Software Design and Design Patters


1 Organizing code into methods / functions, classes, modules

These are techniques/tools to let you follow Modular Design Principles Writing good modular programs means following some common, well tested principles.

  • Acyclic dependencies principle
  • Stable dependencies principle
  • Single responsiblility principle

1.0.1 Acyclic dependencies principle

Avoid loops in dependecies. i.e. a calls b calls c calls a if c is a method in module two, then c should not be calling method a that is in module one.



Figure 1: Cyclic Dependency

1.0.2 Stable dependencies principle

Packages should depend in the direction of stability. This means that every package should depend only on packages that are more stable than the package itself is.

1.0.3 Single Responsibility principle

Every module, class or function in a computer program should have responsibility over a single part of that program's functionality, and it should encapsulate that part. All of that module, class or function's services should be narrowly aligned with that responsibility.

1.1 Methods/Functions

Help with the DRY principle, "don't repeat yourself". Code is written once, then reused many times. Also, each method/function should implement only a part of the functionality provided by the software. This is called the - single responsibility principle. - single responsibility principle.

Two benefits of separating s/w code into modules are:

  1. Code can be separated from the rest of the application
  2. Module code can be reused by multiple applications

Code that does a single thing, but that can be called from many places. Lets you divide your code into small reuasable chunks. Always write a function when you start repeating the same code in more than one place. You should follow DRY principle "Don't Repeat Yourself"

1.1.1 keywords passed to a function are called arguments.

Used if a function needs some input on which to operate. Arguments are optional, depending on what your function does.

1.1.2 return

Some functions just do a task, end, & that's it. Others return a result to the calling code. That is done with the return statement.

1.1.3 variable scopes

Some variables are used just within the function and then are not needed anymore once a return is executed. These are called local variables and have a local scope. These variables are NOT available outside the function.

Other varibles are defined in the main program and are available to all parts of the program and functions defined in the program. When at all possible keep variables local, so that inadvertent bugs do not creep in where a global variable is being modified in two (or more) places, and messing up your code.

1.1.4 naming functions

Names should be short, but describe what the function does. (and that should be a single thing, so easy to desribe in one sentence.)

1.2 Classes

Creating a class means creating a new TYPE of object, not an instance of a type of object. x = 3 simply creates a new instance of an integer class object, and assigning it to "x". But creating a class is creating a new TYPE.

The new TYPE of object allows new instances of that type to be made. Each class instance can have attributes attached to it for maintaining its state. Class instances can also have methods (defined by its class) for modifying its state.

Benefits of classes (object oriented programming)

  1. modularity for easier troubleshooting
  2. Reuse of code through inheritance
  3. Flexibility through polymorphism
  4. Effective problem solving (breaking down problme into smaller easier ones)

Antoher source has these 3 benefits to classes (oop)

  1. MAINTAINABILITY Object-oriented programming methods make code more maintainable. Identifying the source of errors is easier because objects are self-contained.
  2. REUSABILITY Because objects contain both data and methods that act on data, objects can be thought of as self-contained black boxes. This feature makes it easy to reuse code in new systems.Messages provide a predefined interface to an object's data and functionality. With this interface, an object can be used in any context.
  3. SCALABILITY Object-oriented programs are also scalable. As an object's interface provides a road map for reusing the object in new software, and provides all the information needed to replace the object without affecting other code. This way aging code can be replaced with faster algorithms and newer technology.

1.2.1 Why classes are more than just dictionaries.

Classes can have:

  1. methods (any function inside a class is called a "method")
  2. initialization
  3. help text
  1. Init method (a.k.a. "constructor")

    def _init__( self,

    The init method is called every time you create a new instance of this class. Said in other words, the init method is always called the first time you create an object of this class.

    The first argument is always called "self". It is a reference to the new object being created.

    The additional arguments are optional. If they are added, then you must store these values in fields, using the self. syntax as below:

    def __init__(self, argument2, argument3)
        self.field2 = argument2
        self.field3 = argument3
    import datetime
    class User:
      ''' this docstring will be displayed if one issues help(User).
      The class has two methods, init and age. '''
        def __init__(self, full_name, birthday):
   = full_name
            self.birthday = birthday
          # can store the value in birthday in a field called birthday.
          # so be careful when coding.  The second 'birthday' in that line is
          # the value provided when you create a new instance of the object
          # the first 'birthday' is the name of the field where we will store
          # this provided value.
          # Expanding the init method, we can extract first and last names
            name_pieces = full_name.split(" ")
          # this will store strings split on spaces into an array.
            self.first_name = name_pieces[0]
            self.last_name = name_pieces[-1]  # just look at the last string
          # self.last_name = name_pieces[1]   # would give you the second string
          # which might be an initial, and not the last name
          # Note that we can create variables in the method, but they exist
          # only inside the method and are killed when the method exits.
          # i.e. first_name = name_pieces[0] would NOT assign anythying to the
          # object
        def age(self):
           ''' Return the age of the user in years. '''
           yyyy = init(self.birthday[0:4])
           mm = init(self.birthday[4:6])
           dd = init(self.birthday[6:8])
           dob =, mm, dd)
           age_in_days = (today - dob).days
           age_in_years = age_in_days / 365
           return int(age_in_years)
    # Now we can create an object, let's call it 'user':
    user = User("Michael Palin", 19430505)
    print(user.age())  # will print 80 if you run  this in Nov, 2019
    help(User) to see all sorts of additional info to the docstrings you added.

    From devnet:

    "Class is a construct used in an object-oriented programming (OOP) language. OOP is a method of programming that introduces objects. Objects are basically records or instances of code that allow you to carry data with them and execute defined actions on them. It represents a blueprint of what an object looks like, and how it behaves is defined within a class.

    Class is a formal description of an object that you want to create. It will contain parameters for holding data and methods that will enable interaction with the object and execution of defined actions. Classes can also inherit data from other classes. Class hierarchies are made to simplify the code by eliminating duplication.

    Every language has its own way of implementing classes and OOP. Python is special in this manner because it was created according to the principle "first-class everything." Essentially, this principle means that everything is a class in Python.

    See Object Oriented Programming OOP section in file.

2 Object Oriented Programming OOP

Object Oriented Programming has formally defined properties:

  • encapsulation
  • data abstraction
  • polymorphism
  • inheritance

2.1 encapsulation (think private variables)

Encapsulation in OOP conceals the internal state and the implementation of an object from other objects. It can be used for restricting what can be accessed on an object.

You can define that part of data that can be accessed only through designated methods and not directly; this is known as data hiding.

In Python, encapsulation with hiding data from others is not so explicitly defined and can be interpreted rather as a convention. It does not have an option to strictly define data being private or protected. However, in Python, you would use the notation of prefixing the name with an underscore (or double underscore) to mark something as nonpublic data. When using the double underscore, name mangling occurs; i.e in a runtime that variable name is concatenated with the class name.

If you have a __auditLog() method in a device class, the name of the method becomes _Device__auditLog(). This is helpful to prevent accidents, where subclasses override methods, and break the internal method calls on a parent class. Still, nothing prevents you from accessing the variable or method, even though, by convention, it is considered private.

class Device:
   def __auditLog(self):
      # log user actions

   def action(self):
      # perform desired action and log
      (self.__auditLog()     # private methods can typically called only
                             # within the same class

2.2 data abstraction

modules, classes or finctions directly. The ambition of an abstraction is to hide the logic implementation behind an interface. Abstractions offer a higher level of semantic contract between clients and the class implementations. When defining an abstraction, your objective is to expose a way of accessing the data of the object without knowing the details of the implementation.

Abstract classes are usually not instantiated; they require subclasses that provide the behavior of the abstract methods. A subclass cannot be instantiated until it provides some implementation of the methods that are defined in the abstract class from which it is derived. It can also be said that the methods need to be overridden.

2.3 polymorphism

Allowing routines to use variables of different types at different times.

Goes hand in hand with class hierarchy. When a parent class defines a method that needs to be implemented by the child class, the method is considered polymorphic, because the implementation would have its own way of presenting a solution than what the higher-level class proposed.

Polymorphism is present in any setup of an object that can have multiple forms. when a variable or method accepts more than one type of variable, it is polymorphic.

2.4 inheritance

Already discussed in python classes.

2.5 Classes are more than just dictionaries.

Classes can have:

  1. data
  2. methods (any function inside a class is a "method", or "class method")
  3. initialization
  4. help text

Python Classes provide all the standard features of object oriented programming.

Python uses classes because classes allow us to logically group our data and functions in a way that is easy to reuse, and easy to build upon if needed. Think of it as simply bundling 1) data and 2) functionality on that data. Thus accomplishing the "data abstraction" property of OOP

Can also think of classes as "a template for creataing objects with related 1) data, and 2) functions that do interesting things with that data" - Socratica

New classes can be defined based on existing classes. When they do they inherit the properties, data, and functionality of the existing class.'

In python you do NOT have to predeclare instances of objects. They get declared/created the first time you use a class to create a class instance.

Outside of the class, you refer to methods inside the class as class.method i.e. use the "dot" notation.

variables declared inside a class are not private. But by convention only people use _varname for variables intended to be private (i.e. used only within the class or function.

See for detail on classes and methods.

2.6 Modules

Independent, python code, able to be imported into other code, and thus reused many times.

Grouping more complicated code, that can have several functions (methods) inside can be done by saving the code into a separate python script, and then importing that script into your own program. These seperate python scripts are called modules

You can write your own modules

You can import modules from the standard library

You can import modules from other repositories from various sources.

Modules are python programs, hence end in .py. However because there is no other type of import that one can do in python, you do not have to include the .py at the end. It is implied.

When a module is imported, it gets executed right away. If you need to re-execute a module in its entirety, you use the reload call, but that is rare.

Functions within these modules are called methods. They can be called by your main program using the "dot" notation module.method.

You can run a module directly, in which case it takes the name "main" or you can import it into another program, in which case its name is the same as the module's name itself. hence the: ~if _ name _ = _ main_ block.


3 Unified Modelling Language, UML

This is taken from the Devasc study group materials: (without permission, so private use only.)

The Unified Modeling Language (UML) was created because programming languages, or even pseudocodes, are usually not at a high level of abstraction. UML helps developers to create a graphical notation of the programs that are being built. They are especially useful for describing, or rather sketching, code written in object-oriented style.


Figure 2: UML class diagrams for MVC based application in python

The UML can sketch your program before you start writing code for it. It can define many details of a class and the connection between other classes. In this example, the Router object would inherit all the fields and methods from the Device object. Class inheritance is shown with a solid line and an arrow at the end.

You can use UML as part of the documentation for a program, or use it for reverse-engineering an existing application, to get a better picture of how the system works.


4 Common Software Architecture patterns

  • Layered or multi-tiered architectural pattern
  • Model-View-Controller architectural pattern
  • Microservices architectural pattern
  • Event driven architectural pattern
  • Space-based architectural pattern

4.1 Layered / Multi-tiered architectural pattern

Most common of all. Each layer performs a specific role in the application.


Figure 3: Layered / Multi-tiered Architectural Pattern

Since Business Layer and Pesistence layer are often combined, also known as 3-layer arch. pattern

  • Presentation layer handles logic for user interfacing, takes user input, and returns output.
  • Business layer performs specific business rules, based on events or user requests
  • Persistence layer handles requests for data through sql queries to the database layer
  • database layer

Each layer keeps to its own layer, so easier to develop and maintain apps. Layer "skipping" is NOT allowed, so the presnetation layer should NEVER directly access the database layer, etc.


Figure 4: Layered / Multi-tiered Architectural Pattern

4.2 MVC

First off the Gang of Four published a book on s/w design patterns that revolutionized s/w development. They classified three main categories of design patterns:

  1. Creational - the patterns concerned with the class or object creation mechanisms. They are used to guide, simplify, and abstract software object creation at scale.
  2. Structural - deals with the class or object compositions for maintaining flexibility in larger projects; Patterns describing reliable ways of using objects and classes for different kinds of software projects.
  3. Behavioral - describes ways of interaction between classes or objects. Patterns detailing how objects can communicate and work together to meet familiar challenges


Figure 5: Software Design Patterns (in 3 classes)

4.2.1 MVC

Model–view–controller is a software design pattern commonly used for developing user interfaces that divides the related program logic into three interconnected elements. This is done to separate internal representations of information from the ways information is presented to and accepted from the user.


Figure 6: Model View Controller

See more in MVC Model View Controller org file.

the web based MVC is different than the classic model due to request/response nature of the web.

  1. Model

    The model is the application's data structure and is responsible for managing the data, logic and rules of the application. This is the data that will be displayed and modified. In Python frameworks, this component is often represented by the classes used by an object-relational mapper.

    It gets input from the controller.

  2. View

    The view is the visual representation (the presentation) of the data. There can be multiple representations of the same data. This component’s job is to display the data of the model to the user. Typically this component is implemented via templates

  3. Controller

    The controller is like the middleman between the model and view. It takes in user input and manipulates it to fit the format for the model or view. The controller reacts to user actions (like opening some specific URL), tells the model to modify the data if necessary, and tells the view code what to display,

    The execution of the Model-View-Controller looks like this:

    1. The user provides input.
    2. The controller accepts the input and manipulates the data.
    3. The controller sends the manipulated data to the model.
    4. The model accepts the manipulated data, processes it, and sends the selected data (in the strictest forms of MVC, via the controller) to the view.
    5. The view accepts the selected data and displays it to the user.
    6. The user sees the updated data as a result of their input.

    The benefit of the Model-View-Controller design pattern is that each component can be built in parallel. Since each component is abstracted, the only information each component needs is the input and output interface for the other two components. Components don't need to know about the implementation within the other components. What's more, because each component is only dependent on the input it receives, components can be reused as long as the other components provide the data according to the correct interface.

    In classic MVC pattern, the view (via ui elements) sends messages to the controller. the controller than updates the model via business logic. the model in turn fires change events that the view receives, and uses them update its display. this is really popular where the UI runs on a separate thread. see OS/X and IOS applications which use the builtin MVC pattern.

    in the web based MVC, the view does a form get/post to a controller. the controller updates state info, and builds a new view model. the view model is sent to the view engine, and returns the view as html to the browser, which redisplay the page.


    Figure 7: Model View Controller Cisco's diagram

4.2.2 MVC Benefits

  1. Faster development
  2. Easy to provide multiple views (no need to alter model or controller)
  3. support async (so fast for user)
  4. Mods do NOT affect entire model so get flexible presentation changes
  5. Model returns data without formatting
  6. Separation of concern
  7. independent testing of components
  8. pluggable components

4.2.3 MVC Drawbacks

  1. increased complexity (even on small changes to model, you need to go through the controller to change the views)
  2. Excessive # of change notifications
  3. View and Controller tight coupling
  4. Separate controller sometimes needed.

4.2.4 MVC design patterns:

Common design pattersn that are used in MVC:

  • Observer Pattern
  • Strategy Pattern
  • Composite Pattern
  • Factory Patter
  • Adapter Patter

This doc covers only the Observer Pattern

4.3 Observer Pattern (an MVC pattern)

Also known as Event-Subscriber or Listener pattern.

The Observer design pattern is based on subscriptions and notifications. It allows observers (objects or subscribers) to track state changes of many objects. Lets them receive events when there are changes to a object that is being observed.

From wikipedia: "The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object, a.k.a. the subject:

  1. subjects maintains a list of its dependents called observers,
  2. subjects have methods to add and remove observers
  3. implement a callback that notifies them automatically of any state changes,

usually by calling one of their methods."

The Observer pattern addresses the following problems:[2]

  • A one-to-many dependency between objects should be defined without making the objects tightly coupled.
  • It should be ensured that when one object changes state, an open-ended number of dependent objects are updated automatically.
  • It should be possible that one object can notify an open-ended number of other objects.

Pattern is similar to a "publish-subscribe" pattern but there is a third component, the message broker, that is needed for them to communicate.

Uses notify() when subject


Figure 8: Observer Model

Executing this diagram would take these steps: The execution of this design pattern looks like this:

  1. An observer adds itself to the subject's list of observers by invoking the subject's method to add an observer.
  2. When there is a change to the subject, the subject notifies all of the observers on the list by invoking each observer's callback and passing in the necessary data.
  3. The observer's callback is triggered, and therefore executed, to processh t~he notification.~
  4. Steps 2 and 3 continue when the subject changes, i.e. there is an event
  5. When the observer is done receiving notifications, it removes itself from the subject's list of observers by invoking the subject's method to remove an observer.
  6. they know about each other!

4.3.1 Observer registration

There needs to be a method of observers to register to a subject. This will most likely include a need to authenticate the observer.


Figure 9: Observer Communications

4.3.2 Observer Benefits

  1. A benefit is that observers get real time data from the subject as soon as subject changes. This is going to provide better performance than polling
  2. Support loose coupling between objects that interact.
    • allows sending data to other classes without needing to change those other classes.
  3. Flexible (observers can be added or removed at any time)

4.4 Comparing MTV with MVC

Model maps to Model : i.e. the data Template maps to View : i.e. the layout View maps to Controller : i.e. the business logic

Model Model the data
View Template the layout
Controller View the business logic

4.5 1.7 Explain the advantages of version control

  1. collaboration
  2. backups / versions
  3. documented changes

4.6 1.8 Utilize common version control operations with Git

git sees a project directory as a root of a tree, with sub-directories as trees, and files as blobs.

1.8.a Clone git clone <url> Takes the whole repository and copies it into a new directory. The repository could be a remote one or a local one. If local it will just create hard-links to the files in the repository, rather than duplicate space. (if you are taking a backup, you can add option -no hard-links and the copies will be true copies.

1.8.b Add/remove git add <new or modified files> to the respository (from the staging area)

1.8.c Commit git commit -m "Commit message" takes staging area files and creates a point in time state of all the files in the staging area (that your are adding)

1.8.d Push / pull The git pull command is used to fetch i.e. download, content from a remote repository and immediately update the local repository to match that content. The git pull command is actually a combination of two other commands, git fetch followed by git merge. In the first stage of operation git pull will execute a git fetch scoped to the local branch that HEAD is pointed at. Once the content is downloaded, git pull will enter a merge workflow. A new merge commit will be-created and HEAD updated to point at the new commit.

git push # will send the locally modified files to the git repository git pull # will receive a copy of the latest version from the git repository

1.8.e Branch git branch will display all the available branches as well as the branch currently active. git branch -vv will be extra verbose about it.

git branch covid-19 creates a new branch called covid-19, which points to the same place where HEAD is pointing. At this point HEAD will point to master as well as covid-19. (HEAD -> master, covid-19)

git checkout covid-19 will replace the current directory contents with the contents of what covid-19 is pointing to, (which at this point is the same, so no change really) but git log --all --graph --decorate shows us that we are now (HEAD -> covid-19, master) ie. that HEAD is pointing to covid-19 which is also the same place where master is.

Now if you start editing and adding files, the changes will be committed into the covid-19 branch, where HEAD is pointing. Master will still be pointing to the master snapshot.

any changes are committed to covid-19. i.e. (HEAD -> covid-19) and (master) is beside the snapshot it was on before. i.e. master stays the same

If we issue git checkout master, the current directory is overwritten with what was in the master commit, and HEAD -> master, Covid-19 is unchanged.

So you can flip back and forth between two developments streams.

  • git checkout master
  • git checkout covid-19

1.8.f Merge and handling conflicts git merge is the opposite of git branch. After you have 1 or more branches and you want to re-combine them into the master train, you use the git merge.

  1. git checkout master # to git you back on the master train.
  2. git log –all –graph –decorate –oneline # just to take bearings
  3. git merge covid-plots If there are no merge conflicts, you are done. However if conflicts arise between master and covid-plots, a human has to decide what changes take precedence and what changes will be discarded.
  4. git merge --abort if you get messed up.
  5. git mergetool # start comparing what changes over-write each other.
  6. if you configure git properly, you can tell it to use vimdiff every time you run git mergetool. OR, you can manually run vimdiff
  7. vimdiff
  8. git merge --continue to proceed where you left off to make the human conflict resolution change.

1.8.g diff git diff filename is the same as saying git diff HEAD filename i.e. it compares the current file to the file as it was in the last commit.

Similarly git diff 42bcdea8 will compare the current file to the state it was in the commit identifited by commit-id 42bcdea8

zp: checkout gitcheckout -b <new branch name> git checkout covid-19 will replace the current directory contents with the contents of what covid-19 is pointing to, (which at this point is the same, so no change really) but git log --all --graph --decorate shows us that we are now (HEAD -> covid-19, master) ie. that HEAD is pointing to covid-19 which is also the same place where master is.

5 Software Development Methods (agile, lean, and waterfall)

5.1 agile

Agile is flexible, and customer focused. Agile came about after years of using waterfall and identifying its shortfalls. in 2001 developers wrote the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, a.k.a. Agile Manifesto

5.1.1 Agile Manifesto

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documenation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

5.1.2 12 principles of Agile

  1. Customer focus: Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
  2. Embrace change and adapt: Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage.
  3. Frequent delivery of working software: Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale.
  4. Collaboration: Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
  5. Motivated teams: Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done
  6. Face-to-face conversations: The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face-to-face conversation.
  7. Working software: Working software is the primary measure of progress.
  8. Work at a sustainable pace: Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace =indefinitely.
  9. Agile environment: Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
  10. Simplicity: Simplicity–the art of maximizing the amount of work not done–is essential.
  11. Self-organizing teams: The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
  12. Continuous Improvement: At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

One of the differences between agile software development methods and waterfall is the approach to quality and testing. In the waterfall model, work moves through Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) phases —with one phase being completed before another can start —hence the testing phase is separate and follows a build phase. In agile software development, however, testing is completed in the same iteration as programming.

Because testing is done in every iteration—which develops a small piece of the software— users can frequently use those new pieces of software and validate the value. After the users know the real value of the updated piece of software, they can make better decisions about the software's future. Having a value retrospective and software re-planning session in each iteration— Scrum typically has iterations of just two weeks—helps the team continuously adapt its plans so as to maximize the value it delivers.

5.1.3 Agile variations

  • Agile Scrum small teams meet daily for short periods and work interactively in short sprints
  • Lean eliminate wasted effort in planning and execution. Reduce programmer cognitive load
  • XP Extreme Programming as opposed to scrum xp is specific and prescriptive in coding practices

In all agile methodologies, many quick/small sprints are done versus the single long waterfall marathon. In sprints, programmers tackle single tasks a.k.a. stories as they think they can finish in a set time limit.

Product manager keeps track of the backlog of stories.

When a feature is at or near the top of the backlog, it gets broken down into individual tasks a.k.a. user stories Each story should be small enough that it can be comleted by the team in a single sprint. At the end of each sprint, working software must be delivered.

Example of a user story:

  • As a auditor, I would like to see project id related to each expense item so that we have full transparency and accountability of expenses
  • "As a <role> I would like <action>, so that <value|benefit>."
  1. Scrum teams

    Made up of different roles, cross functional, collaborative, self-empowered Whole team is accountable for completion of a user story, even if an individual has comleted their individual task.

    Less than 10 people

    Scrum meets in a stand-up which only lasts 10 minutes (hence you don't even need to sit down)

    Scrum master runs the stand-ups where each member states

    • what they have accomplished since last stand-up
    • what they will work on for next stand-up.

    Scrum master reports on, and helps knock down obstacles.

5.1.4 Advantages of Agile

  • The rapid and continuous delivery of software releases helps customers to better understand what the final piece will look like. This capability also provides a fully working code improved week after week, leading to customer satisfaction.
  • Thanks to Scrum, people interaction is emphasized.
  • Late project changes are more welcome.

5.1.5 Disadvantages of Agile

  • This kind of approach lacks emphasis on good documentation, because the main goal is to release new code quickly and frequently.
  • Without a complete requirement-gathering phase at the beginning of the process, customer expectations may be unclear, and there is a good chance for scope creep.
  • Rapid development increases the chance for major design changes in the upcoming sprints, because not all the details are known.

5.2 lean automotive industry (history)

In Japan automotive industry, they pioneer lean management philosophy. The aim is to eliminate waste. If you do not need it, get rid of it. So minimize constraints (resources) so you are not overallocating resources and creating waste.

  1. Purpose Which customer problems will we solve? The 5 "whys" are:
    • why does it solve the problem?
    • why continuously to fully understand the purpose

    and keep going with more Why questions to get more answers. Actually, who what where when why not why why why why why

  2. Process how will the org asses each major value stream to make sure it is
    • valuable
    • capable
    • available
    • adequate
    • flexible
  3. People The root of it is getting the right people to take responsibility and produce outcomes.


Figure 10: Lean Philosophy 3 pillars:

5.3 Lean 7 Principles (seven in total)

  1. Eliminate waste Lean philosophy regards everything not adding value to the customer as waste (muda). Such waste may include:
    1. Partially done work
    2. Extra processes
    3. Extra features
    4. Task switching
    5. Waiting
    6. Motion
    7. Defects
  1. Partially Done Work

    Wasteful because it doesn't add value to the customer, and the time spent could have been spent on something that DOES add value to customer. The work probably won't be maintained either so eventually it becomes obsolete.

  2. Extra processes

    Like a bunch of paperwork. Mostly they are useless and unneccessary. So obviously wasteful in time and effort and don't add value to the customer.

  3. Extra Features

    If the customer did not ask for it, it probably does not add value to them. The customer won't use it, so it becomes obsolete.

  4. Task switching

    Wastes a resources time, so don't assign a person to multiple projects. Same goes for other resources. It takes time for a person to switch over thinking and remembering where they left off on an interrupted task.

  5. Waiting

    Waiting by definition is a waste of time. Waiting comes from:

    • starting the project
    • getting the right resources (staff)
    • getting the requirements from the customer
    • approvals of documentation
    • getting answers
    • making decisions
    • implementation
    • testing
  6. Motion

    Motion of people is "when people need to physically walk from their desk to another team member to ask a question, collaborate etc. The waste is in the travel time, as well as the task-switching time.

    Motion of artifacts is when documents or code are moved from one person to another. The artifact most likely is missing parts which means someone has to gather facts again, or the task swithing is done twice, which wastes time.

  7. Defects

    Unnoticed defects (bugs) can cause a snowball effect wtih other features, so the time to debug is a waste. For a customer, running into a bug does not bring value, and wastes everyone's time.

    1. Amplify learning Software development is a continuous learning process based on iterations when writing code. The learning process is sped up by usage of short iteration cycles – each one coupled with refactoring and integration testing. Increasing feedback via short feedback sessions with customers helps when determining the current phase of development and adjusting efforts for future improvements. During those short sessions, both customer representatives and the development team learn more about the domain problem and figure out possible solutions for further development. Thus the customers better understand their needs, based on the existing result of development efforts, and the developers learn how to better satisfy those needs exactly rather than waste time on features that do not bring value.
    2. Decide as late as possible As software development is always associated with some uncertainty, better results should be achieved with a set-based or options-based approach, delaying decisions as much as possible until they can be made based on facts and not on uncertain assumptions and predictions. Also if a decision has not yet been made, you can be more flexible.
    3. Deliver as fast as possible The sooner the end product is delivered without major defects, the sooner feedback can be received, and incorporated into the next iteration. The shorter the iterations, the better the learning and communication within the team. With speed, decisions can be delayed.
      • enables customers to provide feedback
      • enables developpers to amplify learning
      • gives customers the features they need now
      • does not allow customers to change their mind
      • Makes everyone make decisions faster
      • produces less waste
    4. Empower the team Traditionally, managers tell workers how to do their own job. In a work-out technique, the roles are turned – the managers are taught how to listen to the developers, so they can explain better what actions might be taken, as well as provide suggestions for improvements. The lean approach follows the agile principle[7] "build projects around motivated individuals […] and trust them to get the job done"[8], encouraging progress, catching errors, and removing impediments, but not micro-managing.
    5. Build integrity in Conceptual integrity means that the system’s separate components work well together as a whole with balance between flexibility, maintainability, efficiency, and responsiveness. This could be achieved by understanding the problem domain and solving it at the same time, not sequentially. The needed information is received in small batch pieces – not in one vast chunk - preferably by face-to-face communication and not any written documentation. The information flow should be constant in both directions – from customer to developers and back, thus avoiding the large stressful amount of information after long development in isolation.
    6. Optimize the whole "Think big, act small, fail fast; learn rapidly"[9] – these slogans summarize the importance of understanding the field and the suitability of implementing lean principles along the whole software development process. Only when all of the lean principles are implemented together, combined with strong "common sense" with respect to the working environment, is there a basis for success in software development.

5.4 waterfall

The waterfall model is a breakdown of project activities into linear sequential phases, where each phase depends on the deliverables of the previous one and corresponds to a specialisation of tasks. The approach is typical for certain areas of engineering design. In software development, it tends to be among the less iterative and flexible approaches, as progress flows in largely one direction ("downwards" like a waterfall) through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, deployment and maintenance.


Figure 11: Waterfall Model

One of the differences between agile software development methods and waterfall is the approach to quality and testing. In the waterfall model, work moves through Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) phases —with one phase being completed before another can start—hence the testing phase is separate and follows only after the build phase. Also with waterfall, the detailed requirements analysis up-front is supposed to lay out the details of all the requirements that will be needed up front, so head-count and timelines can be allocated. It rarely works out like this though, and since there is no flexibilty to return to a completed phase it is very inflexible.

(In agile software development, however, testing is completed in the same iteration as programming.)

  1. 1 Requirements and Analysis

    owner and developer team gather the requirements for the s/w to be built. Important to include potential customer direct user's input.

    • who are the stakeholders?
    • what are their challenges/pain-points
    • what has already been tried
    • will this s/w replace existing s/w or processes?
    • what is the culture/acceptance to change, risk, technical skills.

    Next with these questions answered, start answering more settings questions:

    • What is the company' current infrastructure, apps, user environments, i.e. windows or mac or linux users?, mobile or desktop, on-staff developer skills
    • what is the company's current IT infrastructure, roadmap, headcount, developer skills,
    • how much cloud? - mobile? web, devops, testing, ci/cd?

    Then you start getting detailed requirements:

    • what features are needed/wanted
    • how many users will use it, at what projected load?
    • what user experience is expected? mobile/web/desktop?
    • what are the integration points to other s/w and company processes?
    • how much should the s/w scale?

    Finally start nailing down architecture:

    • is the project feasible with the given budget
    • how will the s/w be tested?
    • how is this s/w delivered to end users?

    Result is SRS or Software Requirements Specification document. Compare that to agile dev. where you get an "MVP" minimum viable product, which is a starting point which will be used

  2. Design

    Takes the SRS as input. s/w is written to meet the SRS. Protypes are written, sometimes to confirm best design for the final s/w.

    At conclusion of design phase output is a HLD (High-Level Design) and a LLD (Low-Level Design) document. HLD is written in plain english, LLD describes details in individual components, inter-component protocols, lists required classes etc.

    Compare to agile that not document much at this stage.

  3. Implementation.

    Takes HLD/LLD as input and writes the code to completion. All components are written to completion. This is the longest phase. testing engineers also write test plans now.

    Compare to agile where some whiteboarding is enough to start coding. That works because the MVP is simple and team is small. Comparing further, agile begins stressing code with tests much earlier. And TDD writes test before all else.

    Implementation phase a.k.a. build phase, coding phase, development phase.

  4. Testing

    code is run through test plan. Test plan is a document that includes a list of every single test to be performed in order to cover all of the features and functionality of the software, as specified by the customer requirements.

    Testing also includes:

    • integration testing
    • performance testing
    • security testing

    After testing phase is complete, code is ready for production.

  5. Deployment

    Code is moved into production. If no problems installing into production environement product manager with architects adn testing engineers decide whether to release the code. Code is ideally bug free, but ideals are never attained.

  6. Maintenance

    During maintenance phase you

    • provide customer support
    • fix bugs found in production
    • work on s/w improvements
    • gather new requirements/feature requests from customer

    With new requirements collected the whole process loops back to start over. Compare that with agile where this loop is closed immediately and often. Much shorter develpment sprints are the norm.

5.4.1 Benefits of Waterfall

  • Design errors are highlighted before any code is written, saving time during the implementation phase.
  • Good documentation is mandatory for this kind of methodology. This effort is useful for engineers in the later stages of the process.
  • Because the process is rigid and structured, it is easy to measure progress and set milestones.

5.4.2 Disadvantages of Waterfall

  • In the very early stages of a project, it can be difficult to gather all the possible requirements. Clients can only fully appreciate what is needed when the application is delivered.
  • It becomes very difficult (and expensive) to re-engineer the application, making this approach very inflexible.
  • The product will only be shipped at the very end of the chain, without any middle phases to test. Therefore, it can be a very lengthy process.

6 Test-Driven Development, TDD

Start wtih capturing design requirements as tests, then writing software to pass those tests. This is called Test-Driven Development (TDD).


Figure 12: Test-driven Development TDD

6.0.1 TDD Workflow

Workflow is as straightforward as the illustration below shows. In planning, the team thinks, discusses, and comes up with ideas. The ideas become tests, but the first test is designed to be expected to fail. The code is then rewritten to enable the test to pass. Once the test has passed, the code is refactored further until the best design eventually emerges. This newly refactored code continues to be under test until design finalization.


Figure 13: Test-driven Red Green Refactor

A differentiating feature of test-driven development versus writing unit tests after the code is written is that it makes the developer focus on the requirements before writing the code, a subtle but important difference.

From: : When learning about test driven development you'll soon come across the "red, green, refactor" mantra. It's TDD in a nutshell. Write a failing test, write the code to make it pass, make the code better.

The refactor set is often skipped though. People write the failing test, they write the code to make it pass, and move on to the next test.

Skipping the refactor step means you're not taking full advantage of what the TDD process has to offer. Having green lets you change your code with confidence. Don't pass on this opportunity.


Figure 14: Improve Code Quality through Refactoring

A more full view would be this lifecycle:


Figure 15: Full TDD Lifecycle

6.1 TD Functional Writing

Before you implement a function, focust on concrete examples of how the function should behave, as if it were already implemented.

Ask things like:

  • "What are some usual arguments? Things I expect to be sent to the function These are called use cases.
  • "What are some valid, but unusual arguments? I might not expect to get these, but they are still valid arguments These are called edge cases
  • "What is some bone-head user, or nefarious hacker going to try with my funciton" These are called look this up

Finally ask "What is your expected return value for each set of inputs. These will be what your tests will assert against.

6.2 TDD from study group

Straight copy from /Test Driven Development Test-Driven Development Building small, simple unit and integration tests around small bits of code helps us:

Ensure that units are fit for purpose. In other words, we make sure that they're doing what requirements dictate, within the context of our evolving solution. Catch bugs locally (such as at the unit level) and fix them early, saving trouble later on when testing or using higher-order parts of our solution that depend on these components. The first of these activities is as important as the second (maybe more important), because it lets testing validate system design or — failing that — to guide local refactoring, broader redesign, or renegotiation of requirements.

Testing to validate (or initially, to clarify) design intention in light of requirements implies that we should write testing code before we write application code. Having expressed requirements in our testing code, we can then write application code until tests pass.

This is the principle of Test-Driven Development (sometimes called Test-First Development). The basic pattern of TDD is a five-step, repeating process:

  1. Create a new test (adding it to existing tests, if they already exist): The idea

here is to capture some requirement of the (perhaps not-yet-created) unit of application code we want to produce.

  1. Run tests to see if any fail for

unexpected reasons: If this happens, correct the tests. Note that expected failures, here, are acceptable (for example, if our new test fails because the function it's designed to test doesn't yet exist, that's an acceptable failure at this point).

  1. Write application code to pass the new test: The rule here is

to add nothing more to the application besides what is required to pass the test.

  1. Run tests to see if any fail: If they do, correct the application code

and try again.

  1. Refactor and improve application code: Each time you do, re-run

the tests and correcting application code if you encounter any failures.

By proceeding this way, the test harness leads and grows in lockstep with your application, perhaps literally on a line-by-line basis, providing very high test coverage (verging on 100%) and high assurance that both the test harness and the application are correct at any given stopping-point. Co-evolving test and application code this way:

Obliges developers to consistently think about requirements (and how to capture them in tests). Helps clarify and constrain what code needs to do (because it just has to pass tests), speeding development and encouraging simplicity and good use of design patterns. Mandates creation of highly-testable code. This is code that, for example, breaks operations down into pure functions (functions that don't access global variables of possibly-indeterminate state) that can be tested in isolation, in any order, and so on.

6.3 1.1 Compare data formats (XML, JSON, and YAML)

6.4 1.2 Describe parsing of common data format (XML, JSON, and YAML) to Python data structures

  • minidom for XML
    from xml.dom.minidom import parse, parseString
    datasource = open('c:\\temp\\mydata.xml')
    dom2 = parse(datasource)
  • xml.etree.ElementTree
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    tree = ET.parse('acme-employees.xml')
    tree2 = ET.fromstring(acme-employees-long-string-of-xml)      # if a string

    ET has two classes, ElementTree class represents the whole xml document as a tree. While Element represents a single node in this tree. So interactions to the whole document use ElementTree while single elements and its sub-elements use Element.

    Could also use xmltodict

    • json:

    Read (json.load) and write (json.dump)

    with open('/Users/zintis/eg/code-examples/mydevices.json', 'r') as readdevices:
       ingest_dict = json.load(readdevices)
    with open('/Users/zintis/eg/code-examples/sample.json', 'w') as dumpback2json:
        json.dump(ingest_dict, dumpback2json)
  • json.load(filehandle) to read
  • json.dump(jsonobject, filehandle) to write

A real-life example of an ip table read in from a router. The file is [file:///Users/zintis/eg/code-examples/show-ip-route-response.json]

After the json is parsed into a python dictionary, say X, then could be retrieved as:

  • IPaddr = X["ietf-interfaces"]
  • YAML writing:
    with open(r'E:\data\store_file.yaml', 'w') as file:
      documents = yaml.dump(dict_file, file)

    You can also dump in a sorted keys order:

    with open(r'E:\data\store_file.yaml') as file:
      documents = yaml.load(file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    sort_file = yaml.dump(doc, sort_keys=True)

7 Full section on python interfaces, coupling, etc

7.1 Cohesion

Defined as code that is performing to a single task or tight, narrow range of tasks. You want high cohesion. If a function is doing two unrelated things, it has low cohesion. bad

Same is exteded from functions, up to modules. So you want modules that contain strongly related classes and functions.

7.2 Coupling

Loose Coupling in s/w development means reducing dependencies of a module class or function that uses different modules, classes or finctions directly.

Ideally you want to reduce dependencies between modules so loose coupling so that you can make changes to one module, and not affect other modules.

Note: I did not write the following section. source unknown though. My apologies to the author. TODO: find the author and add the credit.

In dynamically typed languages, no explicit interface is defined. In these types of languages, you would normally use duck typing, which means that the appropriateness of an object is not determined by its type (like in the statically typed languages) but rather by the presence of properties and methods. The name "duck typing" comes from the saying, "If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck." In other words, an object can be used in any context, until it is used in an unsupported way. Interfaces are defined implicitly with adding new methods and properties to the modules or classes.

Observe the following example of the module.

import db

class App:
    def __init__(self):
        self.running = False
        self.database = db.DB()

    def startProgram(self):
        print('Starting the app...')
        self.running = True

    def runTest(self, DB):
        print('Checking if app is ready')
        if 'Users' in DB.keys():
            return True
            return False
The signature of is as follows:

from init import Initialization

class DB:
    def __init__(self):
        self.DB = None

    def setupDB(self):
        print('Creating database...')
        self.DB = {}
        init = Initialization()
        self.DB = init.loadData(DB)
The initialization class is part of the init module.

import app 

initData = {
    'Users': [ 
        {'name': 'Jon', 'title': 'Manager'}, 
        {'name': 'Jamie', 'title': 'SRE'} 

class Initialization: 
    def __init__(self): = initData 
        self.application = app.App() 

    def loadData(self, DB): 
        DB = 
        validate = self.application.runTest(DB) 
        if validate: 
            return DB 
            raise Exception('Data not loaded')

This is an example of a cyclic dependency where the app module uses the database module for setting up the database, and the database module uses the init module for initializing database data. In return, the init module calls the app module runTest() method that checks if the app can run.

In theory, you need to decide in which direction you want the dependency to progress. The heuristic is that frequently changing, unstable modules can depend on modules that do not change frequently and are as such more stable, but they should not depend on each other in the other direction. This is the so-called Stable-Dependencies Principle.

Observe how you can, in a simple way, break the cyclic dependency between these three modules by extracting another module, appropriately named validator.

class Validator: 
    def runTest(self, DB): 
        print('Checking if app is ready...') 
        if 'Users' in DB.keys(): 
            return True 
            return False

The app class no longer implements the logic of the runTest() method, so the init module does not reference it anymore.

import validator

  # <...  output omitted ...>

class Initialization:
    def __init__(self): = initData 
        self.validator = validator.Validator() 

    def loadData(self, DB): 
        DB = 
        validate = self.validator.runTest(DB) 
        if validate: 
            return DB 
            raise Exception('Data not loaded')

The cyclic dependency is now broken by splitting the logic into separate modules with a more stable interface, so that other modules can rely on using it.

Note Python supports explicit abstractions using the Abstract Base Class (ABC) module, which allows you to develop abstraction methods that are closer to the statically typed languages. Modules with stable interfaces are also more plausible candidates for moving to separate code repositories, so they can be reused in other applications. When developing a modular monolithic application, it is not recommended to rush over and move modules in separate repositories if you are not sure how stable the module interfaces are. Microservices architecture pushes you to go into that direction, because each microservice needs to be an independent entity and in its own repository. Cyclic dependencies are harder to resolve in the case of microservices.

7.2.1 Single-Responsibility Principle

A single module should be responsible to cover some intelligible and specific technical or business feature. As said by Robert C. Martin, coauthor of the Agile Manifesto, a class should have one single reason to change. That will make it easier to understand where lay the code that needs to be changed when a part of an application must be revisited. When a change request comes, it should originate from a tightly coupled group of people, either from the technical or business side, that will ask for a change of a single narrowly defined service. It should not happen that a request from a technical group causes an unwanted change in the way business logic works. When you develop software modules, group the things that change for the same reasons, and separate those that change for different reasons. When this idea is followed, the single-responsibility design principle is satisfied.

Modules, classes, and functions are tools that should reduce complexity of your application and increase reusability. Sometimes, there is a thin line between modular, readable code, and code that is getting too complex.

7.3 Loose Coupling

Loose coupling in software development vocabulary means reducing dependencies of a module, class, or function that uses different modules, classes, or functions directly. Loosely coupled systems tend to be easier to maintain and more reusable.

The opposite of loose coupling is tight coupling, where all the objects mentioned are more dependent on one another.

Reducing the dependencies between components of a system results in reducing the risk that changes of one component will require you to change any other component. Tightly coupled software becomes difficult to maintain in projects with many lines of code.

In a loosely coupled system, the code that handled interaction with the user interface will not be dependent on code that handles remote API calls. You should be able to change user interface code without affecting the way remote calls are being made, and vice versa.

Your code will benefit from designing self-contained components that have a well-defined purpose. Changing a part of your code without having to worry that some other components will be broken is crucial in fast-growing projects. Changes are smaller and do not cause any ripple effect across the system, so the development and testing of such code is faster. Adding new features is easier because the interface, for interaction with the module, and implementation will be separated.

So how do you define if a module is loosely or tightly coupled?

Coupling criteria can be defined by three parameters:

Size Visibility Flexibility This criteria is based on the research of Steve McConnell, an author of many textbooks and articles on software development practices.

The number of relations between modules, classes, and functions defines the size criterion. Smaller objects are better because it takes less effort to connect to them from other modules. Generally speaking, functions and methods that take one parameter are more loosely coupled than functions that take 10. A loosely coupled function should not have more than two arguments; more than two should require justification. Functions that look similar, or they share some common code, should be avoided and alternated if they exist. A class with too many methods is not an example of loosely coupled code.

When you implement a new fancy solution to your problem, you should ask yourself if your code became less understandable by doing that. Your solutions should be obvious to other developers. You do not get extra points if you are hiding and passing data to functions in a complex way. Being undisguised and visible is better.

For your modules to be flexible, it should be straightforward to change the interface from one module to the other. Examine the following code:

import addressDb 

class Interface: 
    def __init__(self, name, address): = name 
        self.address = address 
        self.state = "Down" 

class Device: 
    def __init__(self, hostname): 
        self.hostname = hostname 
        self.motd = None 
        self.interface = Interface 

    def add_to_address_list(self): 

# The device module interacts with the add() function of a module addressDb.

def add(interface): 
    <... implementation omitted ...> 
    print(f'adding address {interface.address}')
    At first sight, this code looks good. There are no cyclic dependencies
    between the modules. There is actually just one dependency. The function
    takes one argument and there is no data hiding or global data modification,
    so it looks pretty good. What about flexibility? What if you have another
    class called "Routes" that also wants to add addresses to the database, but
    it does not use the same concept of interfaces? The addressDb module expects
    to get an interface object from where it can read the address. You cannot
    use the same function for the new Routes class; therefore, the rigidness of
    the add() function is making code that is tightly coupled. Try to solve this
    using the next approach.

def add(address): 
     <... implementation omitted ...> 
    print(f'adding address {address}')
    The add() function now expects an address string that can be stored directly
    without traversing the object first. The function is not tied anymore to the
    interface object; it is the responsibility of the caller to send the
    appropriate value to the function.

class Device:
    def add_to_address_list(self):

Note Python, which uses duck typing, did not require the exact object of type interface, but only an object that can conform with the add() function. In statically typed languages, the correct object type would be required. If you fundamentally change the conditions of a function in a loosely coupled system, no more than one module should be affected.

The easier a module or function can call another module or function, the less tightly coupled it is, which is good for the flexibility and maintenance of your program code.


Cohesion is usually discussed together with loose coupling. It interprets classes, modules, and functions and defines if all of them aim for the same goal. The purpose of a class or module should be focused on one thing and not too broad in its actions. Modules that contain strongly related classes and functions can be considered to have strong or high cohesion.

The goal is to make cohesion as strong as possible. Aiming at strong cohesion, your code should become less complex, because the logically separated code blocks will have a clearly defined purpose. This should make it easier for developers to remember the functionality and intent of the code.

def save_and_notify(device, users):
   filename = '/opt/var/'
   file = open(f'{filename}', "w")
   for user in users:

The saveandnotify() function is an example of low cohesion, because even the name suggests that the code in the function performs more than one action; it backs up the data and notifies the users.

Note Do not rely on a function name to identify if it has high or low cohesion. A function should focus on doing one thing well. When a function executes a single thing, it is considered a strong, functional cohesion as described by McConnell.

Here is an example of a code with lower cohesion:

def log(logdata): 
 file = open('/var/logs/app.log}', "w") 
 logdata = [] 

 return logdata

In the log() function, the collected logs in the logdata variable are first being logged to disk, and then the same data is cleared in the next step. This is an example of communicational cohesion, in which there are multiple operations that need to be performed in a specific order, and those steps operate on the same data. Instead, you should separate the operations into their own functions, in which the first logs the data, and the second—ideally, somewhere close to the definition of the variable—clears the data for future usage.

Another example is logical cohesion, which happens when there are multiple operations in the same function and the specific operation is selected by passing a control flag in the arguments of a function.

def actions(device, users, action):
 if action == 'backup': 
     file = open(f'{filepath}', "w") 
 if action == 'notify': 
     for user in users: 
 if action == 'wipe': 
     device = None 
     return device

Instead of relying on a flag inside a single function, it would be better to create three separate functions for these operations. If the task in a function would not be to implement the operations, but only to delegate commands based on a flag (event handler), then you would have stronger cohesion in your code.

8 Software Developement and Design

8.1 Microservices

Software development life cycle, SDLC, starts wtih an idea, ends with quality working s/w. It includes:

  1. 1 Requirements and Analysis
  2. Design
  3. Implementation (build)
  4. Testing
  5. Deployment
  6. Maintenance

(Not to be confused with Build-Test-Deploy steps in CI/CD processes. In fact

  1. Plan
  2. Code
  3. Build
  4. Test
  5. Deplooy
  6. Operate
  7. Monitor


Figure 16: Software Development Life Cycle

Several methodologies can be used for this purpose. Such as waterfall, agile, test driven, lean

From the Cisco Study Group:

Cloud-based applications that are meant to be flexible and scalable, supporting complexities that networks introduce, will use a different approach to software design than, for example, an enterprise application that can be more predictable, with a simpler deployment model. Different architecture and design patterns emerge from the needs to make efficient use of the deployment options and services that applications are offering.

Cloud-based and other applications are often split into a suite of multiple smaller, independently running components or services, all complementing each other to reach a common goal. Often, these applications communicate with lightweight mechanisms such as a Representational State Transfer (REST) application programming interface (API).

This type of architecture is widely known as microservices. With microservices, each of the components can be managed separately. This means that change cycles are not tightly coupled together, which enables developers to introduce changes and deliver each component individually without the need to rebuild and redeploy the entire system. Microservices also enable independent scaling of parts of the system that require more resources, instead of scaling the entire application. The following figure shows an example of microservice architecture with multiple isolated services.

8.1.1 Monoliths

An applicsation that runs a single logical executable unit. If your app is simpler than writing a monolith may be the way to go.

8.2 Home