Some Eye-candy for Shells

1 tmux

2 ranger

3 bat (over cat)

4 lolcat

5 figlet

6 weather

A simple curl of with your location gives you a weather report for that location. I have some aliases set as follows:

alias lon='curl,on'
alias  sf='curl'
alias lon='curl'

7 NIST password recommendations

8 pfetch & neofetch

A downloadable bash script, stored in ~/bin/ gives me a nice summary of my system. I use it at the end of my .bashrc on moth macs and linux systems. The nice thing about using pfetch, is that once downloaded, ti RUNS LOCALLY

9 speed test via curl

A user has made links to a python prograam. Get it from:

  • curl -s | python3 -

10 More cool, low-footprint gadgets

10.1 figlet

figlet zintis

 ______       _   _     
|__  (_)_ __ | |_(_)___ 
  / /| | '_ \| __| / __|_
 / /_| | | | | |_| \__ \
/____|_|_| |_|\__|_|___/

figlet `date +%A\ %b%e` figlet `date +%A\ %b%e` figlet `date +%A\ %b%e`

10.2 command line web browsers

You can set the environment variable BROWSER=lynx and or BROWSER=w3m to open web pages in a command line browser. After that, you can run web searches such as googler or … to run command line web searches.

10.3 googler

Open source Google search from the command line. Make sure your BROWSER env variable is set to a command line browser such as lynx or w3m to get the results on the command line too. See ddgr if you are restricting google for your personal reasons.

  • googler ? will give you the quick instructions.

To install, use dnf install googler as an example.

You can set the BROWSER variable directly on the same command that you run googler, or even set an alias goog='BROWSER=w3m googler -j'

10.4 ddgr

Open source Duck-Duck-Go, ddg search from the command line. Just like with googler, make sure your BROWSER env variable is set and expoerted to a command line browser such as lynx or w3m to get the results on the command line too.

  • googler ? will give you the quick instructions.

To install, use dnf install googler as an example.

You can set the BROWSER variable directly on the same command that you run googler, or even set an alias goog='BROWSER=w3m googler -j'

10.5 surfraw

The oldest command line search tool, available on

You can tell surfraw to search a specific search service like google or duck duck go. Surfraw has many, that are listed in elvi from the home page or direclty here:

BROSWER=w3m surfraw google "figure eight knot"
BROSWER=w3m surfraw duckduckgo "figure eight knot"