

2.7 List of semanage commands I entered

semanage port -l | grep http
semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 7927
semanage port -a -t http_port_t -p tcp 7929 
semanage port -l | grep http
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/wordpress(/.*)?"
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_content_t| grep "\/var\/www\/html"
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/wordpress(/.*)?"
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/wordpress(.*)?"
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?"
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/var/www/html(/.*)?"
semanage fcontext –a –t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/usr/share/phpmyadmin/'
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t "/usr/share/phpmyadmin/tmp(/.*)?"
semanage fcontext -a -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_con*   | grep wordpress
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_content_t | grep "\/var\/www\/wordpress"
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_con*      | grep wordpress
semanage --help
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw
semanage fcontext -l | grep httpd_sys_rw_content 

3 mail for admin process

You can use the command line mail program to send various logs, command outputs, error to an email recipient. Linux mail is a command line client that will take the usual stdin input, or a redirect from a file, or a pipe output from some other command.

mail -s "Feb 24th app3 logs" -c \
   -b  < ~/var/log/app3-messages

df -h | mail -s "current disk free"

Some common options to the mail command are:

  • s specify a subject for the email in "" if more than one word.
    mail -s test < aliases
  • b blind copy a user specified by email address
    mail -s test -b root* < aliases
  • c copy a user specified by email address
    mail -s test -c -b < aliases
  • a attach a file to the mail
    mail -s test -a  aliases

3.1 mail as client

If you just type mail and hammer, then you are using the mail client to view your own mbox i.e. in /var/mail/userid messages

3.2 mail in interactive mode

If you just type mail and hammer, then you are in interactive mode, and will be prompted for subject, followed by a chance to enter a body of the email message. C-d for EOF

3.3 mail using gmail api

I have setup my own module that uses some common python library modules. You can create your own using this as an example. Below is a subset of that module, showing just the pertinent mailing code. It uses an environment module where I keep my credentials, called

  ''' Module for sending google emails, utilizing gmail app specific passwords
      Author: Zintis Perkons

      /usr/bin/env python resolved to /usr/local/bin/python3.8.  This may change
      in the future, so we may want to change this to #!/usr/local/bin/python3.8

    The password  is a google "app" password and must be set first via the
    google page.  The result is an
    alphabetic string that is 16 characters long, for example hrlsnjuqscpekzybk

    Can be called by any python program that wants to use my google mail acct
    to send an email

    Syntax to call this module is:
    from zmailer import sendnow
    sendnow(summary, type_of_report, zbody, whensent, emailaddresses)

    If run directly, will send a test email to technical@....  Syntax to run
    directly is python -m

  import smtplib
  from email.message import EmailMessage
  import env_user_zp as env


  def sendnow(summary: str,
              type_of_report: str,
              whensent: str,
              zbody="No body was included in this message",
              to_whom=[""] ):
      ''' sends an email with the summary data.

      to_whom should be passed to this method as a list of strings, even
      if there is only one element.  For example ['']
      The default recipient (if none provided) is ["technical@..."]


      msg = EmailMessage()
      msg['Subject'] = 'Zinux ' + type_of_report + ' Sent on ' + whensent
      msg['From'] = EMAILADDR
      msg['To'] = to_whom

      whattosay = zbody + summary

      with smtplib.SMTP_SSL('', 465) as smtp:
          smtp.login(EMAILADDR, EMAILPASS)

  if __name__ == '__main__':
      # Run directly this script will send to
      # (default recipient so not actually included in this __main__ call

      mess_body = '''

      To whom it may concern,

      This message body can be replaced with any string you like by passing
      the key value for the parameter 'zbody'


      Zintis Perkons


      sendnow(summary=" was run directly",
              whensent="Today")  # typically would use an actual date string
#             to_whom=[""] )

4 Storage media

4.1 What drives are currently mounted

To list all of them:

  • mount -l

To list just type nfs4:

  • mount -l -t nfs4

If the drives are nfs drives you may try:

  • nfsstat

You can manually less the file /proc/mounts or grep that for nfs to just see nfs mounts.

4.1.1 showmount vs mount -l

Depending on whether using rpcbind (in which case showmount will work) or using the newer NFSv4 in which case showmount will NOT work and you use mount -l instead.

4.2 smartctl

If you distro has installed smarttools, you can try to use smartctl.

4.3 Mounting drives

The old technique of using /etc/fastab still works in CentOS 8 There are more modern tools, but I would start with man 5 fstab, man 8 mount, man 8 findfs

From youtube example, use mount -o loop CentOS-7-livecd-x866.iso /mnt The above link also had good example use of squashfs, chroot, mount and systemctl

4.4 Partitions and shrinking them

To shrink the size of an LVM partiion (logical volume manager) to 10Gig

  1. umount /dev/hda2 /mountpt
  2. e2fsck -f /dev/hda2
  3. resiz32fs /dev/hda2 10G
  4. lvreduce -L 10G /dev/hda2
  5. mount /dev/hda2 /mountpt

Note that if you used fdisk to partition a disk, you are out of luck. fdisk creates fixed volume partitions and all you can do is erase them and recreate them larger. (could recover from a backup)

  • ext4 is a filesystem that you may install onto a partition.

- df -hT to see the size of the storage on each partition.

  • e2fsck is needed to check that the filesystem on the partition is not corrupted.

4.5 VMWare Fusion Host Guest File Sharing, (vmhgfs)

You can mount a fusion share, i.e. a folder that you have configured on the fusion vm settings, under Sharing using the vmhgfs-fuse command on the C8host. /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /var/osx-share -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other

Create an alias "share" for this i.e.

alias share='sudo /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /var/osx-share \
             -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other'

This will mount the directory .host:/ which is what the VMware fusion GUI has allocated for this VM as a shared folder. (My Fusion GUI was assigned the directory "fusion-share-folder" on my external 250GB Sandisk SSD drive) i.e. /Volumes/ZP-250GB/Virtual Machines/fusion-share-folder

Anyway that is the folder that is designated .host:/ Then my CentOS guest VM sees that folder as /var/osx-share.

So recapping;

sudo /usr/bin/vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /var/osx-share -o subtype=vmhgfs-fuse,allow_other
cd /var/osx-share/fusion-share-folder

On my macbook pro the fusion share folder is on my exteranl 250GB drive: ZP-250GB/Virtual\ Machines/fusion-share-folder

4.6 Squash (for Tape Archives and Storage)

squashfs and unsquashfs : similar to tar -gvxf So for example unsquashfs squashfs.img

4.7 bash script to check drive space

You can run this in a cron job to alert you via email when disk usage is over 90% used. This was taken from

# Shell Script to monitor NAS backup disk space
# Shell script will mount NAS using mount command and look for total used
# disk space. If NAS is running out of disk space an email alert will be sent to
# admin.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2004 nixCraft project <>
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC)
# Visit for more information.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#*** SET ME FIRST ***#

GETNASIP=$(host ${NASIP} | awk '{ print $4}')

# Default warning limit is set to 17GiB

# Failsafe 
[ ! -d ${NASMNTPOINT} ] && mkdir -p ${NASMNTPOINT}
mount | grep //${GETNASIP}/${NASUSER}

# if not mounted, just mount nas
[ $? -eq 0 ] && : || mount -t cifs //${NASIP}/${NASUSER} -o username=${NASUSER},password=${NASPASS} ${NASMNTPOINT}

# get NAS disk space
nSPACE=$(du -hs|cut -d'G' -f1)
# Bug fix
# get around floating point by rounding off e.g 5.7G stored in $nSPACE 
# as shell cannot do floating point 
SPACE=$(echo $nSPACE | cut -d. -f1)

cd /

# compare and send an email 
if [ $SPACE -ge $LIMIT ]
        logger "Warning: NAS Running Out Of Disk Space [${SPACE} G]"
        mail -s 'NAS Server Disk Space' ${EMAILID} <<EOF
NAS server [ mounted at $(hostname) ] is running out of disk space!!!
Current allocation ${SPACE}G @ $(date) 
    logger "$(basename $0) ~ NAS server ${NASIP} has sufficent disk space for backup!"

A simpler script to check local drives also taken from

# Shell script to monitor or watch the disk space
# It will send an email to $ADMIN, if the (free avilable) percentage 
# of space is >= 90% 
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) 2005 nixCraft project <>
# This script is licensed under GNU GPL version 2.0 or above
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This script is part of nixCraft shell script collection (NSSC)
# Visit for more information.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Linux shell script to watch disk space (should work on other UNIX oses )
# set admin email so that you can get email
# set alert level 90% is default
df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|tmpfs|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }' | while read output;
  #echo $output
  usep=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1  )
  partition=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $2 }' )
  if [ $usep -ge $ALERT ]; then
    echo "Running out of space \"$partition ($usep%)\" on $(hostname) as on $(date)" | 
     mail -s "Alert: Almost out of disk space $usep" $ADMIN

Simplest of all, still from

# Tested Under FreeBSD and OS X
OUTPUT=($(LC_ALL=C df -P ${FS}))
CURRENT=$(echo ${OUTPUT[11]} | sed 's/%//')
[ $CURRENT -gt $THRESHOLD ] && echo "$FS file system usage $CURRENT" | mail -s "$FS file system"

But my favourite is taken from, you guessed it, cyberciti.giz

df -H | grep -vE '^Filesystem|tmpfs|cdrom' | awk '{ print $5 " " $1 }' | while read output;
  echo $output
  usep=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $1}' | cut -d'%' -f1  )
  partition=$(echo $output | awk '{ print $2 }' )
  if [ $usep -ge 90 ]; then
    echo "Running out of space \"$partition ($usep%)\" on $(hostname) as on $(date)" |
     mail -s "Alert: Almost out of disk space $usep%"

5 Command to see if your linux supports virtualization

If you want to run kvm on your linux host (or vm in which case we are talking about "nested virtualization",) grep for vmx or svm in /proc/cpuinfo

  • egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo

You should see a number > 1 if your cpu supports virtualization.

6 modprobe

From CentOS man pages: modprobe intelligently adds or removes a module from the Linux kernel: note that for convenience, there is no difference between _ and - in module names (automatic underscore conversion is performed). modprobe looks in the module directory /lib/modules/`uname -r` for all the modules and other files, except for the optional configuration files in the /etc/modprobe.d directory (see modprobe.d(5)).

modprobe will also use module options specified on the kernel command line in the form of <module>.<option> and blacklists in the form of modprobe.blacklist=<module>.

modprobe expects an up-to-date modules.dep.bin file as generated by the corresponding depmod utility shipped along with modprobe (see depmod(8)). This file lists what other modules each module needs (if any), and modprobe uses this to add or remove these dependencies automatically.

If any arguments are given after the modulename, they are passed to the kernel (in addition to any options listed in the configuration file).

so to add kvmintel to the kernel modules type:

  • modprobe -r kvm_intel
  • modprobe -a kvm_intel

I got error:

root /etc/modprobe.d$ modprobe -a kvm_intel
modprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'kvm_intel': Operation not supported
root /etc/modprobe.d$ ^C

7 Linux boot, grub

Before your systemd boot (init) processes can start, the Grand Unified Bootloader, grub process needs to run. This is configured by editing the file /etc/default/grub file. (this file will be checked after the system checks the kernel grub file, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg )

My /etc/default/grub file:

GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR="$(sed 's, release .*$,,g' /etc/system-release)"
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=ttyS0,19200n8 net.ifnames=0 crashkernel=auto rhgb "
GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=19200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"

To see the kernel messages when booting, remove the "rhgb" parameter which is the "Redhat graphical boot_" command that hides the messages with a fancy logo.

7.1 grub2-mkconfig

This command is needed to take the user edited file, /etc/default/grub and create the system file, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg . By default grub2-mkconfig will send to stdout which is good to check, but after you can override that with the -o option or just redirect with > to /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Of course, if you stepped away during a boot, and missed the messages, you can always see them all in /var/log/messages

7.2 grub errors on boot

I was getting this in /var/log/messages :

May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: Stored kernel commandline:
May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: rd.driver.pre=iTCO_wdt,lpc_ich
May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Install squash loader ***
May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Stripping files ***
May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Stripping files done ***
May 17 08:39:13 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Squashing the files inside the initramfs ***
May 17 08:39:19 zintis systemd[1]: systemd-hostnamed.service: Succeeded.
May 17 08:39:27 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Squashing the files inside the initramfs done ***
May 17 08:39:27 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Creating image file '/boot/initramfs-4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_64kdump.img' ***
May 17 08:39:27 zintis dracut[1468]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initramfs-4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_64kdump.img' done ***
May 17 08:39:28 zintis kdumpctl[964]: kdump: kexec: loaded kdump kernel
May 17 08:39:28 zintis kdumpctl[964]: kdump: Starting kdump: [OK]
May 17 08:39:28 zintis systemd[1]: Started Crash recovery kernel arming.
May 17 08:39:28 zintis systemd[1]: man-db-cache-update.service: Succeeded.
May 17 08:39:28 zintis systemd[1]: Started man-db-cache-update.service.
May 17 08:39:28 zintis systemd[1]: Startup finished in 1.014s (kernel) + 3.239s (initrd) + 42.371s (userspace) = 46.625s.
May 17 08:39:28 zintis systemd[1]: run-r459feec8c3c94458af06522936755a9c.service: Succeeded.
May 17 08:40:20 zintis systemd[1]: Starting system activity accounting tool...
May 17 08:40:20 zintis systemd[1]: sysstat-collect.service: Succeeded.
May 17 08:40:20 zintis systemd[1]: Started system activity accounting tool.
May 17 08:41:02 zintis systemd[1009]: Starting Mark boot as successful...
May 17 08:41:02 zintis grub2-set-bootflag[5580]: Error reading from /boot/grub2/grubenv: Invalid argument
May 17 08:41:02 zintis systemd[1009]: grub-boot-success.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
May 17 08:41:02 zintis systemd[1009]: grub-boot-success.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
May 17 08:41:02 zintis systemd[1009]: Failed to start Mark boot as successful.

7.3 uname -a

Gives me:

  • Linux 4.18.0-348.23.1.el8_5.x86_64 ...

After upgrade it is:

  • Linux 4.18.0-372.9.1.el8.x86_64 ...

8 Linux systemd boot (init) process

How your system boots is important to know when you have to troubleshoot a system that is not booting properly. Most modern Linux systems use systemd which I will describe here.

8.1 systemd overview and definitions

Systemd consists of many things:

  • init
  • systemctl
  • journald (logs)
  • journalctl
  • networkd
  • logind (getty)
  • process management

Rather than run levels, systemd uses named targets that can be many.

8.1.1 init

The first process, PID 1, that is started by the kernel. It boots everything else. It is a long running process that also takes over parenting of orphaned processes.

In SystemV init used to be a series of scripts, plain text files, in /etc/init.d/ In systemd, that replaces SystemV, init is much more. It handles all system state and services.

8.1.2 units

They are more than services. They are servcies but could be:

  • sockets
  • devices
  • mountpoint or automount point
  • swap file
  • startup targets (like run levels)
  • others (less common)

8.1.3 locations (of unit files)

units are defined in unit files in a directory ../system/systemd/

  • /lib/systemd/system system only
  • /usr/lib/systemd/system installed apps "Maintainer"
  • /run/systemd/system currently running "Non Persistent Runtime"
  • /etc/systemd/system any custom unit files I create "Administrator"

Note: unit files in /etc take precedence over /usr when they have the same name as units in /usr. But, how can I tell some unit in /usr has been overridden by a unit of the same name in /etc and what were those changes?

In SystemV, that was impossible. Now in systemd, you use systemd-delta !!

systemd-delta identifies and compares overriding unit files.

8.1.4 unit files

unittypes reflect the types of units mentioned above. So for example in the directory /usr/lib/systemd/system/ you'll find files such as:


Most unit files are named nameofservice.unittype Here is the unit file for iptables.service:

Description=IPv4 firewall with iptables

ExecStart=/usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init start
ExecReload=/usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init reload
ExecStop=/usr/libexec/iptables/iptables.init stop


Some key fields to note:

  • WantedBy
  • Wants
  • PIDFile=/run/nginx.pdf
  • Before
  • ExecStart and ExecStop : defines what to run when it sees a user enter: systemctl start httpd or systemctl stop httpd

To list the loaded services:

  • systemctl -t service

List installed services (oldschool was chkconfig --list)

  • systemctl list-unit-files -t service

Check for failed units:

  • systemctl --failed

8.1.5 Units of interest in systemctl

Of interest are:


boot-efi.mount     # uefi Universal Extensible Firmware Interface (new BIOS)


And here are common commands you would use with these units:

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service httpd.service named.service
sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager httpd named  # .service type is assumed if omitted.
sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl start NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl status NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service

see also sudo service start stop which is now deprecated. old-school init.d start/stop is also deprecated.

sudo systemctl list-units  # all unts under the control of systemd
                           # this shows active only.  
                           # to see inactive as well use --all option
                           # note that this is the default command

sudo systemctl list-units --all 

sudo systemctl list-units --all --state=inactive
sudo systemctl list-units --type service
sudo systemctl list-units --type service --all
sudo systemctl list-units --type mount
sudo systemctl list-unit-files 
sudo systemctl list-unit-files | grep enabled   # this is a good one

sudo systemctl list-units --full -all | grep -Fq "$SERVICENAME.service"

systemd-cgtop    # like the top command.   q to quit

sudo systemctl status      # tree structure

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service

8.2 targets

Systemd uses "targets" instead of runlevels. By default there are two main() targets: and

Targets are groups of units Think of them as the old "runlevels". But Multiple targets can be active at once. You also get more meaningful names: See man 7 systemd.special for a list of possible targets, but that does NOT include any custom targets you might have created yourself. runlevel0 system shutdown runlevel1 single-user mode runlevel1 single-user mode runlevle2 local multi-user no remote network runlevle3 full multi-user with network
  runlevel4 unused or user defined runlevel5 full multi-user, net & display mgr runlevel6 system reboot    

You might have noticed that in among the unit files in /usr/lib/systemd/system files are files with the .target ending. Here for example is my file:


[Install] (END)

Another good example called


8.3 Querying current targets

8.3.1 What target am I currently on?

  • systemctl list-units --type target --state active for just the active
  • systemctl list-units --type target --all for all of the targets

--all will show the currently active units as well as the inactive/dead units.)

You can also run the command who -r to see the current runlevel

$ sudo systemctl list-units --type target --all
  UNIT                      LOAD      ACTIVE   SUB    DESCRIPTION                         loaded    active   active Basic System                   loaded    active   active Local Encrypted Volumes          loaded    inactive dead   Emergency Mode                  loaded    inactive dead   Login Prompts (Pre)                 loaded    active   active Login Prompts                   loaded    inactive dead   Graphical Interface             loaded    inactive dead   Initrd File Systems    loaded    inactive dead   Initrd Root Device         loaded    inactive dead   Initrd Root File System loaded    inactive dead   Switch Root                        loaded    inactive dead   Initrd Default Target        loaded    active   active Local File Systems (Pre)           loaded    active   active Local File Systems             loaded    active   active Multi-User System          loaded    active   active Network is Online             loaded    active   active Network (Pre)                     loaded    active   active Network                        loaded    inactive dead   Host and Network Name Lookups    loaded    active   active User and Group Name Lookups              loaded    active   active Paths                       loaded    inactive dead   Remote File Systems (Pre)          loaded    active   active Remote File Systems                loaded    inactive dead   Rescue Mode                      loaded    inactive dead   Shutdown                           loaded    active   active Slices                       
systemc            loaded    active   active Sockets                       loaded    active   active                   loaded    active   active Swap                              loaded    active   active System Initialization        
●             not-found inactive dead                   loaded    inactive dead   System Time Synchronized             loaded    active   active Timers                             loaded    inactive dead   Unmount All Filesystems      

LOAD   = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
SUB    = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.

33 loaded units listed.
To show all installed unit files use 'systemctl list-unit-files'.

Interesting that you can also run the command who -r to see what the current runlevel is. Remember that runlevel is a concept from SystemV days so I am not sure if that directly relates to systemd targets. But at for now, Redhat still leaves this in and relates runlevel 3 to multi-user and runlevel 5 to graphical targets.

  1. SystemV runlevel still works

    The command runlevel still works though, although it does not tell the story with the detail that systemctl list-units --type target does. But it does show you what the current runelevel AND the previous runlevel are.

8.3.2 What is the default target of my system?

  • sudo systemctl get-default
  • sudo systemctl get-default
  • sudo systemctl get-default

You can also view the symbolic link for in the directory, /lib/systemd/system/ points to, for the answer. Interesting that my Alma Linux did not have these two items match. My get-default output showed, x, while the symbolic link pointed to x

8.3.3 show a target's dependencies

Before switching to a target, you might want to check that target's dependencies with:

  • systemctl show -p "Requires"
  • systemctl show -p "Wants"

8.3.4 Is my target active

Simple to check if a specific target is active or not with:

  • systemctl is-active

But that only gives you a single active or inactive line.

To get more information, I prefer to use:

  • systemctl status
$ sudo systemctl status
● - Multi-User System
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/; indirect; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active since Wed 2022-05-04 23:16:56 EDT; 1 weeks 2 days ago
     Docs: man:systemd.special(7)

9 Changing targets

9.0.1 switch to a different target on next boot:

Centos 8 uses systemclt set-default <TARGET>.target command where <TARGET> is typically either multi-user for a cli interface, or graphical for a GUI windows mgr. But you can systemctl set-default <TARGET>.target any of the valid targets

So, to tell systemd to boot into a cli (text based)

  • systemctl set-default

If you want to boot into a gui again, change it to:

  • systemclt set-default

Almalinux also uses systemctl set-default

9.0.2 switch to the DEFAULT target now:

  • systemctl default

9.0.3 switch to a different target now:

  • systemctl isolate <TARGET>.target

9.0.4 persistently change default target:

Use the Services Manager or run the following command:

  • ln -sf /usr/lib/systemd/system/ /etc/systemd/system/

i.e. you set a symbolic link in /etc/systemd/system/ to point to the target file you want as your default.

So, my AlmaLinux VM has these most common targets in /lib/systemd/system/*.target

< get output from terminal here >

9.0.5 execution order

9.0.6 dependencies

check with:

See the (related) dnf groups with:

  • sudo dnf grouplist

You can also, correctly?, append to the /proc/cmdline file: It will looks something like this:

  • BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-3.10.0-327.36.3.el7.x86_64 root=UUID=2cc29b16-fe2b-400f-a39f-3e9048784599 ro vconsole.keymap=us crashkernel=auto vconsole.font=latarcyrheb-sun16 rd.driver.blacklist=radeon LANG=en_US.UTF-8 3

9.0.7 Switching back and forth

Once in Terminal, you can start the GUI again if you need to by using: systemctl isolate graphical and you will be back in the GUI. Then, back to GUI with systemctl isolate and back again with: systemctl isolate Notice that switching to a GUI using startx will mess you up because, running startx still leaves you in the position. So systemctl isolate at this point will do nothing. You have to kill startx. Best to just use systemctl every time and you will avoid this problem.

9.0.8 What is the default now?

Just run systemctl get-default to find out. This is what the system will boot to.

9.0.9 Set the default target the system will boot to.

  • systemctl set-default much like the SystemV runlevel5
  • systemctl set-default much like the SystemV runlevel3

If you want to do this at run-time, (i.e. you've already booted) you use isolate

  • systemctl isolate [target]

9.1 systemctl (controls systemd) More Flexible replacement of SystemV

systemctl lets you see what is running, and control it. i.e. start/stop By itself (with no arguments) it will list all units under systemctl control. You can pipe to grep if wanted, and you get a nicer output if you do.

  1. sudo systemctl status

    First, an old-school way to see status of daemona was ps -ef | grep ntpd This still works, but systemctl status gives you more info.

    • systemctl status ntpd.service
    • Loaded: If the service is loaded, the absolute path to the service unit file, and if the service unit is enabled
    • Active: If the service unit is running and a timestamp
    • Main PID: The Process ID of the corresponding system service and name
    • Status: Additional information about the corresponding system service
    • Process: Additional information about related processes
    • CGroup: Additional information about related Control Groups
  2. sudo systemctl is-active ntpd

    "what does this do"?

    I know that to check if a unit is enabled or not use: systemctl is-enabled unit for example "systemctl is-enabled named"

    alias ss='systemctl status' 
    alias sss='sudo systemctl status'
    alias ssr='sudo systemctl restart'
  3. list all active units
    sudo systemctl --state=active list-units 
    sudo systemctl --state=active list-units  | grep -i net
  4. show the unit file that was loaded by systemctl

    You can use systemctl cat to concantenate the file that was loaded by systemctl

    • sudo systemctl cat NetworkManager.service
  5. list dependencies
    sudo systemctl list-dependencies cron
    sudo systemctl list-dependencies NetworkManager
    sudo systemctl list-dependencies NetworkManager.service    # preferred
  6. How can I tell if a system is enable &/or active?
    • sudo systemctl --state=active list-units and look for LOAD/ACTIVE/SUB:
    • LOAD = Reflects whether the unit definition was properly loaded.
    • ACTIVE = The high-level unit activation state, i.e. generalization of SUB.
    • SUB = The low-level unit activation state, values depend on unit type.
  7. Is my unit enabled?
    sudo systemctl is-enabled smb
    sudo systemctl is-enabled named

9.2 editing systemctl files

sudo systemctl edit NetworkManager.service see also: /usr/lib/sysctl.d/60-libvirtd.conf # but do not edit this file

10 systemV services (old school vs systemD approach)

Systemd based systems, such as RHEL and CentOS7 and later use systemctl to list running services. Here however, are the older, deprecated commands for your information, based on systemV type systems which have run levels and are started by files in the /etc/init.d/ directory. SystemV also uses /etc/inittab which systemd ignores.

service --status-all
service --status-all | more
service --status-all | grep ntpd
service --status-all | less

chkconfig --list

netstat -tulpn

chkconfig service off
chkconfig service on
chkconfig httpd off
chkconfig ntpd on

10.1 systemctl commands cheat

- systemctl start unit1 unit2, unit3: Start these "globbed" units immediately: - systemctl stop unit1 unit4: Stop these units immediateley. - systemctl restart unit: Restart a unit: - systemctl reload unit: Ask a unit to reload its configuration: - systemctl status unit: Show the status of a unit, including whether running or not: - systemctl is-enabled unit: Check whether a unit is already enabled or not: - systemctl enable unit: Unit will start up on bootup: - systemctl enable unit: Unit will start up on bootup: - systemctl enable --now unit: Unit will start on bootup AND start immediately. - systemctl enable --now unit: Unit will start on bootup AND start immediately. - systemctl disable unit: Disable a unit to not start during bootup: - systemctl mask unit: Mask a unit to make it impossible to start it (both manually and as a dependency, which makes masking dangerous):

  • systemctl list-units
  • systemctl list-units --type=target
  • systemctl list-units --type=service
  • systemctl list-unit-files
  • systemctl -t service will list all the service units.
  • systemctl -t target will list all the target units.
  • systemctl -t device will list all the device units.
sudo systemctl list-units --type=help
Available unit types:

Unmask a unit: systemctl unmask unit

Show the manual page associated with a unit (this has to be supported by the unit file): systemctl help unit

11 Tips to investigate system sockets (related to systemctl and netstat)

This isn't actually systemctl, but useful too. man ss for details.

ss -h  : help
ss -n  : numeric
ss -a  : all (display both listening and non-listening sockets)
         for TCP, non-listening will show established connections
ss -l  : listening sockets (default)
ss -o  : options - see man pages, but includes timers and other counters
ss -e  : extended info on the sockets
ss -m  : memory
ss -i  : info - lots of TCP info
ss -s  : summary
ss -E  : Events, to continually show sockets as they are destroyed
ss -u  : udp sockets
ss -t  : tcp sockets
ss -p  : processes  # show the proccess that is using the socket
ss -4

ss -aunp    # -napu
ss -tapn    # -tapn
ss -tlpn    # -tlpn
ss -tulpn    # -tulpn    tcp udp listening proccesses numeric ports
ss -at      
ss -atn to display all TCP sockets (no DNS lookup)   # -tan
ss -t - a -Z to display all TCP sockets with process SELinux security contexts

netstat -nr (numeric routes)
netstat -tulpn "Tulpin" : tcp and udp, listening, ports, numeric

12 filesystems and filenames

12.1 symlinks

12.2 hardlinks

12.3 filenames

can be up to 255 characters, this limit does NOT include the path name, which can be altogether 4096 characters. woww woww wee wah… Is very niice.

12.4 lsof

Very useful to find who/what user/process has open files. The name here is very descriptive. "List Open Files" or lsof. By default, with no other options, will show ALL the open files by the kernel. This will be a very long list.

By default lsof shows list of ALL open files. Any options included on the command are OR'd together so for instance lsof -u zintis -i will show open files by user zintis as well as all open internet files.

If you want to AND several options together you simply

12.4.1 lsof columns:

lsof | head -5

  • COMMAND : the command that was run to open the file
  • PID : the process ID of the command
  • USER : the user that it is running as
  • FD : the file descriptor *see file descriptors section but r for read w for write, rw for read/write
  • TYPE :
  • DEVICE : physical device the file is on.
  • SIZE/OFF : size of file and its offset.
  • NODE : the inode of the file.
  • NAME : full path of the open file.

Usually you look at COMMAND, PID, and NAME

12.4.2 File descriptors, FD

Each unix process 3 file descriptors,

  • 0 : stdin
  • 1 : stdout
  • 2 : stderror

Each process has these three as a file in /proc based on the PID

  • /proc/PID/fd/0 : stdin
  • /proc/PID/fd/1 : stdout
  • /proc/PID/fd/2 : stderror

Any process can access its own with /proc/self/fd

File descriptors are not just for files. As you know, in Unix everything is a file, so all of these have a file descriptor:

  • files
  • directories
  • block devices
  • character devices
  • sockets
  • named pipes

For example:

root@zintis /proc/17590/fd$ ls -lta
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x. 9 nginx nginx  0 Apr 14 17:40 ..
dr-x------. 2 nginx nginx  0 Apr 15 07:56 .
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 9 -> 'socket:[289742]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 8 -> 'socket:[289741]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 7 -> 'socket:[289740]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 6 -> 'socket:[289739]'
l-wx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 4 -> /var/log/nginx/access.log
l-wx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 2 -> /var/log/nginx/error.log
l-wx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 17 -> /var/log/nginx/error.log
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 16 -> 'anon_inode:[eventfd]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 15 -> 'anon_inode:[eventfd]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 14 -> 'anon_inode:[eventpoll]'
lr-x------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 13 -> /var/lib/sss/mc/initgroups
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 12 -> 'socket:[289749]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 11 -> 'socket:[289744]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 10 -> 'socket:[289743]'
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 1 -> /dev/null
lrwx------. 1 nginx nginx 64 Apr 15 07:57 0 -> /dev/null
root@zintis /proc/17590/fd$

From that output, under FD, (file descriptors) you will see some letters:

  • u :
  • u :
  • u :
  • u :
  • u :
  • u :
  • u :

12.4.3 lsof all open files by user alice

  • lsof -u alice

I ran this on my macbook and found I had almost 13k files open!! Time to clean up I think. lsof -u zintis | wc -l Or at least close some apps.

12.4.4 lsof all open files by a process by user

  • lsof -u nginx

i.e. it is the same thing as a user.

12.4.5 lsof all open ports (sockets) (-i) of a process

  • lsof -i | grep nginx
  • lsof -i -P -P for numeric PORT names
  • lsof -i -P -n -n for numeric ip addresses
  • lsof -i -P Also very useful, similar to ss -tulpn

12.4.6 lsof files opend to a named command i.e. bash

  • lsof -c bash

12.4.7 lsof all processess that have /mnt open

Good for when a some process is blocking /mnt or some other file.

  • lsof /mnt
  • lsof /var/log/messages

12.4.8 lsof any unlinked open files

  • lsof +Li

12.4.9 lsof all open files by process 5150

  • lsof -p 5150

Here is what my server showed me:

nginx   180702 nginx  DEL       REG               0,18          2198822 /[aio]
nginx   180702 nginx  DEL       REG                0,1          2198802 /dev/zero
nginx   180702 nginx    0u      CHR                1,3      0t0    9290 /dev/null
nginx   180702 nginx    1u      CHR                1,3      0t0    9290 /dev/null
nginx   180702 nginx    2w      REG                8,0     5489    6767 /var/log/nginx/error.log
nginx   180702 nginx    3w      REG                8,0    23633    5789 /var/log/nginx/access.log
nginx   180702 nginx    5r      REG                8,0  9253600    6127 /var/lib/sss/mc/passwd
nginx   180702 nginx    6r      REG                8,0  6940392    6139 /var/lib/sss/mc/group
nginx   180702 nginx    7w      REG                8,0     5489    6767 /var/log/nginx/error.log
nginx   180702 nginx    8u     IPv4            2198798      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   180702 nginx    9u     IPv6            2198799      0t0     TCP *:http (LISTEN)
nginx   180702 nginx   10u     IPv4            2198800      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   180702 nginx   11u     IPv6            2198801      0t0     TCP *:https (LISTEN)
nginx   180702 nginx   12u     unix 0xffff943689a02400      0t0 2198808 type=STREAM
nginx   180702 nginx   13r      REG                8,0 11567160    6312 /var/lib/sss/mc/initgroups
nginx   180702 nginx   14u     unix 0xffff943689a02d00      0t0 2198813 type=STREAM
nginx   180702 nginx   15u  a_inode               0,14        0    9284 [eventpoll]
nginx   180702 nginx   16u  a_inode               0,14        0    9284 [eventfd]
nginx   180702 nginx   17u  a_inode               0,14        0    9284 [eventfd]

12.4.10 What process as /var/log/nginx/access.log open

  • lsof /var/log/nginx/access.log

12.5 /proc filesystem

Already mentioned above regarding file descriptors, the /proc filesystem is a special directory where each unix process can keep track of itself. Try a very simple ls /proc and you will see sub-directories labelled with the PID of each open running process.

Useful subdirectories are:

  • /proc/PID/fd : file descriptors
  • /proc/PID/fd/0 : stdin
  • /proc/PID/fd/1 : stdout
  • /proc/PID/fd/2 : stderror
  • /proc/PID/mem : memory
  • /proc/PID/map_files : open files
  • /proc/PID/net : network state ?
  • /proc/cpuinfo : see what the cpu is doing right now

cat While we are talking about /proc/cpu=, there is another useful cpu command: lscpu to list out details about your cpu.

An example use case:

ls -l /proc/17590/map_files |  awk '/\.so/{print $11}'  | sort -u
# as root

12.6 lsof to check SELinux linked apps

Some applications are linked to directly, which means that the setenforce settings of selinux may not have an affect on the app. You can confirm that by listing open files used by an app, with lsof. For example:

  • -a and all the options. i.e. all of the options must be met to display something\
  • -p for process with PID (can be a csv list of PIDs)
  • -P show numeric port numbers for network files
  • +|-r repeat displaying lsof output, +r stop when no more open files, -r stop only when interrupted C-c, or ^c
ps -aux | grep nginx
# get list of PIDS first
sudo lsof -P -p '17589,17590'  | grep -i selinux

13 Monitoring Disk Storage

Several ways to see what your disks are doing:

  • lsblk
  • cat /etc/fstab
  • df .
  • df /

With df you can also limit the reported fields shown in the df output. Available fields are:

  • source — the file system source
  • size — total number of _blocks
  • used — spaced used on a drive
  • avail — space available on a drive
  • pcent — percent of used space, divided by total size
  • target — mount point of a drive
  • Let’s display the output of all our drives, showing only the size, used, and avail (or availability) fields. The command for this would be:
  • df -H --output=size,used,avail
  1. examples
    lsblk -p -m
    du -s /
    df -h

    Can also use fdisk -l (to list) (use lvm related commands for creating and managing disk partitions as this tool will be logical, and allow you to change the size of the partition after live data on it. (after a umount))

    fdisk -l

13.1 Naming conventions of disks

/dev/sda, /dev/sdb are names of SCSI devices /dev/sda, /dev/sdb also for SAS drives /dev/hda, /dev/hdb are for IDE/EIDE drives /dev/fd0, /dev/fd1 floppy drives (obsoleted)

13.2 vim /etc/fstab

to manually change the filesystem table * use caution…

13.3 blkid

to list the block ids of all your block devices (disks and partitions) This will also show the UUID of the disk $ sudo lsblk -f will show output in a nice tablular form, but $ sudo lsblk works too.

13.4 /dev/tty and /dev/stty for serial devices

/dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 and /dev/stty?

13.5 /dev/lp* for printer ports


14 Monitoring and Freeing Disk Space

If you run out of a space on a critical partition, things will break all over. Here is a viable workflow that I have implemented successfully.

  1. become root (sudo -i)
  2. df -h to see where the space is short. Assume here that / is full.
  3. cd /
  4. du -sh * to show disk usage summary of everything in this directory
  5. based on the largest usage, assume it is /var, cd var
  6. repeat steps 4 and 5 until you find the largest disk hogs, and determine which files you can delete, or truncate.
  7. rm to remove, or truncate to remove all lines from the file.
    • $ echo "$(tail -1000 somebig.log)" > somebig.log # keep the last 1000 lines.
  8. df -h to see if now you have enough space

14.1 User level disk management

You can clear your own cache using

  • rm -rv ~~/.cache
  • ~ ~

15 Monitoring command line tools

15.1 Finding which processes are listening on a port

Typically two built-in processes, lsof and netstat are the easiest ways to look up which process is listening on which port.

15.1.1 lsof -i <internet address>

Where <internet address is in this form: [46][protocol][@hostname|hostaddr][:service|port]

For example: 4 or 4 tcp9.9.9.9:53

15.1.2 netstat -tlpn | grep -w ':80'

15.1.3 netstat -tlp | grep 'http'

  • t for TCP ports
  • l for listening ports
  • p for the processes associated with the ports
  • n for numeric ports (vs interpretting the number to the protocol)

15.1.4 ss -tulpn

  • t for TCP ports
  • u for UDP ports
  • l for listening ports
  • p for the processes associated with the ports
  • n for numeric ports (vs interpretting the number to the protocol)

15.1.5 $ netstat -tapn

  • t for TCP ports
  • a for ALL i.e. both listening and non listening portsq
  • p for the processes associated with the ports
  • n for numeric ports (vs interpretting the number to the protocol)

Best to be root for this as non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.

$ netstat -tapn
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0   *               LISTEN      -
tcp        0      0    ESTABLISHED -
tcp        0     36   ESTABLISHED -
tcp6       0      0 :::3306                 :::*                    LISTEN      -
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      -
tcp6       0      0 ::1:81                  :::*                    LISTEN      -
tcp6       0      0 :::7927                 :::*                    LISTEN      -
tcp6       0      0 :::443                  :::*                    LISTEN      - /home/dritchie[1008]:
  1. $ netstat -tupn

    Again, best to be root, or the PID/Program name will show blank for processes that you do not own.

    #+BEGINEXAMPLE $ netstat -tupn (Not all processes could be identified, non-owned process info will not be shown, you would have to be root to see it all.) Active Internet connections (w/o servers) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED - tcp 0 36 ESTABLISHED - /home/dritchie[1008]: $sudo #+ENDEXAMPLE****

15.1.6 Follow up with lsof -p PID#

With the above commands you can see what other files are open for the same process ID that you discovered above.

sudo lsof -p 796
mysqld  796 mysql  cwd    DIR                8,0     4096 395779 /var/lib/mysql
mysqld  796 mysql  rtd    DIR                8,0     4096      2 /
mysqld  796 mysql  txt    REG                8,0 18185712 160976 /usr/libexec/mysqld
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG                8,0    29256 136272 /usr/lib64/libnss_dns-***...
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG                8,0    54352 161702 /usr/lib64/libnss_files-***...
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20569 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20568 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20567 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20566 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20565 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  DEL    REG               0,18           20564 /[aio]
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG                8,0    92968 161724 /usr/lib64/libresolv-***...
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG                8,0    46376 142079 /usr/lib64/libnss_sss.***...
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG                8,0    24576 384091 /var/lib/mysql/tc.log
mysqld  796 mysql  mem    REG  ... etc

16 Monitoring Performance (vmstat)

vmstat shows cpu performance numbers as well as memory. Running as an interval of 5 seconds, with 4 outputs would be vmstat 5 4

The output shows the following:

  • procs
    • r runqueue process waiting for CPU time.
    • b processes waiting for resources (i/o , disk, or network)
  • memory
    • swpd swap space used
    • free amount of unused memory
    • buff file buffer cache in RAM
    • cache page cache in RAM memory available?
  • swap
    • si swap in
    • so swap ou
  • io
    • bi bytes in
    • bo bytes out
  • system
    • in interupts /s
    • cs context switches /s
  • cpu
    • us user time
    • sy kernel time
    • id idle time
    • wa waiting time
    • st stolen time

17 Monitoring CPU and zombie processes

You can obviously use top, htop, and ps commands to find high cpu users and zombie processes. To kill them. See also adding bashtop vs htop

17.1 kill command

Takes on a signal, as a name or a number, a q value, and the PID or name. I have only used the PID myself. You can also -list the signal names for your system using kill -l

kill -l

kill command: kill [-signal|-s signal|-p] [-q value] [-a] [--] pid|name...

See also man 7 signal for info on the signals themselves.

An excerpt follows:

Signal     Value     Action   Comment
SIGHUP        1       Term    Hangup detected on controlling terminal
                              or death of controlling process
SIGINT        2       Term    Interrupt from keyboard
SIGQUIT       3       Core    Quit from keyboard
SIGILL        4       Core    Illegal Instruction
SIGABRT       6       Core    Abort signal from abort(3)
SIGFPE        8       Core    Floating-point exception
SIGKILL       9       Term    Kill signal
SIGSEGV      11       Core    Invalid memory reference
SIGPIPE      13       Term    Broken pipe: write to pipe with no
                              readers; see pipe(7)
SIGALRM      14       Term    Timer signal from alarm(2)
SIGTERM      15       Term    Termination signal
SIGUSR1   30,10,16    Term    User-defined signal 1
SIGUSR2   31,12,17    Term    User-defined signal 2
SIGCHLD   20,17,18    Ign     Child stopped or terminated
SIGCONT   19,18,25    Cont    Continue if stopped
SIGSTOP   17,19,23    Stop    Stop process
SIGTSTP   18,20,24    Stop    Stop typed at terminal
SIGTTIN   21,21,26    Stop    Terminal input for background process
SIGTTOU   22,22,27    Stop    Terminal output for background process

The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught, _block_ed, or ignored.

Next the signals not in the POSIX.1-1990 standard but described in SUSv2 and POSIX.1-2001.

Signal       Value     Action   Comment
SIGBUS      10,7,10     Core    Bus error (bad memory access)
SIGPOLL                 Term    Pollable event (Sys V).
                                Synonym for SIGIO
SIGPROF     27,27,29    Term    Profiling timer expired
SIGSYS      12,31,12    Core    Bad system call (SVr4);
                                see also seccomp(2)
SIGTRAP        5        Core    Trace/breakpoint trap
SIGURG      16,23,21    Ign     Urgent condition on socket (4.2BSD)
SIGVTALRM   26,26,28    Term    Virtual alarm clock (4.2BSD)
SIGXCPU     24,24,30    Core    CPU time limit exceeded (4.2BSD);
                                see setrlimit(2)
SIGXFSZ     25,25,31    Core    File size limit exceeded (4.2BSD);
                                see setrlimit(2)

Common signals to stop a process are SIGHUP, SIGQUIT, SIGKILL, SIGTERM but what they actually do, depends on how the process is written to handle each of these signals. i.e. what the signal handler is written to do for each.

But by convention only, they each do the following: (note, NOT in numeric order):

  1. SIGINT -2

    = C-c from the term. Non-interactive programs see SIGINT as SIGTERM. This is the weakest signal.

  2. SIGTERM -15

    the "normal" kill signal. The application should exit cleanly. This signal is sent explicitly, unlike SIGHUP which is sent involuntarily. Canadian politeness here. But the signal can be _blocked, handled and ignored.

  3. SIGHUP -1

    About the same as violence as SIGTERM, but is the signal that is auto sent to an application running in a terminal, when the user disconnects from that terminal. - think historic dial-up modem sessions.

  4. SIGQUIT -3

    "harshest_" ignorable signals. Sent to misbehaving apps that will then take a core dump file. Meant to be used when something is seriously gone FUBAR with the app. like C-\ from a terminal.

  5. SIGKILL -9

    Violent. Quit immediately! Cannot be ignored or _blocked, always fatal. Used as a last resort, when all other signals fail to stop the process. If this does not work, you have a bug in your operating system.

    With SIGKILL the process simply ceases to exist.

17.1.1 zombie processes (Can't kill a zombie. It's already dead)

Zombie processes are already killed, so you cannot kill them any more. To clean them up, the parent process must clean it up or itself be killed.

Normally, the parent daemon should know about its children that it has spawned, and wait() on them to determine their exit status. And then clean them up if needed. When you have a bug, the zombie can hang around.

If the parent process is killed, then the zombie process is passed up to the init process, PID1, which should soon kill and clean up the zombie.


    You can also try to kill -s SIGCHILD pid to the parent process, to manually get it to trigger a wait() sytem call. That should clean up the zombie.

    Normally when a process completes its job, the kernel 1) notifies that process's parent process of that fact by sending a SIGCHILD signal. The parent then 2) executes wait() system call to read the status of the child process, and 3) reads its exit code. That cleans up the child process entry in the process table.

    All is good then.

    When a parent process has not been coded to execute a wait() system call on the child process, proper cleanup fails to happen. you get zombies. The parent process eventually ignores the SIGCHILD signal

    To find the parent PID, look at the output of ps on the zombie. You will see a pid, and a ppid

  2. Process states

    Top and htop, and ps commands show the state of processes as:

    • R : running
    • I : idle
    • S : sleep
    • D : sleep (uninterruptible sleep, usually IO)
    • Z : zombie
    D    uninterruptible sleep (usually IO)
    I    Idle kernel thread
    R    running or runnable (on run queue)
    S    interruptible sleep (waiting for an event to complete)
    T    stopped by job control signal
    t    stopped by debugger during the tracing
    W    paging (not valid since the 2.6.xx kernel)
    X    dead (should never be seen)
    Z    defunct ("zombie") process, terminated but not reaped by its parent

17.2 Suggestions for Performance Related Aliases

17.3 Finding files opened by a process

Sometimes, the process itself is fine, but there is a problem with open files related to the process, or that the process opened and did not close.

  1. Find the process ID If not stored in /etc/ file, or something similar do this:
    • ps x | grep nginx
  2. List the files opened by that process
    • lsof -p <pid from step 1>
  3. Use these two steps when troubleshooting where a process might be writing error logs as well.

18 VMSTAT examples.

Note that Linux and Mac vmstat commands are slightly different.

For Mac OSX it is vm_stat [[-c count] interval] with no other options. See man vm_stat. For Linux it is vmstat [options] [delay [count]] see man vmstat

but in a nutshell, the iterations are specified with -c for "count" The interval is the same, but comes after the count.

For linux

  • vmstat 2 10 : show me memory usage every 2 seconds, and stop after 10 iterations
  • vm_stat -c 10 2 : exact same thing but on Mac OSX i.e. every 2 seconds, and stop after 10 iterations
  • vmstat 1 5 -t show me every second for 5 iterations, also add a time stamp
  • free -m Show me memory usage in megabytes
  • free -g Show me memory usage in gigabytes
  • free -s 2 -c 10 (every 2 seconds, for 10 iterations )
  • vm_stat (for Darwin systems)
  • vmstat -a to show both active and inactive memory.

or simply cat /proc/meminfo

19 System Activity Reporter (sar)

Monitoring Performance with System Activity Reporter, or SAR is a great tool to use, if your system has it, to monitor performance.

If you do not yet have it, you can install it using: dnf install sysstat

Once installed, use man sar and you will see many, many options.

19.1 sadc (system activity data collector)

This unit must be running for sar to be able to report anything. To start this service, run systemclt start sysstat Installing sysstat does NOT mean that it will also start the service. Check with systemctl status sysstat

Once running, it will start writting performance data to the file:

  • /var/lop/sa/saDD where DD is the current day. Any existing files will be archived. For example on <2022-03-10 Thu> the file is sa10
  • sa logs are binary files. You need to use sar to view data in them. For example: sar -r -f /var/log/sa/sa26
  • My Centos also stores the corresponding sar file which is just an ASCII text file of the same output as sar -r -f ... but with all the typical options. It is like running sar repeatedly on the daily data, and saving all the output into the sar file.

On low-load systems, I will probably NOT run sysstat process by default, i.e. so do NOT run systemctl enable sysstat, and remember to stop the service after you have completed any performance analysis. (You could also cron start the service and cron stop the service during low production times)

19.2 Average values since startup.

If you omit all options, and just run sar by itself, it will write the average values since the system was restarted, to STDOUT.

Common options:

19.2.1 sar 3 5

This will send stats to STDOUT five times, every 3 seconds.

19.3 sar is like top

True, but one big difference is that top is interactive while sar can collect data over a longer period of time and write to logs.

If the output shows %IO is more than zero for a longer period of time, you have a I/O bottleneck

19.4 saving output to a file -o

You could run this in a crontab: sar 3 10 -o ~/troubleshooting-ddyy > /dev/null 2>&1

Other common uses of sar

19.4.1 memory usage report, -r

sar -r 3 10 In the output, kbcommit and %commit is the overall momory used including RAM and swap.

19.4.2 paging statistics report, -B

sar -B 3 5 in the output, majflts/s shows the major faults per second. i.e. the number of pages loaded into memory. High values == you are running out of RAM.

19.4.3 block device statistics, -d

sar -d 2 4 or with pretty print; sar -d -p 2 4 Shows block statistics for each partition/disk drive.

19.4.4 network statistics, -d

sar -n {keyword} where keyword can be, DEV, NFS, SOCK, IP, ICMP, TCP, UDP, SOCK6, IP6, ICMP6, UDP6, or ALL for all of them. i.e. sar -n all or sar -n TCP

19.5 Other sysstat utilities

  • sar collects and displays ALL system activities statistics.
  • sadc stands for “system activity data collector”. This is the sar backend tool that does the data collection.
  • sa1 stores system activities in binary data file. sa1 depends on sadc for this purpose. sa1 runs from cron.
  • sa2 creates daily summary of the collected statistics. sa2 runs from cron.
  • sadf can generate sar report in CSV, XML, and various other formats. Use this to integrate sar data with other tools.
  • iostat generates CPU, I/O statistics
  • mpstat displays CPU statistics.
  • pidstat reports statistics based on the process id (PID)
  • nfsiostat displays NFS I/O statistics.
  • cifsiostat generates CIFS statistics.

19.6 Other utilities

  • /sys
  • /proc
  • /dev
  • modprobe
  • lsmod
  • lspci
  • lsusb

20 Find processes that leaking memory

When a process takes memory (malloc() command), it should release it when the process is done, using free() command. If that does NOT occur, you have a memory leak. Messed up pointers and buffer overruns will also tie up memory that is no longer accessible to your system.

There are specific memory leakage tools such as memwatch and memleax and valgrind that can be installed. Developers can also install tools that will let them take a core dump of the process, so they can see where the fault lies. On RedHat systems, use the command abrt and abrt-addon-ccpp. On

20.0.1 bash scripts running ps.

A custom bash script running over time can find leaks. For example

while true
echo ".oO0o. .oO0o. .oO0o. .oO0o. .oO0o. .oO0o." >> ~/find-my-leak.txt
ps -aux
sleep 180

After this is run for a while, you can analyse the file ~/find-my-leak.txt

20.0.2 StackExchange suggestion re leaking memory

I found this suggestion on StackExchange.

  1. Find out the PID of the process which causing memory leak. ps -aux
  2. capture the /proc/PID/smaps and save into some file like BeforeMemInc.txt.
  3. wait till memory gets increased.
  4. capture again /proc/PID/smaps and save it has afterMemInc.txt
  5. find the difference between first smaps and 2nd smaps, e. g. with diff -u beforeMemInc.txt afterMemInc.txt
  6. note down the address range where memory got increased, for example:
    beforeMemInc.txt            afterMemInc.txt
    2b3289290000-2b3289343000   2b3289290000-2b3289343000  #ADDRESS
    Shared_Clean:    0 kB       Shared_Clean:    0 kB          
    Shared_Dirty:    0 kB       Shared_Dirty:    0 kB
    Private_Clean:   0 kB       Private_Clean:   0 kB
    Private_Dirty:  28 kB       Private_Dirty:  36 kB  
    Referenced:     28 kB       Referenced:     36 kB
    Anonymous:      28 kB       Anonymous:      36 kB  #INCREASE MEM
    AnonHugePages:   0 kB       AnonHugePages:   0 kB
    Swap:            0 kB       Swap:            0 kB
    KernelPageSize:  4 kB       KernelPageSize:  4 kB
    MMUPageSize:     4 kB       MMUPageSize:     4 kB
    Locked:          0 kB       Locked:          0 kB
    VmFlags: rd wr mr mw me ac  VmFlags: rd wr mr mw me ac
  7. use GDB to dump memory on running process or get the coredump using gcore -o process
  8. Use gdb on running process to dump the memory to some file.
    gdb -p PID
    dump memory ./dump_outputfile.dump 0x2b3289290000 0x2b3289343000
  9. now, use strings command or hexdump -C to print the dumpoutputfile.dump
strings outputfile.dump
  1. You get readable form where you can locate those strings into your source code. Analyze your source to find the leak.

20.0.3 Use pmap

To map the memory of a process. See man pmap if my pid is 2785, try pmap 2785 or pmap -X 2795

20.0.4 top or htop or btop

Running top or htop and sorting by memory usage, the comparing over time is one easy approach.

You could also run top non-interactively, i.e. in batch mode with -b option. Just remember that you also need to specify the -n option to limit the max number of iterations to run. so: top -b -n 10 You could also stretch this out by increasing the delay between updates with the d 5 option for 5 second intervals

Then you could use awk, sort, and other inline Linux commands to search for memory leakages (numbers going up)

20.0.5 top headings:

On my Alma C8host, top gives me these headings (by default)

3804 zintis    20   0  749592  53912  36700 S   2.4   0.5   0:10.59 gnome-terminal-

Other column headings can be chosen, but I will here describe just the default column heading meanings:

  • PID process ID of the task
  • USER the effecive username of the task's owner
  • PR priority
  • NI nice value. negative means higher priority, positive means lower
  • VIRT virtual memory used by the task (includes RES, SHR, SWAP … )
  • RES resident memory, a subset of VIRT that represents the non-swapped physical memory currently used.
  • SHR shared memory, a subset of RES that may be used by other processes
  • S process status:
    • D uninterruptible sleep
    • I idle
    • R running
    • S sleeping
    • T stopped by job control signal
    • t stopped by debugger during trace
    • Z zombie
  • %CPU duh
  • %MEM duh
  • TIME+ duh
  • COMMAND duh

20.0.6 top summary field definitions:

From man top:

%MEM - simply RES divided by total physical memory
CODE - the `pgms' portion of quadrant 3
DATA - the entire quadrant 1 portion of VIRT plus all
       explicit mmap file-backed pages of quadrant 3
RES  - anything occupying physical memory which, beginning with
       Linux-4.5, is the sum of the following three fields:
       RSan - quadrant 1 pages, which include any
              former quadrant 3 pages if modified
       RSfd - quadrant 3 and quadrant 4 pages
       RSsh - quadrant 2 pages
RSlk - subset of RES which cannot be swapped out (any quadrant)
SHR  - subset of RES (excludes 1, includes all 2 & 4, some 3)
SWAP - potentially any quadrant except 4
USED - simply the sum of RES and SWAP
VIRT - everything in-use and/or reserved (all quadrants)

21 Custom Kernel Modules

Because the Linux kernel is modular, you can write custome modules for it, or install them from a vendor that supplies a module. Usually for new hardware. You can think of them as drivers for h/w.

System modules are statically loaded by the kernel. Loading custom kernel modules, or standard modules that weren't initially loaded into the kernel, is done with a few priviledged commands, based on the Linux flavour.

21.1 module locations

On RHEL based systems:

  • /usr/lib/httpd/modules on 32 bit systems
  • /usr/lib64/httpd/modules/ on 64 bit systems

You will most likely need to sudo yum install module-init-tools to add custom modules to your kernel.

On other Linux systems:

  • /lib modules`uname -r`/kernel/drivers

To list all the module installed on a RHEL system, use grubby --info=ALL and possibly: grubby --inf=all | grep kernel if just looking for kernel modules.

21.2 Module dependencies

On RHEL systems, the file /lib/modules/`uname -r`/modules.dep keeps the list of kernel module dependencies, for that particular kernel version.

You can generate this list using depmod program. You will need the kmod package installed. kmod is short for kernel modules.

21.3 Auto load custom module at boot up (i.e. permanently)

  1. Write our kernel module, or download the source code for the custom module.
  2. Compile the source code
  3. Take the resulting .ko file, i.e. zpmod.ko and run it. The module will load and run, but only until next reboot
  4. Make it permanent, i.e. auto load on boot up as follows: a) edit /etc/modules and add the name of the module without the .ko extnsn b) copy zpmod.ko file to /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers. Now the module will be in the modprobe database. c) Run depmod that will find all teh dependencies of your module. d) Confirm that the module is loaded at boot with lsmod | grep zpmod

Repeating, custom modules will load on boot if: (depending on the system)

  1. they are listed in /etc/modules ( a file, one line per module listed)
  2. create a module.conf file in the /etc/mdoules-load.d/ directory. Each module that has a module.conf file will be loaded at boot time.

    i.e. The files in /etc/modules-load.d/ directory are text files that list the modules to be loaded at boot, one per line.

  3. list them in /etc/modprobe.d See. .conf files in etc/modprobe.d
  4. Ensure the module is configured to get loaded in either:
    • /etc/modprobe.conf,
    • /etc/modprobe.d/*,
    • /etc/rc.modules, or
    • /etc/sysconfig/modules/*

See the man pages for modprobe, lsmod, and depmod

21.4 standard module library /lib/modules/4.4…

On my AlmaLinux system, the modules are in:

  • /lib/modules/4.18.0...

For example my network kernel modules were in:

  • /lib/modules/4.18.0-348.12.2.el8_5.x86_64/kernel/net

21.5 .conf config files in /etc/modprobe.d

The /etc/modprobe.d directory contains all the kernel module configuration files, which all end in .conf Any parameters for a kernel module can be specied either on the command line, or as a line in such a .conf file.

21.6 modinfo

modinfo usb-storage Will give you detailed information about the kernel module usb-storage Notice the lack of the .ko ending. When issueing commands, you drop the .ko ending and just use the name of the module itself.

21.7 lsmod

lists the mods currently in your kernel. Often like: lsmod | less. You will see that many modules are loaded at boot time. They are persistent.

Depending on the system , there are two ways to make a module persistent.

  1. create a module.conf file in the /etc/mdoules-load.d/ directory. Each module that has a module.conf file will be loaded at boot time.

    i.e. The files in /etc/modules-load.d/ directory are text files that list the modules to be loaded at boot, one per line.

  2. The kernel will load all the modules listed in the file /etc/modules, one line per module. i.e. the modules will be persistent.

21.8 depmod

Running depmod on a module will find all the dependencies of that module. Need this info when setting up persistent modules, so that the dependencies are loaded too.

21.9 insmod

installs a specific module (does not load dependencies for you).

21.10 modprobe

loads a module and any dependencies. (typically preferred over insmod) If you use modprobe -v zpmod it will load the zpmod.ko module, and all its dependencies and show you which dependencies it loaded.

It looks for .ko files in ~/lib/modules/`uname -r`/ directory to then act upon it.

21.11 modprobe -r to unload a module

On redhat systems, modprobe -r is used in place of rmmod to remove a module.

21.12 rmmod

remove a module from the kernel. Typically when you only need a specific hardware device very rarely. So, you can insmod x then use the h/w, then rmmod x.

22 Incremental backups

Uses a clever and simple technique of find that allows it to compare all files that are newer than a timestamp file.

find <top-directory> -newer <file that has a time stamp> > ~/list-of-newer-files

for example: first create the timestamp: date > /tmp/timestamp make some changes, add files, modify files…. find /etc -newer /tmp/timestamp > /root/netcfg.1st

netcfg.1st will have a list of files modified since timestamp file. This is just to show you how it the technique works. You wont' actually be using this netcfg.1st file.

22.1 important note, re content of timestamp file.

It does not matter WHAT is in the timestamp file, a date, or some poem. What find -newer looks for is the modification time of that timestamp file So if you look at ls -l /tmp/timestamp you will see the actual time that finder will use.

22.1.1 touch to change the mod time

You can use touch to change the mod time to a date-time of your choosing:

i.e. to set it to Nov 15, 2019, twelve noon, issue: touch -t 201911151200.00 /tmp/timestamp

create a new directory: /tmp/lab1

Then issue the command to copy (cp) the file with place-marker {} into that directory using this command:

find /etc -newer /tmp/timestamp -exec cp {} /tmp/lab6 \;

23 journalctl

See man journalctl, but basically journalctl is used on systemd server where the systemd gathers log messages that woud otherwise go to all sorts of different files and directories according the the utility that is generating the log messages, and brings them all into one place, the journal.

These commands may be used to query the system journal. The system journal is where the kernel writes messages (see also /var/log/messages )

  • journalctl -f follow (like tail -f)
  • journalctl -r newest first
  • journalctl -o short (for short output)
  • journalctl -v verbose
  • journalctl -u sssd (for a specific service, or unit)
  • journalctl -u httpd
  • journalctl -fu httpd (to monitor or follow just the httpd messages)
  • journalctl --boot (entries since boot)
  • journalctl -b (entries since boot)
  • journalctl -b -2 (entries since two boots ago)
  • ~
  • journalctl --list-boots (show when the system was booted in the past)
  • ~
  • journalctl --since "1 hour ago"
  • journalctl --since "2 days ago"
  • journalctl --since "2020-02-26 23:15:00" --until "2020-02-27 23:20:00"
  • journalctl -o json (json output)
  • journalctl -o json-pretty
  • journalctl -g grep

The -o parameter enables us to format the output of journalctl query.

  • -o (or --output if we are using the long form parameter name) can take a few values.
  • json will show each journal entry in json format in one long line. This is useful when sending logs to a log centralization or analysis service, since it makes them easier to parse.
  • json-pretty will show each log entry in easy-to-read json format.
  • verbose will show very detailed information for each journal record with all fields listed.
  • cat shows messages in very short form, without any date/time or source server names.
  • short is the default output format. It shows messages in syslog style.
  • short-monotonic is similar to short, but the time stamp second value is shown with precision. This can be useful when you are looking at error messages generated from more than one source, which apparently are throwing error messages at the same time and you want to go to the granular level.

See for mode detail on what can be seen and how to peruse the log

24 syslog levels

From syslog(2) man pages.

Kernel constant   Level value   Meaning
    KERN_EMERG             0        System is unusable
    KERN_ALERT             1        Action must be taken immediately
    KERN_CRIT              2        Critical conditions
    KERN_ERR               3        Error conditions
    KERN_WARNING           4        Warning conditions
    KERN_NOTICE            5        Normal but significant condition
    KERN_INFO              6        Informational
    KERN_DEBUG             7        Debug-level messages

25 Optional CentOS EPEL repos

25.1 EPEL

Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository is missing, and will not be installed. If you did want to install it it would be with:

EPEL repository

sudo yum install epel-release sudo yum repolist or sudo dnf ???? this needs finishing…

25.2 htop

Once EPEL has been installed above, you can install htop using: turn on EPEL repo

sudo yum search htop
sudo yum install htop    or sudo yum -y htop
sudo yum info htop
sudo yum update htop
sudo yum info htop

You may also consider bashtop along with htop. bashtop uses more resources but is nicer and possibly easier to use.

26 adding a new user with useradd

  • man useradd # like adduser (which is the symlink to useradd)
  • useradd mara # like adduser (which is the symlink to useradd)
  • passwd mara

Some linux distributions adduser -=i is not just a symlink but a wrapper perl script that is a dummied down version of useradd, with prompts if you have an admin that does not know how to read man pages, or query stackexchange or even just duckduckgo

26.1 change a user's shell

To change a user to use /usr/bin/bash use the command:

  • chsh /usr/bin/bash betty OR
  • usermod -s /usr/bin/bash betty

26.2 remove login shell for daemon users

To change a user to use /sbin/nologin use the command:

  • chsh /sbin/nologin apache


  • usermod -s /sbin/nologin apache
  • usermod -s /sbin/nologin nginx
  • usermod -s /sbin/nologin mysql

26.2.1 Check what shell you are running

There are several ways. It is good to know several as there are differences between the shells you are running, and one method may work for one and not the other.

  1. echo $0 Most shells store the current shell in the variable $0
  2. echo $SHELL Another common variable set to the shell you are running
  3. echo $$ Most shells set the PID of the currently running process to the special variable $$ You can follow up with ps -p PID
  4. ps -p $$ does the above in one command
  5. echo $BASH within a bash shell
  6. echo $VERSION within a tcsh shell
  7. if [ -z "$BASH" ]; then echo "Run script $0 with bash please"; exit; fi Actually $0 is set to the current running process. From within a shell that is obviously the shell itself, but $0 would be the script name from within a running bash script etc. (-z object) means if object exists return true.

26.3 groups

The file /etc/groups shows groups. However the command group <userid> will show what groups a user belongs to.

26.4 add user to existing group

Use sudo usermod -a -G wheel sally to add sally to the wheel group Or sudo usermod -a -G nginx zintis to make user zintis to sudo group.

26.5 change pirmary group of a user

To change an existing user's existing group to some new group use: sudo usermod -g newgroup sally Now sally will have a primary group "newgroup"

26.6 Add a group (new group)

Use sudo groupadd newestgroup55 to add a new group called newestgroup55

26.7 change a file's group ownership

This can be done in one of two ways.

  1. using the chown -R userid:groupid <file(s)> for example to change all files in this directory and all subdirectories to have owner and group be nginx:nginx chown -R nginx:nginx *
  2. use chgrp -=R nginx * to change the group of each file to nginx and do it for all subdirectories too.

To hit just the filename hosts the command would be chgrp wheel hosts

27 Linux architecture

27.1 inodes

inodes are the metadata of a file . inodes specify the data structure for file metadata. The size of your inodes are determined when the disk drive or partition is created. Usually defaults are fine. If you know that your partition will be used for either relatively few, but large files, you could save some space by creating less inodes, OR, if you know you will have very many relatively small files, you should partition your disk with many more inodes.

Unless you use zfs, a modern file system, the inodes are created on demand, so you should never run out.

check inode of a file with stat filename

check free inodes using df -i or df -hi

  • ls -i

will show you that an inode is paired with every file. An inode contains these things:

  • size in bytes
  • location on disk
  • permissions
  • owner
  • group owner
  • file creation/modification/access times
  • reference count (i.e. how many hardlinks reference this file)

You can think of a directory as a table of filenames and their associated inode.

on ext3 and ext4 filesystems, the default number of inodes reserved is one inode per 16 kB of space. So on average if you have files that are 16 kB large you can fill your space. If you have on average files of less than 16 kB, then you may run out of inodes, called inode exhaustion.

inodes belong to the file, not the directory.

27.1.1 stat <filename>

The command stat hosts.txt will show you the details of the inode for hosts.txt file.

if your process is suspect, or having performance issues, you can dig deep and do a strace (system trace) on the PID.

strace -f -tt -s 200 -p $PID (man trace of course…)

  • -f trace child processes as they are forked.
  • -tt prefix each line of the trace and include microseconds
  • -s 200 specifies the max string size to print, so 200 in this case. default 32
  • -t prefix each line of the trace with the wall clock time

In Linux (nix) *EVERYTHING is built around the idea of files, stderr, stdin, stdout, piping, redirect, etc.

/proc subtree, is the kernel state reflected as a file system tree. Good idea to browse this, and learn from it.

top and htop actually talks to the /proc subtree. Sample session:

sudo -i
cd /proc
cd 1
cat cmdline
ls -al cwd
ls fd  # file descriptors
ls maps
cat maps

man strace trace system calls # this gets down to serious weeds.

man pmap ? pidof ssh, pidof /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm ?? I think this returns a number, say 1234, for which you can then do: pmap 1234

And, also check out man lsof -p1234 tells you what file handlers are attached to this inode ? Helps you figure out if you suffer from inode exhaustion. Could be a problem only if you have many many small files.

28 Cryptographic hashing sha1, sha256

To print the sha256 hash of a file use sha256sum myfile.txt on Linux You can then use that to compare with the published sha256 hash to see if the file has been tampered with. Remember that the hash is like a file's fingerprint, where it is very easy to produce the hash from the file, but almost impossible to produce a different file with the same hash. So if someone changes a single character in the file, the hash will be completely different from the original hash, and no way to get this new file, no matter what characters you add or subtract, to produce the same hash.

  • sha256sum file1.txt > file1.hash | diff file1.hash downloaded-hash

On MacOSX, to find the sha1 checksum of a file mygadget.dmg run:

  • shasum -a 256 mygadget.dmg

    From man page: -a, –algorithm 1 (default), 224, 256, 384, 512, 512224, 512256 -b, –binary read in binary mode -c, –check read SHA sums from the FILEs and check them –tag create a BSD-style checksum -t, –text read in text mode (default) -U, –UNIVERSAL read in Universal Newlines mode produces same digest on Windows/Unix/Mac -0, –01 read in BITS mode ASCII '0' interpreted as 0-bit, ASCII '1' interpreted as 1-bit, all other characters ignored

    The following five options are useful only when verifying checksums: –ignore-missing don't fail or report status for missing files -q, –quiet don't print OK for each successfully verified file -s, –status don't output anything, status code shows success –strict exit non-zero for improperly formatted checksum lines -w, –warn warn about improperly formatted checksum lines

    -h, –help display this help and exit -v, –version output version information and exit

Other tools to confirm (check) sha256 checksums on a file are:

  • openssl dgst -sha256 <file>

On CentOS the command is sha256sum as opposed to shasum -a 256

29 Linux time, timezones, chrony

chrony is the replacement for the depracated ntpd process

man chrony

Check the date and time with: date

date Date +%A\ %b%e\ %R

More on string formats for dates: %A could be "Monday" %b could be "Apr" %e could be 09 %d is also 31, but %e is space padded. %R could be 18:30 %R is the same as %H:%M %F is the same as %Y-%m-%d obviously year, month, day %H is hour %k is hour too, but space padded.

29.1 timedatectl

To display current settings and time: timedatectl without any arguments.

To set time zone: timedatectl set-timezone America/Toronto (EDT, -0400) If you don't know what the timezone is called, just list them all: timedatectl list-timezones | grep -i america

To adjust the time forward 5 hours:

29.2 Time Stamp Counter (TSC)

To determine if you machine has a tsc; cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep constant_tsc If you get any output you have tsc.

29.3 KVM guest's time out of sync

If your host was suspended or put to sleep, the time of the guest will be out of sync when they wake up.

The simple solution is to reboot the guest, or not go to sleep on the host.

30 lspci (list pci hardware)

to list the installed pci hardware on your system lspci

  • users tells you who is logged in
  • id tells you info on your own account (basically your line in /etc/passwd
  • od octal dump usually od -xc or od -bc or just od -c If you want to display the offset counter (left most column) in octal format -Ao (but that is the default) -Ax displays it in hexadecimal format. So: od -Ax -bc file.txt
  • dd Data duplicator (aka data destroyer if you are not careful). Takes just 2 arguments, plus options: if= and of= and options
    • dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/copyofsda.img
    • dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/copyofsda.img status=progress # show % progress
    • dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/copyofsda.img status=progress bs=4096


  • dd uses:
    • dd if/dev/sda | gzip -c > /tmp/sdadisk.img.gz
    • dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 bs=4096 conv=noerror,sync

    use 4k _blocksize and ? ? do it synchronously ?

    or, just plain

    • dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1
    • dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress for a progress bar.

    In either case, the same partition layout and everything else will be created on dev/sdb1 as on /dev/sda1.

gzip -dc /tmp/sdadisk.img.gz | dd of=/dev/sda

More dd use cases described in

After cloning using dd you can check the new partition with:

  • fdisk -l /dev/sda1 /devsda2
  • readelf -h file Reads the elf header (-h option) of an elf executable file

    For example readelf /bin/ls | less

30.1 tail -f vs less

It turns out you can use less and get more functionality, even when compared with tail -f. Simply use the "command" F while in less and you will get auto updates at the end of the file, yet still be able to scroll back lines, and then go back to the "end" with G etc.

31 Bash script here documents and here strings

A _block_ of code, that is a form of i/o redirect.

It could be part of a shell script, and it feeds a command list to an interactive program or command line. The here document can be treated as a separate file, or also as multiple line input redirected to a shell script

31.1 here syntax

command << HERESTRING

The HERESTRING is often EOF or >>EOF or just EOF The command can be any bash command, for example wc -l which would just show you who many lines are in the HEREDOCUMENT.

For a more useful example, you could cat a here document that lists the arguments of the calling command:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat << EOF
   0th argument is: $0
   1st argument is: $1
   2nd argument is: $2

The run that script with Apples oranges peaches you should get

0th argument is: Apples
1st argument is: oranges
2nd argument is: peaches

An even better example for ftp:

ftp -n << MYFTP 2> /dev/null
       user anonymous
       cd folderofgoodstuff
       mget file1 file2 file3

31.2 here strings

used for input redirection from text or a variable. The input is included in the same line with single quoatation marks.

wc -w <<< 'Hello World!'

I have also seen here docs starting with the HERESTRING in single quoatation marks, such as

#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat << 'EOF' 
   0th argument is: $0
   1st argument is: $1
   2nd argument is: $2

31.3 grep string -A3 "After 3 lines"

This will show lines that contain 'string' as well as 3 lines after that line. Try this: grep "if " -A3 ~/bin/python/bin/*.py

Kind of useful, I think.

31.4 grep string -B1 "Before 1 line"

Similarily this shows the line and 1 line before that line as well. grep "elif" -B2 ~/bin/python/bin/*.py

31.5 grep vs egrep

grep just looks for the actual string egrep interprets certain characters as grep commands, like | for "or", & for "and"

31.6 Input File Seperator, $IFS

By default the $IFS is set to a <space>, i.e. ' ' You can change that in a script, but good idea is to change it back to what it was when you started. We need to save that as $OLDIFS. Like this example, that has input that are comma separated i.e. csv

#!/bin/env bash
... do you thing with inputs that are separated with single tics
#!/bin/env bash

while read user job uid location
# first four fields in a csv file
    echo -e "\e[1;33m$user \
    Role : \t $job\n\
    ID : \t $uid\n\
    Site : \t $location\n"
  done < $1


note that the echo command above could all have been written on one line but the "\" character simply spans the echo statement across to the next line in the code. It has nothting to do with the newline character, which is \n apart from often coming right after it. You could have written

   echo -e "\e[1;33m$user  ==================\e[0m\n Role : \t $job\n ID : \t $uid\n Site : \t $location\n"

And gotten the exact same output from the script.

31.6.1 echo -e

A bit more on echo -e. Rather than pipe an echo into a

  • awk '{gsub(/:/, "\n"); print}

You can accomplish printing different fields on separate lines using this native echo -e construct:

  • echo -e "${PATH//:/\\n}"

31.7 Output Field Separator OFS

This seciton has not been completed.

32 Trouble booting into a GUI

32.1 Boots into a command line

My Almalinux was booting into a command line, so I issued the command:

  • sudo systemctl set-default graphical

After that my system tried to boot into a GUI, but I got this error:


Figure 1: Oh no! Something has gone wrong

So now I have to get out of this GUI, then fix what is wrong. It's like I dug a deeper hole.

First step is to realize that in this window, it is the GUI that is failing, and your system may have already booted ok. To get out of the GUI, try:

  • Ctrl-Alt-F4

This will get you to a command prompt. I had to change my mac keyboard touchbar settings to show F1, F2, etc. I usually have the touchbar set to Expanded Control Strip. I have to remember to set it back. Especially if you have swapped Caps Lock key with the fn key, like I have. You need to have fn key set to Change Input Source for the caps lock switch to work.

32.2 Force boot into safe mode

32.3 isolate vs set-default vs get-default

To temporarily change the run level or target, use isolate To make the change permanent use set-default. To read what is currently set, use get-default

To switch from GUI to CLI: systemctl isolate

To switch from CLI to GUI: systemctl isolate

To list available targets: systemctl --type=help

To set the CLI as a default runlevel (target in systemd terminology):\ systemctl set-default

Analogously for GUI: systemctl set-default

32.4 mulit-user vs graphical vs safe or single-user??

33 systemctl commands

Here are some useful systemctl commands related to targets.

sudo systemctl --type=help    # lists available units, including "targets"
sudo systemctl --type=target  # lists available targets
sudo systemctl get-default    # what target is currently the default
sudo systemctl set-default    # change defazult to

33.1 Home