my cheat sheet on arch linux


1 First quick notes:

desktop manager is xfce

pacman is the package manager

dnf, yum, apt, brew, pacman, and use a gui for pacman called pamac

aur is the arch user repository aur wrappers are yay! (with dropping back into pacman) yay -s aur-package-I-want-installed

teamviewer and steam (needed pacman, and needed multiuser options on pacman)

arch website is the best resource.

switch xfce menu to wisker. Nautilus for file manager (naultilus file shares are good) otherwise use the built-in xfce file manager

arch linux rolling releases are bleeding edge.

2 Install lts

So that you can roll back earlier kernels, and then keep the last three latest kernels. Makes it much easier when a new kernel crashes your system. My CentOS system kept 5 previous kernels.

3 xfce customization

4 pacman and pamac

5 dxvk-bin (64 bit) (new version of vulcan)

6 glslang glu

for glx

7 clinfo

8 mesa mesa-demos

9 opencl-headers

10 opencl-mesa

11 lib32 packages

12 manjaro or archos for beginners

Native arch linux is bleeding edge and fully manual.

13 snaps (used by ubuntuu (canonical))

14 flatpaks (more universal)

flatpaks will hopefully cause snaps to become obsolete They are containers have all dependencies built-in.

they try to solve the problem of shared dependecies.

official flatpak website:

chris titus recommends have a base system with only what you need, then add flatpaks for apps on top of the base linux.

see tutorials online.

15 ansible arch linux modules


  • name: upgrade system pacman: updatecache: yes upgrade: yes

pacman module documentation in:

  • name: ansible user repository ansible-aur: See this link for more info in:

see for detail on ansible with arch linux

15.1 pacman ansible module example

- name: Install package foo from repo
    name: foo
    state: present

- name: Install package bar from file
    name: ~/bar-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
    state: present

- name: Install package foo from repo and bar from file
      - foo
      - ~/bar-1.0-1-any.pkg.tar.xz
    state: present

- name: Upgrade package foo
    name: foo
    state: latest
    update_cache: yes

- name: Remove packages foo and bar
      - foo
      - bar
    state: absent

- name: Recursively remove package baz
    name: baz
    state: absent
    extra_args: --recursive

- name: Run the equivalent of "pacman -Sy" as a separate step
    update_cache: yes

- name: Run the equivalent of "pacman -Su" as a separate step
    upgrade: yes

- name: Run the equivalent of "pacman -Syu" as a separate step
    update_cache: yes
    upgrade: yes

- name: Run the equivalent of "pacman -Rdd", force remove package baz
    name: baz
    state: absent
    force: yes

15.2 Home