my cheat sheet on AMP


2 AMP API Authentication HTTP Basic Auth

All API requests must use HTTP Basic Auth. Which if you remember from <link> uses a header called Authorization: with the value of "Basic mybase64string"

Where mybase64string was retrieved using a base64 encoding of username:password. i.e. echo -n "username:password" | base64 but the username is retrieved from the amp console as is "client_id" and the password is retrieved as "key". So you have to log in first to get generate the API key, and then use that key to generate the base64 encoding for use in HTTP Basic Auth requests to the cloud.

Send that prefixed with the string "Basic" as the authorization header. For instance, if your client_id was 1234, and your api_key was "atest", then it would be base64 encoded to "MTIzNDphdGVzdA==", and your header would be:

CAUTION Since the base64 encoding of your userid and password is NOT secure, do NOT store this string un-encrpted in this or any other file.

Authorization: Basic MTIzNDphdGVzdA==

2.1 Generating Client ID and API key:

  • login to AMP console
  • Go to Accounts > Settings
  • Features*
  • Configure API Credentials
  • generate the key and id

Once you have API client ID and API key, you can update the module to store them.

Alternatively use the Basic HTTP Authentication shown above, with a header of Authorization: Basic MTIzNDphdGVzdA== You can use a script to do this. That script is stored in _

3 Postman Basic Auth vs user:key@url

As of Feb 2nd, 2021 when using Postman, I had success when I used the Basic Auth approach. I took my API 3rd party ID and associated API Key and created a base64 string from echo -n "id:key" | base64. * From that I then created a header as follows: Authorization: resultingbase64string

What did NOT work was when I tried using the same id and key in this format: https://{{amp4e_client_id}}:{{amp4e_api_key}}@{{amp4e_host}}/v1/computers unless I also added the HTTP Basic auth header.

The result was the same…. hmmmm..

Anyway, here is the equivalent Postman generated Python code:

import requests
url = 'https://{{amp4e_client_id}}:{{amp4e_api_key}}@{{amp4e_host}}/v1/computers'
url = "https://85f5553ffa9425b99189:"

headers = {
  'Authorization': 'Basic ODVmNTUlas4mYTk0Mj23ggadfhr5uzdfgDQxZGUshdfhje34uyh34rtgfdbJdfgsfhhshhkerzQ1'

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload, timeout=400)


I will of course modify that, so as to use my module that stores all these userid and key pairings.

4 AMP API Rate Limits

API Clients are allowed to make a limited number of requests every hour. Each API response will include HTTP headers detailing the status of their rate limit. If the limit is overrun, then an HTTP 429 Error will be returned.

  • X-Rate-Limit-Limit Total allowed in current period
  • X-Rate-Limit-Remaining Request remaining
  • X-Rate-Limit-Reset Seconds before limit is reset

5 JSON Envelope on all Returns

All data returned will have this format:

  "version": "1.0.0",
  "errors": []

6 AMP and python API

7 SecureX

Cisco SecureX is built upon a collection of APIs which can be used to integrate your Cisco and third-party security products, automate the incident response process, and manage threat intelligence and security context data in a single location. With SecureX, you can:

Enrich an IP address, or file hash.

Load threat intelligence into your Private Intel Store

Manage your casebooks and investigation snapshots

Automate response actions

Provide a link for users to click and Investigate an alert or observable

7.1 SecureX Ribbon


Cisco SecureX is both a centralized console and a distributed set of capabilities that unify visibility,enable automation, accelerate incident response workflows, and improve threat hunting. These distributed capabilities are presented in the form of applications (apps) and tools in the SecureX ribbon.

The ribbon is located in the lower portion of the page, and persists as you move between the dashboard and other security products in your environment.

Use the ribbon to access the casebook, apps, settings, search observables for enrichment, and view incidents.

8 SecureX API Client

You can create an API Client following: secureX API Client link.

9 SecureX Encrich API doc

10 ThreatGrid API

Login to GUI is

From there you can retrieve your threatgrid API key

11 Umbrella API


Figure 1: Umbrella Overview


Figure 2: Umbrella Capabilities

What is a CASB? Cloud Access Security Broker

12 Umbrellas 7 different APIs


Figure 3: Umbrella's Seven APIs

13 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Appendices <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

14 Review of base64 encoding

Where: String composed of "Basic”, followed by a space, followed by the Base64 encoding of “username:password”, NOT including the quotes. For example Basic YWRtaW46TWFnbGV2MTIz, where YWRtaW46TWFnbGV2MTIz is the Base 64 encoding.

To get the credentials into a Base64 encoding you can send username:password through any Base54 encoding site, such as or in terminal:

  • echo -n "username:password" | base64 -n needed to remove the \n from echo string.

For example, echo -n "devnet:Cisco123" | base64 gets me ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzC

Reverse: echo "ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzC" | base64 -d gets me devnet:Cisco123

To do it right though, you either use or make sure that you do NOT include a line feed ("\n") in the string you want to encode. For me, all I had to do was change the last character from a "K" to a "=" But the correct way to do this is have echo not add a linefeed before you pass it to base64. So echo -n "username:password" | base64 is your ticket

Note that this is NOT secure. Anyone can decrypt this using base64 as well. Note also that if you want the password to contain special characters that are normally interpretted by the shell, you must \ escape the character first as in: echo -n "devnet:Cisco123\!" | base64 which is ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzXCEK=

The = or == are padding characters at the end of the string, if it does not land on proper boundary that base64 is looking for.

15 base64 in python base64.b64encode(auth)

Here's what I did using python. Notice the b'devnetuser:Cisco123!'

import base64
auth = b'devnetuser:Cisco123!'

Note that b64encode requires a bytes type object, NOT a string. So if I was to make auth = 'devnetuser:Cisco123!' the encoding with fail

Very similarly for AMP

a_id = env_user_zp.AMP["ID"]
a_passwd = env_user_zp.AMP["KEY"]
amp_creds_string = (a_id + ":" + a_passwd))
b_amp_creds_string = str.encode(amp_creds_string)
basic_auth_str = base64.b64encode(b_amp_creds_string)

This to show what is going on. I can shorten that to:

   amp_creds_string = env_user_zp.AMP["ID"] + ":" + env_user_zp.AMP["KEY"]
   # results in '85f5553ffa9425b99189:e84041de-c14a-46eb-973a-a495faaa8c45'
   b_amp_creds_string = str.encode(amp_creds_string)
   # results in b'85f5553ffa9425b99189:e84041de-c14a-46eb-973a-a495faaa8c45'

   basic_auth_str = base64.b64encode(b_amp_creds_string)
   # results in  b'ODVmNTU1M2ZmYTk0MjViOTkxODk6ZTg0MDQxZGUtYzE0YS00NmViLTk3M2EtYTQ5NWZhYWE4YzQ1'

15.0.1 decoding base64

echo "ZGV2bmV0OkNpc2NvMTIzXCEK" | base64 --decode -i to decode, & ignore non-base64 characters.

Example to get strings from the bytes type

import base64

message = "Python is fun"
message_bytes = message.encode('ascii')
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(message_bytes)
base64_message = base64_bytes.decode('ascii')


From my ipython session:

In [1]: mystring = "Hello World!"

In [4]: mybytes = mystring.encode('ascii')

In [5]: mybytes
Out[5]: b'Hello World!'

In [6]: type(mybytes)
Out[6]: bytes

In [7]: import base64
In [8]: mybase64bytes = base64.b64encode(mybytes)

In [9]: mybase64bytes
Out[9]: b'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh'

In [10]: back2string = mybase64bytes.decode('ascii')

In [11]: back2string
Out[11]: 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQh'

In [12]: type(back2string)
Out[12]: str

15.1 Home