fish shell cheat sheet


1 My fish shell config tips

2 fish config files:

~/.config (has configs for GNS3, wireshark, htop, and now fish ~/.config/fish/ ~/.config/fish/functions/

3 fish environment variables


set -x PYENVVERSION 3.7.5


The run #!/usr/bin/env python

4 fish shell specific commands: functions,

5 omf themes

Once fish and omf have been installed, you can issue omf commands to choose themes and plugins.

  • Note that you won't find omf as a command: i.e. which omf returns null. But fish has 'omf' saved as an abbreviation, 'abbrev'.

omf themes

To install one of these themes use omf install flash omf install hulk Note to self: this updates the file ~/.config/omf/theme to the one line 'hulk' omf install chain

To see help for omf type: omf help

COMMANDS cd Change to root or package directory. channel Get or change the update channel. describe Show information about a package. destroy Uninstall Oh My Fish. doctor Troubleshoot Oh My Fish. help Shows help about a command. install Install one or more packages. list List installed packages. new Create a new package from a template. reload Reload the current shell. remove Remove a package. repositories Manage package repositories. search Search for a package or theme. theme Install and list themes. update Update Oh My Fish. version Display version and exit.

  (  ) Users ) zintis  ) omf theme                                                            20:00:58 ≡ 2
default	flash

agnoster		emoji-powerline		lolfish			scorphish
aight			es			mars			separation
ays			fishbone		mish			shellder
batman			fishface		mokou			simple-ass-prompt
beloglazov		fishy-drupal		mtahmed			simplevi
bira			fisk			nai			slacker
bobthefish		flash			nelsonjchen		slavic-cat
bongnoster		fox			neolambda		spacefish
boxfish			gentoo			numist			sushi
budspencer		gianu			ocean			syl20bnr
cbjohnson		gitstatus		one			taktoa
chain			gnuykeaj		pastfish		technopagan
clearance		godfather		perryh			toaster
cmorrell		graystatus		pie			tomita
coffeeandcode		harleen			plain			trout
cor			idan			pure			tweetjay
cyan			integral		pygmalion		uggedal
dangerous		jacaetevha		random			will
default			johanson		randomrussel		wolf-theme
dmorrell		kawasaki		redfish			yimmy
doughsay		krisleech		red-snapper		zeit
eclm			l			rider			zephyr
edan			lambda			robbyrussell		zish
eden			lavender		sashimi
(  ) Users ) zintis  ) omf install  robbyrussell        

6 other fish commands:

See the docs at

6.1 abbr

abbr –add [SCOPE] WORD EXPANSION abbr –erase word abbr –show abbr –list

6.2 functions fishprompt

functions fish_prompt is a very useful command to see where the fish prompt is coming from. You may have omf instll a theme, but not change the prompt if there is a fishprompt in you function path that is taking precedence over the omf theme installed version.

Look for the first line that says somthing like:

6.2.1 Most likely directory that holds the fishprompt files.

The directory Users/zintis.config/fish/functions hold the current active file, However.. it is a symlink to the themed files.

These omf themed directories are all located in: ~/.local/share/omf/themes

So that means there is a file in each of: default/ clearance/ flash/ etc….

6.3 omf remove flash

you can remove the themes you no longer want with this command. Good idea to to an omf list first

6.4 omf list

Shows you what plugins and what themes you have instlled, and which ones are active.

6.5 omf theme

changes to a theme that is already installed

Once installed, it will have clobbered any existing file that was located in the .local/share/omf/themes/themname directory.

So a good idea is to record the changes you make to these themed prompts so that you can tweak them again. I have typically changed to "promptpwd" to "pwd" as I like to see the whole directory.

6.6 omf install

installs a theme. You can get the list from omf list

6.7 omf doctor

I did this when working out my prompt, and what themes I liked. This is what I got

➜  zintis omf doctor
Oh My Fish version:   6
OS type:              Darwin
Fish version:         fish, version 3.0.2
Git version:          git version 2.23.0
Git core.autocrlf:    no
Warning: is overridden.
fish_config command persists the prompt to ~/.config/fish/functions/
That file takes precedence over Oh My Fish's themes. Remove the file to fix it:
rm ~/.config/fish/functions/

If everything you use Oh My Fish for is working fine, please don't worry and just ignore the warnings. Thanks!
➜  zintis 

Note: since the file ~/.config/fish/functions/ is just a symbolic link, I typically don't hesitate to delete it.

Then I can issue the command omf theme x to switch to theme x, and omf will then cretae a new version of ~/.config/fish/functions/

7 bobthefish theme customization

Display all possible bobthefish colour themes: bobthefish_display_colors --all

Can change them by editing: ~/.config/fish/functions/

7.1 powerline fonts:

These can be tried at a later time

7.2 options not yet tried:

7.2.1 option 1

function fishmodeprompt end

7.2.2 option 2

8 Useful commands:

8.1 recursive searches

ls /var/**.log will do a recursive listing of all files ending in .log This is a very useful feature… ** says do the search with *, but the second * means do it for all subdirectories too.

8.2 auto suggestions from history

as you type, fish will narrow down your choices from your history buffer. When you see what you want, you can: rightarrow to accept C-f to accept M-rightarrow to accept a single workd of the suggest

8.3 Tab completions

tab will try to complete the arugument, command, or path. if there are more than one option, fish (tab) will show them as you type

8.4 omf

omf (for oh my fish) omf theme # to list the available themes

My fish shell did not find omf as a command. ????? Feb 6, 2020

8.5 prompt

Bobthefish prompt has an extensive options sample on github

set -g themedisplaygit no set -g themedisplaygituntracked no set -g themedisplaygitaheadverbose yes set -g themegitworktreesupport yes set -g themedisplayvagrant yes set -g themedisplaydockermachine no set -g themedisplayhg yes set -g themedisplayvirtualenv no set -g themedisplayruby no set -g themedisplayuser yes set -g themedisplayvi no set -g themedisplaydate no set -g themedisplaycmdduration yes set -g themetitledisplayprocess yes set -g themetitledisplaypath no set -g themetitleuseabbreviatedpath no set -g themedateformat "+%a %H:%M" set -g themeavoidambiguousglyphs yes set -g themepowerlinefonts no set -g themenerdfonts yes set -g themeshowexitstatus yes set -g defaultuser yournormaluser set -g themecolorscheme dark set -g fishpromptpwddirlength 0 set -g themeprojectdirlength 1

8.6 ~/.config/fish/conf.d/

I found these in the file ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ set -g themedisplayrust yes set -g themedisplaynode yes set -g themedisplaypwdonsecondline yes set -g themedisplaygitonfirstline yes set -g themedisplayruby no

Compare these locations: ~/.config/fish/conf.d/ ~/.config/fish/

function _bobthefishpwd -d 'Get a normalized $PWD'

builtin pwd -P 2>/dev/null or echo $PWD end

-——————————from some other dump (to review) ——————— Quick list for aliasing:

functions aliasname

functions -n

functions -c newalias aliasname

functions -e aliasname

To list what aliases you have already defined:

ls -la ~/.config/fish/functions/ To see what is contained in the functions, use:

type functionName

functions functionName To create an alias:

alias lss 'ls -lart | sort -k9,9' To save said alias:

funcsave lss View the contents of the function:

functions lss

function lss –description 'alias lss ls -lart | sort -k9,9' ls -lart | sort -k9,9 $argv; end To remove an alias:

rm ~/.config/fish/functions/ or use:

functions -e aliasname Oh My Fish

Use nvm with fish If you have Oh My Fish installed then install the bass plugin:

omf install bass Then add the following to your file:

function nvm bass source (brew –prefix nvm)/ –no-use ';' nvm $argv end

set -x NVMDIR ~/.nvm nvm use default –silent Then source the file:

source ~/.config/fish/ List out added aliases I found this handy function on Stack Overflow which will list out your functions:

function aliases –description "list all fish aliases";for f in (functions);functions $f | grep \'alias;end;end; Then you save it funcsave aliases and use it:

aliases function c –description 'alias c code .' function g –description 'alias g git' function lss –description 'alias lss ls -lart | sort -k9,9' function ni –description 'alias ni npm i' function nid –description 'alias nid npm i -D' function nig –description 'alias nig npm i -g' function no –description 'alias no npm outdated' function nog –description 'alias nog npm outdated -g –depth=0' function nr –description 'alias nr npm run' function nrb –description 'alias nrb npm run build' function nrd –description 'alias nrd npm run dev' function nrf –description 'alias nrf npm run format' function nrs –description 'alias nrs npm run start' function nug –description 'alias nug npm -g un' function nun –description 'alias nu npm un' function r –description 'alias r cd mnt/d/repos' function yd –description 'alias yd yarn dev' function yg –description 'alias yg yarn go' function ys –description 'alias ys yarn start' The following you can copy pate into fish:

alias c 'code .';funcsave c;alias g 'git';funcsave g;alias lss 'ls -lart | sort -k9,9';funcsave lss;alias ni

8.7 Home